this image contains text
- broken 1/95 - the fourth pack -
Welcome to Brokens fourth pack... Growing stronger as each day goes
on.. This is Edicius taking over the Public Relations end of the group
and writing the Info file, with help from The Master.. Seems Grey Hawk
is going for a Pilots Liscense, Fenric is on Vacation, and believe me,
you dont want to see what the info file would look like if The Master
did it without my help g... Now, without further ado...
1 We added Departmental Heads to take some of the work away from the
seniors. The slave drivers seniors appointed the following
people to this great postions for the ansi department, Diehard is
Cordinating them, Literature is me, Edicius, Ascii Department is
run by Dreamcrusher, Coders have Nebula as their head, Couriers is
being managed by Wolf Lord, and last, but not least, VGA is run by
Cypher Creed... Also, Public Relations will be handled by Cypher
Creed and I...
2 We made some changes to the memba list this month... Flood left
our Literature Department, read the next section. But joining our
Literary Department this month are Circut Breaker, the younger
brother of Terminal Velocity, there must be something in their
food, cause theyre both great g, MistaWho joins us, bringing us
another very talented addition to our Literary Department.. We
gained a very talented Ansi Artist from Canada by the name of
Voiz, some very good work should be shown by him, along with him
we also added two trial members, Badger-X and Ice-7, lets see
what they can produce, eh?.. We also picked up a new courier by
the name of Devestator... Welcome to any other members that I
might have forgotten... Please forgive me g :
3 Id just like to clarify something, on behalf on the Literature
Department, for this month some rumors were circulating about us..
We are not Literary Rippers.. It seems that FlooD had ripped some
of his work from varius Nine Inch Nails songs, and thankfully,
others pointed it out to us, and we rectified the situation, and
he is currently no longer with us.. It was one person, and I wish
him the best of luck in the future wherever he might roam.. You
have some talent, learn how to us it..
4 If youd like to apply to our group, use Nebulas AppGen and fill
out an app, send it to the World Head Quarters or the EHQ, or
E:mail it to master@raven.cybercom.com, torphy1098@call.tesc.edu,
or edi@raven.cybercom.com.. Good luck!
5 BROkEN Members can be found on Screamnet, Flamenet, any of the
Head Quarter boards.. On iRC on ansi or broken Believe me, look
for tmbroken or edi, we have no lives.. :...
6 Well, thats about all... We apologize for the lack of submissions
this month, but it is Christmas and some people are on vacation...
Happy Holidays and have a safe New Year... Lata..
- edicius broken public realtions -
- the master broken senior -
- executables -
Included in this months pack we have:
1 BKN-VIEW.EXE - BROkENs Viewer Coded by Ffejtable?
2 BKNAPP.EXE - BROkENs Application Generator coded by Nebula
3 BKNREQ.EXE - BROkENs Request Generator coded by Nebula
4 KRADER.ZIP - Krader v1.O coded by Nebula
- greets -
Group Greets: Blade / CiA / INDiGO / VOR / Shiver / Eden / UNiON
ACiD / iCE / MiST / Remorse / Kts!a
Edis Greets:
Grey Hawk get your liscense and fly over here damnit! :
The Master Call Bri, Jiz, Call Me, Jiz, Clean :
DrelDragon A Dik She Us
Terminal V. Crotchless panties long and tight...
Nebula Code something and let me use your account :
Mister E. Damned UUEncodes dont work, ah, thanks for letting me in!
TuT Silk is good+Closet c4 bombage :
Rattle/Frost Byte/The Crow/Counterpoint/MindCrime/Chromatik/Tron
Eerie/Mystic Plauge/Janzik D./SexMan/Everyone in iRC!
The Masters Greets:
Ffejtable - Fastest art board my ass
MistaWho - Green acres is the place to be
Lifetime - i GotZ Da SkillZ 2 PaY Da BillZ :
Edicius - New York here we come
TV - Die heretic die
Wintarose - Im not telling you about that dream with you ffej :
Vsn-cia - Join god dammit
Drel - Show your parents that interm report yet?
Narcolept - I want my pot senior staff spot back now!
Voiz - Lets get some NHL hockey back!
iP - Wheres my Dos site?
Sexman - Sorry about you not getting the site
And to anyone i forgot ill get ya next month!
- we need you to assume the postition it looks like a full cavity search -
- go look at the pack you beotch! -
- eof -
Welcome to Brokens fourth pack... Growing stronger as each day goes
on.. This is Edicius taking over the Public Relations end of the group
and writing the Info file, with help from The Master.. Seems Grey Hawk
is going for a Pilots Liscense, Fenric is on Vacation, and believe me,
you dont want to see what the info file would look like if The Master
did it without my help g... Now, without further ado...
1 We added Departmental Heads to take some of the work away from the
seniors. The slave drivers seniors appointed the following
people to this great postions for the ansi department, Diehard is
Cordinating them, Literature is me, Edicius, Ascii Department is
run by Dreamcrusher, Coders have Nebula as their head, Couriers is
being managed by Wolf Lord, and last, but not least, VGA is run by
Cypher Creed... Also, Public Relations will be handled by Cypher
Creed and I...
2 We made some changes to the memba list this month... Flood left
our Literature Department, read the next section. But joining our
Literary Department this month are Circut Breaker, the younger
brother of Terminal Velocity, there must be something in their
food, cause theyre both great g, MistaWho joins us, bringing us
another very talented addition to our Literary Department.. We
gained a very talented Ansi Artist from Canada by the name of
Voiz, some very good work should be shown by him, along with him
we also added two trial members, Badger-X and Ice-7, lets see
what they can produce, eh?.. We also picked up a new courier by
the name of Devestator... Welcome to any other members that I
might have forgotten... Please forgive me g :
3 Id just like to clarify something, on behalf on the Literature
Department, for this month some rumors were circulating about us..
We are not Literary Rippers.. It seems that FlooD had ripped some
of his work from varius Nine Inch Nails songs, and thankfully,
others pointed it out to us, and we rectified the situation, and
he is currently no longer with us.. It was one person, and I wish
him the best of luck in the future wherever he might roam.. You
have some talent, learn how to us it..
4 If youd like to apply to our group, use Nebulas AppGen and fill
out an app, send it to the World Head Quarters or the EHQ, or
E:mail it to master@raven.cybercom.com, torphy1098@call.tesc.edu,
or edi@raven.cybercom.com.. Good luck!
5 BROkEN Members can be found on Screamnet, Flamenet, any of the
Head Quarter boards.. On iRC on ansi or broken Believe me, look
for tmbroken or edi, we have no lives.. :...
6 Well, thats about all... We apologize for the lack of submissions
this month, but it is Christmas and some people are on vacation...
Happy Holidays and have a safe New Year... Lata..
- edicius broken public realtions -
- the master broken senior -
- executables -
Included in this months pack we have:
1 BKN-VIEW.EXE - BROkENs Viewer Coded by Ffejtable?
2 BKNAPP.EXE - BROkENs Application Generator coded by Nebula
3 BKNREQ.EXE - BROkENs Request Generator coded by Nebula
4 KRADER.ZIP - Krader v1.O coded by Nebula
- greets -
Group Greets: Blade / CiA / INDiGO / VOR / Shiver / Eden / UNiON
ACiD / iCE / MiST / Remorse / Kts!a
Edis Greets:
Grey Hawk get your liscense and fly over here damnit! :
The Master Call Bri, Jiz, Call Me, Jiz, Clean :
DrelDragon A Dik She Us
Terminal V. Crotchless panties long and tight...
Nebula Code something and let me use your account :
Mister E. Damned UUEncodes dont work, ah, thanks for letting me in!
TuT Silk is good+Closet c4 bombage :
Rattle/Frost Byte/The Crow/Counterpoint/MindCrime/Chromatik/Tron
Eerie/Mystic Plauge/Janzik D./SexMan/Everyone in iRC!
The Masters Greets:
Ffejtable - Fastest art board my ass
MistaWho - Green acres is the place to be
Lifetime - i GotZ Da SkillZ 2 PaY Da BillZ :
Edicius - New York here we come
TV - Die heretic die
Wintarose - Im not telling you about that dream with you ffej :
Vsn-cia - Join god dammit
Drel - Show your parents that interm report yet?
Narcolept - I want my pot senior staff spot back now!
Voiz - Lets get some NHL hockey back!
iP - Wheres my Dos site?
Sexman - Sorry about you not getting the site
And to anyone i forgot ill get ya next month!
- we need you to assume the postition it looks like a full cavity search -
- go look at the pack you beotch! -
- eof -
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