this image contains text
sg ,. :,sSs .
WWgSl +--- frayed ends of
:lW?P4P,i. sanity
. :Pyy?gggPyy?l ggPyy?l ggPyy??l
.,d il i , ?ii? ?ii . ?i
. : ,l ?gggg?? , 1?ggggyys
lg :? .,, : i l ,,,, . ?:
i . lg ,,,, l,. i 1 gl
iyg?li?g? l?gyi
/ ,i.
jizm@! .,d
---------- cut here ---------------------------------------------------------
that FEOS font, was originally made to hook up dr. freeze that kinda needed it
that day. well... it got released with a pic he did in fuel 12, and i felt like
releasin it by my own... so here it is.
greets goes to almost everybody at:
972, ascii, basic, fuel, serial, and ofcourse also -
sg ,. :,sSs .
WWgSl +--- frayed ends of
:lW?P4P,i. sanity
. :Pyy?gggPyy?l ggPyy?l ggPyy??l
.,d il i , ?ii? ?ii . ?i
. : ,l ?gggg?? , 1?ggggyys
lg :? .,, : i l ,,,, . ?:
i . lg ,,,, l,. i 1 gl
iyg?li?g? l?gyi
/ ,i.
jizm@! .,d
---------- cut here ---------------------------------------------------------
that FEOS font, was originally made to hook up dr. freeze that kinda needed it
that day. well... it got released with a pic he did in fuel 12, and i felt like
releasin it by my own... so here it is.
greets goes to almost everybody at:
972, ascii, basic, fuel, serial, and ofcourse also -
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