this image contains text
D V D - R
F R O M O U R D A R K E S T C H A M B E R , W E R E V E A L
Ripper ........: Revelation Genre .........: xxxxx/xxxxx
Video Type ....: xxxxx Running Time ..: xxx Mins
Audio Type ....: xxxxx Frame Rate ....: xx fps
Aspect Ratio ..: xxxxxxx DVD RLS Date ..: xx/xx/xx
IMDB Rating ...: x.x RLS Date ......: xx/xx/xx
IMDB Link .....: http://us.imdb.com/Title?xxxxxxxx
Rippers Note ...:
------------------ M O V I E I N F O R M A T I O N ------------------
Movie Synopsis ..:
Movie Casts .....:
------------------ G R O U P I N F O R M A T I O N ------------------
Group News ..:
We are a group specialized in releasing quality DVDR movies. We
are currently looking for the following,
Vcd Screeners/TS/TC suppliers
People who can supply PRE DVDs
Legit hardware suppliers
Shell providers
If you are one of the above, please contact us at,
E-mail ...: apply-msh@mail.ru
Greets ......:
Revelation would like to thank all the supporters, including
MESSiAH, OTKiSO, Mirage, SiNiSTER, LEGiON, S6, and VXr.
-------------- R E V E L A T I O N S R E L E A S E S --------------
001. xx/xx/xx :...: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
002. xx/xx/xx :...: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
003. xx/xx/xx :...: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
004. xx/xx/xx :...: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
005. xx/xx/xx :...: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This has been a production of Revelation.
D V D - R
F R O M O U R D A R K E S T C H A M B E R , W E R E V E A L
Ripper ........: Revelation Genre .........: xxxxx/xxxxx
Video Type ....: xxxxx Running Time ..: xxx Mins
Audio Type ....: xxxxx Frame Rate ....: xx fps
Aspect Ratio ..: xxxxxxx DVD RLS Date ..: xx/xx/xx
IMDB Rating ...: x.x RLS Date ......: xx/xx/xx
IMDB Link .....: http://us.imdb.com/Title?xxxxxxxx
Rippers Note ...:
------------------ M O V I E I N F O R M A T I O N ------------------
Movie Synopsis ..:
Movie Casts .....:
------------------ G R O U P I N F O R M A T I O N ------------------
Group News ..:
We are a group specialized in releasing quality DVDR movies. We
are currently looking for the following,
Vcd Screeners/TS/TC suppliers
People who can supply PRE DVDs
Legit hardware suppliers
Shell providers
If you are one of the above, please contact us at,
E-mail ...: apply-msh@mail.ru
Greets ......:
Revelation would like to thank all the supporters, including
MESSiAH, OTKiSO, Mirage, SiNiSTER, LEGiON, S6, and VXr.
-------------- R E V E L A T I O N S R E L E A S E S --------------
001. xx/xx/xx :...: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
002. xx/xx/xx :...: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
003. xx/xx/xx :...: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
004. xx/xx/xx :...: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
005. xx/xx/xx :...: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This has been a production of Revelation.
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