this image contains text
-------------------S ,sss. S SSSSSS SSSSS .s@s, ,s@s. s,,.Ssssss ,s@s. ,, ,, iSSSSSs. S , S d, yyyyi SS ,ss, SS Z s, SS ,SsyyyssSSSSssyyysSs. SS ,SSSssyyysSS,,S------------ s s basic ascii information file 02: February 1996- major skillz, y0e Si sd i , , :
Epidemic started sayin some crazy shit: i
alrite first of all... id like to trank sir death for such a beutiful headeralrite next.... basic has grown very much since the first pack... s we havegotten quite a response since the first basic epic... and yes... unlike mostgroups we are back for a pack number too... new members this month includek0rpse who is definately one of the best pic artists in the scene today... letthere be no doubt after this pack.... sir death ... who comes from us from hissolo group none... i hope thats the name i forget... anyways... he is a greatfont artist and we welcome him to our squad... genius who is the artist formerlyknown as ky or kid krylon... this is his first shot at ascii... and i think hecaught on very quickly... his styles are rockin... dillinger... who we hope tosee more of since that pic he did was pretty sweet... defiant who is had alsoadded to our team... who are close if not are the best ascii group around...daize, fresh, and reptile join basic as 3 good artists new to basic this month.. i am also proud to say that no member of basic has left us from pack number 1and i would really like to congratulate you guys for your loyality to our causei guess its because you know we rule... i guess thats about it for me. i hopeyou enjoy this pack... thanks alot....
...Epidemic greets: cidica,kal,holocaust,sw,ironman,k0rpse,everyone else in
basic,spear,cypherhex,all ascii artists who dont suck,and ummm my mom..
Then hOlocaust started up with his usual crap:
yeah yeah whatever.. well anyways since its my first time writting in this
file and yes well .. we r00l.. .. just had to say that but anyways yes we
got new members to the group as epidemic has written in the above.. fresh who i
just talked to recently has changed his alias to ash.. why i have no clue
well anyways he wont be in the pack do to an UNFORTUNATE 8oo phone bill you
putz u had to do it didnt you well anyways he wont have any work this pack sothen hell have double in the next pack. Well among seeing the other new artistswerk i was really impressed so their quality they may not be the best but by
looking at their work and judging theyll turn out to be one of the best .. so
good luck you guys .. ahhh yes the new members.. glad to have sir death and
k0rpse to the team .. welcome aboard guys hope to see a rockin pack this month
better or for worse this month .. well i dunno i guess that it for me. Umm
i dunno shit what else.. ah yes.. must agree with epi. the header is nice ..
good job sd. umm .. yeah bASiC has grown since last month to my amazement i
didnt figure it would do that good.. well anyways i think i repeated myself to
much from reading epis stuff so .. later all ..
.. hObASiC greets :: ok well sup to kal, fresh, epi, cid, sir.d, and last but
not least nitrogen join basic and more greets umm fractal join basic you putz.. later all ..
Finally, Kaleidas felt that he should add something to the info file, even
though he wasnt planning on it cuz hes kinda depressed:
Guess who did these little subheaders.. ok anyway..
Of all the 365 days of the year, guess which day my female-friend decides to endthings. Yeah, Valentines day. Thats right, I got my ass dumped and Im still
not thinkin too straight I accidentally saved the .nfo header over the memlist,lost 2 apps, forgot to tell epidemic that genius left basic rather abruptly to
devote himself to the rival revival uhh, oops now you all know, and when I wasadding sauce descriptions to 2 of daizes colored asciis, I accidentally saved
them in ascii format Sorry dude.. more for next month eh? .
On the good side, I did my first pic this month youll see it later on in the
pack. Yeah.. thats the entire good side.
...Kaleidas greets: Uh.. I forgot who my friends are.
-- 30F -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Feel like bothering us with requests for your pathetic board? Have a complaint
about anything in the whole wide world? Need a blow job? Call upon the basic
ascii senior staff for assistance:
* epidemic .................. epidemic@ifu.net
* holocaust .............................. ???
* kaleidas ................ kaleidas@linex.com
* slick willard ... mhz2@inbl03a.cc.lehigh.edu
Epidemic started sayin some crazy shit: i
alrite first of all... id like to trank sir death for such a beutiful headeralrite next.... basic has grown very much since the first pack... s we havegotten quite a response since the first basic epic... and yes... unlike mostgroups we are back for a pack number too... new members this month includek0rpse who is definately one of the best pic artists in the scene today... letthere be no doubt after this pack.... sir death ... who comes from us from hissolo group none... i hope thats the name i forget... anyways... he is a greatfont artist and we welcome him to our squad... genius who is the artist formerlyknown as ky or kid krylon... this is his first shot at ascii... and i think hecaught on very quickly... his styles are rockin... dillinger... who we hope tosee more of since that pic he did was pretty sweet... defiant who is had alsoadded to our team... who are close if not are the best ascii group around...daize, fresh, and reptile join basic as 3 good artists new to basic this month.. i am also proud to say that no member of basic has left us from pack number 1and i would really like to congratulate you guys for your loyality to our causei guess its because you know we rule... i guess thats about it for me. i hopeyou enjoy this pack... thanks alot....
...Epidemic greets: cidica,kal,holocaust,sw,ironman,k0rpse,everyone else in
basic,spear,cypherhex,all ascii artists who dont suck,and ummm my mom..
Then hOlocaust started up with his usual crap:
yeah yeah whatever.. well anyways since its my first time writting in this
file and yes well .. we r00l.. .. just had to say that but anyways yes we
got new members to the group as epidemic has written in the above.. fresh who i
just talked to recently has changed his alias to ash.. why i have no clue
well anyways he wont be in the pack do to an UNFORTUNATE 8oo phone bill you
putz u had to do it didnt you well anyways he wont have any work this pack sothen hell have double in the next pack. Well among seeing the other new artistswerk i was really impressed so their quality they may not be the best but by
looking at their work and judging theyll turn out to be one of the best .. so
good luck you guys .. ahhh yes the new members.. glad to have sir death and
k0rpse to the team .. welcome aboard guys hope to see a rockin pack this month
better or for worse this month .. well i dunno i guess that it for me. Umm
i dunno shit what else.. ah yes.. must agree with epi. the header is nice ..
good job sd. umm .. yeah bASiC has grown since last month to my amazement i
didnt figure it would do that good.. well anyways i think i repeated myself to
much from reading epis stuff so .. later all ..
.. hObASiC greets :: ok well sup to kal, fresh, epi, cid, sir.d, and last but
not least nitrogen join basic and more greets umm fractal join basic you putz.. later all ..
Finally, Kaleidas felt that he should add something to the info file, even
though he wasnt planning on it cuz hes kinda depressed:
Guess who did these little subheaders.. ok anyway..
Of all the 365 days of the year, guess which day my female-friend decides to endthings. Yeah, Valentines day. Thats right, I got my ass dumped and Im still
not thinkin too straight I accidentally saved the .nfo header over the memlist,lost 2 apps, forgot to tell epidemic that genius left basic rather abruptly to
devote himself to the rival revival uhh, oops now you all know, and when I wasadding sauce descriptions to 2 of daizes colored asciis, I accidentally saved
them in ascii format Sorry dude.. more for next month eh? .
On the good side, I did my first pic this month youll see it later on in the
pack. Yeah.. thats the entire good side.
...Kaleidas greets: Uh.. I forgot who my friends are.
-- 30F -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Feel like bothering us with requests for your pathetic board? Have a complaint
about anything in the whole wide world? Need a blow job? Call upon the basic
ascii senior staff for assistance:
* epidemic .................. epidemic@ifu.net
* holocaust .............................. ???
* kaleidas ................ kaleidas@linex.com
* slick willard ... mhz2@inbl03a.cc.lehigh.edu
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