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Can it be a Bd productions , for the deluxion !
Tha SaGa Continues ! Coeffey tha damaja is onceagain
on a sworm ! So peace to these catz: Bernie , Rc,
Bc , SaD , Orme , BurpS , Count Drakula itsCoeffey
not coeffy ! , Masta Kurgan , Ac Offcorps , Prayer
and all yall lovly femals out there ! Word up !
On these rainy days i sit back ,
and count ways of how to get rich,
son , so ill proof the expedition
That i am tha monneymakinhitman!
Together with my girl named domino.
Just fo yo ! Pay us ! Gunners !.
Batman died by mine nine. And Supa-
man is dien ! Dont care what tha
fuck ya want when i point my nine
At yar face ! Human discrace !
THa WaSSuP : BeRNie , Da CoSSuPZ: RoTTiNG CHRiST CoeFFey
Tha SaGa Continues ! Coeffey tha damaja is onceagain
on a sworm ! So peace to these catz: Bernie , Rc,
Bc , SaD , Orme , BurpS , Count Drakula itsCoeffey
not coeffy ! , Masta Kurgan , Ac Offcorps , Prayer
and all yall lovly femals out there ! Word up !
On these rainy days i sit back ,
and count ways of how to get rich,
son , so ill proof the expedition
That i am tha monneymakinhitman!
Together with my girl named domino.
Just fo yo ! Pay us ! Gunners !.
Batman died by mine nine. And Supa-
man is dien ! Dont care what tha
fuck ya want when i point my nine
At yar face ! Human discrace !
THa WaSSuP : BeRNie , Da CoSSuPZ: RoTTiNG CHRiST CoeFFey
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