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Some Mo Info about BdP,Again!
BdP is an art-group wich exist of difrent membas!
Any member of BdP is free to join an other group!
Ifit is an otha art-group or not ,doesnt mather!
BdP does make sure that beginnin ansi-artistswho have a little talent.
Wich can grow in a few years,can spread their shit around!
So that when they get really good they can be notist by an otha group!
EveryBody is free to leavy or join BdP,but fo joinin ya must have a ll,
Coeffey does say if ya can enteror not! But it has to be in the best intrest
, Of the otha membaz!
Every Memba is free to start an otha art-group!
But we hope that they do not forget where they started out!
Ifany memba or x-memba just turns his back on us ,tryin to dis us to otha
People! They will be dis thereselfes!
People out-side of Belgium can jion BdP to!
In order that they call at-least one time a month to Belgium,leavin their ar
t Work at our WHQ!
Fo diztside outside of the country , contact Me olso at the Court Of Justice
. BdP will not take no mo diztside inside belgium!
But a courier-board and couriers are still needed.
Tnxfo readin this ll NF0 file.
And from Coeffey to you ,Lbcya!
BdP is an art-group wich exist of difrent membas!
Any member of BdP is free to join an other group!
Ifit is an otha art-group or not ,doesnt mather!
BdP does make sure that beginnin ansi-artistswho have a little talent.
Wich can grow in a few years,can spread their shit around!
So that when they get really good they can be notist by an otha group!
EveryBody is free to leavy or join BdP,but fo joinin ya must have a ll,
Coeffey does say if ya can enteror not! But it has to be in the best intrest
, Of the otha membaz!
Every Memba is free to start an otha art-group!
But we hope that they do not forget where they started out!
Ifany memba or x-memba just turns his back on us ,tryin to dis us to otha
People! They will be dis thereselfes!
People out-side of Belgium can jion BdP to!
In order that they call at-least one time a month to Belgium,leavin their ar
t Work at our WHQ!
Fo diztside outside of the country , contact Me olso at the Court Of Justice
. BdP will not take no mo diztside inside belgium!
But a courier-board and couriers are still needed.
Tnxfo readin this ll NF0 file.
And from Coeffey to you ,Lbcya!
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