this image contains text
. : .,sb
+ .,,,sssdb. ss s ss s sssss
? :P
?P .sSSs,. . dsSs.
? Ss, S:.P?b.
? .dP S :S.
P ?bg,. l: s
? ,Sbs.?.dSi: : : :
+ .,ssdSSSP.P
. s?P??SSS.d?.P
s Ibsssss ?P
i sSP?s
+ . I .
-- what the hell did i leech NOW ?! ---------------------------------------
this is the infofile for my contribution to the mekka 1996 ansi competition.
just for those who dont know, im blackknight. member of sanction and phat.
-- general blabla ----------------------------------------------------------
hi folks,
as you maybe guessed this ascii won the mekka 1996 ansi competition.
i like the picture but i was kinda surprised when i heard that my ascii won
the ansi compo. in the beginning i decided to keep it for the phat april
pack and dont blame myself with contributing a ascii to a ansi competition.
blade motivated me to take part in the compo, so i did. and won.
-- the creation ------------------------------------------------------------
this little thingy took me one week. originally, the two characters were
made to check, if my pcx 2 -style converter works correctly. he does :
after converting them i had to do some touch ups because the converter isnt
very genius at all :
the fonts were completely drawn with thedraw and are original ones.
things used for the creation of this ascii:
-some marvel comics
-a lot of coke
-deluxe paint 2e i found it on my original REBEL ASSAULT cd-rom :
-thedraw 4.60
-aciddraw 1.2 i dont like it, but 200 lines forced me to use it
-bkonv 0.99b my own pcx 2 -style converter
-- greetings alpha-order -----------------------------------------------
a lot of respect and thanx for ideas inspiration have to go to:
basic-ascii all members
odium all members
killa hertz the best ascii-artist on earth! drop me a mail!
ruckus ex-unsane ?
acryl immer diese belgier ... dein bild war cooler ...
blind enemy
christbane boah! ich habs doch noch gepackt!
krash war doch net so schlimm das du deins abgegeben hast :
matrix hehehehehe ... du sachtest ich hab kei chance :
pussylover wo is mein usr ?!?!?!
raiden unsere coproductions haben absolut gerult! : mh-GA!
sma1 alter gangster. du brichst noch alle caller-rekorde :
burps remember me from wired95 ?
count dracula
lord jazz sorry, ran out of ccs. how about an e-mail?
rotting christ get some internet accounts bro !!!!
speed freak
the knight DROP ME A MAIL! did you change your address or do you hate me?
torlock pop
trasher still alive?
avalance pferde, hunde, katzen hamster ... was wird noch kommen ?
bomb20 schwer dich glcklich zu machen.
cohnen der saturn effekt rult definitiv!
dac annen bunka stellen und midda uzi draufhaltn!
drice wo bleit der neue phatview? das mitn sommerferien klren wir noch.
keith 303 altes krmelmonster
mefis lag nur an MEINER vote !!! :
metal der xtc-player browser ist cool geworden. gute arbeit.
nightmare das nchste mal klauen wir ein auto
nypthon der soundtrack fr die 4k war der hammer! wie immer :
odee thnx frn rechner auffer mekka!
pinker die 4k intro rult wirklich
sinus isdn kommt noch ... DONT PANIC!
underexposure wo warsten auffa megga?
i better stop right now, or else the infofile will be larger than the ascii.
-- im innocent! -----------------------------------------------------------
due to a lamer who calls himself Black Knight i got trouble with some dudes.
here the official statement:
- the Black Knight PPEs are not written by me! just take a look at the
fileid.diz! do you think id release something THAT ugly ? and even if
i had a bad day, id NEVER build in a backdoor in a sysop-chatter!!!
thats the most stupid thing ive seen in my whole life! if i should
release any PPEs they will be out under the PHAT label and at least there
will be a contacting address and of course no backdoors inside!
anyway, im not involved in the creation of these PPEs and dont want
to be bothered with this problem anymore.
das gilt auch fr euch CRACK typen. ich will keine bk-ist-so-lame releases
mehr sehn sonst gibts tierisch eins auf die nase.
-- contact me --------------------------------------------------------------
there are several ways to contact me.
my board: prototype +49-6074-35292 v34
other good boards: try mailing to blackknight or bk
e-mail: blackknight@shelter.tnet.de
irc: bk or bkphat on phat, acid, ice, ansi or ascii
please dont write mails if you just want some art for your
2400bps max. fido-board!
-- the end -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ .,,,sssdb. ss s ss s sssss
? :P
?P .sSSs,. . dsSs.
? Ss, S:.P?b.
? .dP S :S.
P ?bg,. l: s
? ,Sbs.?.dSi: : : :
+ .,ssdSSSP.P
. s?P??SSS.d?.P
s Ibsssss ?P
i sSP?s
+ . I .
-- what the hell did i leech NOW ?! ---------------------------------------
this is the infofile for my contribution to the mekka 1996 ansi competition.
just for those who dont know, im blackknight. member of sanction and phat.
-- general blabla ----------------------------------------------------------
hi folks,
as you maybe guessed this ascii won the mekka 1996 ansi competition.
i like the picture but i was kinda surprised when i heard that my ascii won
the ansi compo. in the beginning i decided to keep it for the phat april
pack and dont blame myself with contributing a ascii to a ansi competition.
blade motivated me to take part in the compo, so i did. and won.
-- the creation ------------------------------------------------------------
this little thingy took me one week. originally, the two characters were
made to check, if my pcx 2 -style converter works correctly. he does :
after converting them i had to do some touch ups because the converter isnt
very genius at all :
the fonts were completely drawn with thedraw and are original ones.
things used for the creation of this ascii:
-some marvel comics
-a lot of coke
-deluxe paint 2e i found it on my original REBEL ASSAULT cd-rom :
-thedraw 4.60
-aciddraw 1.2 i dont like it, but 200 lines forced me to use it
-bkonv 0.99b my own pcx 2 -style converter
-- greetings alpha-order -----------------------------------------------
a lot of respect and thanx for ideas inspiration have to go to:
basic-ascii all members
odium all members
killa hertz the best ascii-artist on earth! drop me a mail!
ruckus ex-unsane ?
acryl immer diese belgier ... dein bild war cooler ...
blind enemy
christbane boah! ich habs doch noch gepackt!
krash war doch net so schlimm das du deins abgegeben hast :
matrix hehehehehe ... du sachtest ich hab kei chance :
pussylover wo is mein usr ?!?!?!
raiden unsere coproductions haben absolut gerult! : mh-GA!
sma1 alter gangster. du brichst noch alle caller-rekorde :
burps remember me from wired95 ?
count dracula
lord jazz sorry, ran out of ccs. how about an e-mail?
rotting christ get some internet accounts bro !!!!
speed freak
the knight DROP ME A MAIL! did you change your address or do you hate me?
torlock pop
trasher still alive?
avalance pferde, hunde, katzen hamster ... was wird noch kommen ?
bomb20 schwer dich glcklich zu machen.
cohnen der saturn effekt rult definitiv!
dac annen bunka stellen und midda uzi draufhaltn!
drice wo bleit der neue phatview? das mitn sommerferien klren wir noch.
keith 303 altes krmelmonster
mefis lag nur an MEINER vote !!! :
metal der xtc-player browser ist cool geworden. gute arbeit.
nightmare das nchste mal klauen wir ein auto
nypthon der soundtrack fr die 4k war der hammer! wie immer :
odee thnx frn rechner auffer mekka!
pinker die 4k intro rult wirklich
sinus isdn kommt noch ... DONT PANIC!
underexposure wo warsten auffa megga?
i better stop right now, or else the infofile will be larger than the ascii.
-- im innocent! -----------------------------------------------------------
due to a lamer who calls himself Black Knight i got trouble with some dudes.
here the official statement:
- the Black Knight PPEs are not written by me! just take a look at the
fileid.diz! do you think id release something THAT ugly ? and even if
i had a bad day, id NEVER build in a backdoor in a sysop-chatter!!!
thats the most stupid thing ive seen in my whole life! if i should
release any PPEs they will be out under the PHAT label and at least there
will be a contacting address and of course no backdoors inside!
anyway, im not involved in the creation of these PPEs and dont want
to be bothered with this problem anymore.
das gilt auch fr euch CRACK typen. ich will keine bk-ist-so-lame releases
mehr sehn sonst gibts tierisch eins auf die nase.
-- contact me --------------------------------------------------------------
there are several ways to contact me.
my board: prototype +49-6074-35292 v34
other good boards: try mailing to blackknight or bk
e-mail: blackknight@shelter.tnet.de
irc: bk or bkphat on phat, acid, ice, ansi or ascii
please dont write mails if you just want some art for your
2400bps max. fido-board!
-- the end -----------------------------------------------------------------
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