this image contains text
cluster for basic 6 use afs.com 80x50
*** NOTE : some asciis ARE NOT viewable without AFS.COM ***
made by ::
----/----/ ---/---/----/----/volatile
for the group ::
/ b a sss iiii cccc /
aassscccii iii //
enjoy .
. .sQuish
- B BBBBBB A S i C --- A S C i iiiiiii i -
B L i N D -- M A N
e-mail signeture, for blindman. thats why theres no background :
D o w n - L o a d
for seisMIC use only.
: : : :sQuishawarmac
/ :::::: : m a x - a r t :
a VERY wierd ascii, i was bored when i made it :
.S .h .a .t .t .e .r.
.Ss p l e e nN.
. Ss o u pP /
+o jizm
a s c i i
B a s i c
this is my second amiga newskool ever :
this is the 3rd ever, :
m, m
S E R i A L A S C I I ---
s a t a n i c v e r s e s //
G R E E T S. / .G R E E T S
/ / // / // / sQuish
greets, for blindman only.
thats it , hope you like it, if you need anything from me ::::::
squish@serial.ml.org , thats my new email : ::::::::
greets ::
g r e e t s /
/mjay?!: :
greetz go to: VOLATILE for those rulling squish basic logos in this cluster
and to MJAY for this rocking greets logo , god bless you two :
more greetz for everyone i love, but i wont list you guys, coz i will forget
to mention some people, and thats not good :
group greetz : BASIC . SERIAL . REMORSE . KWEST . COMIC . OOPS . ETC . ETC ..
squish had finished, gday .
amiga newskool, heh, i like it .
*** NOTE : some asciis ARE NOT viewable without AFS.COM ***
made by ::
----/----/ ---/---/----/----/volatile
for the group ::
/ b a sss iiii cccc /
aassscccii iii //
enjoy .
. .sQuish
- B BBBBBB A S i C --- A S C i iiiiiii i -
B L i N D -- M A N
e-mail signeture, for blindman. thats why theres no background :
D o w n - L o a d
for seisMIC use only.
: : : :sQuishawarmac
/ :::::: : m a x - a r t :
a VERY wierd ascii, i was bored when i made it :
.S .h .a .t .t .e .r.
.Ss p l e e nN.
. Ss o u pP /
+o jizm
a s c i i
B a s i c
this is my second amiga newskool ever :
this is the 3rd ever, :
m, m
S E R i A L A S C I I ---
s a t a n i c v e r s e s //
G R E E T S. / .G R E E T S
/ / // / // / sQuish
greets, for blindman only.
thats it , hope you like it, if you need anything from me ::::::
squish@serial.ml.org , thats my new email : ::::::::
greets ::
g r e e t s /
/mjay?!: :
greetz go to: VOLATILE for those rulling squish basic logos in this cluster
and to MJAY for this rocking greets logo , god bless you two :
more greetz for everyone i love, but i wont list you guys, coz i will forget
to mention some people, and thats not good :
group greetz : BASIC . SERIAL . REMORSE . KWEST . COMIC . OOPS . ETC . ETC ..
squish had finished, gday .
amiga newskool, heh, i like it .
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