this image contains text
Hello Dear BAFH and Art lovers!
Here i am again, and ive been
working alot on my quality this
time. i think there are some prety
nice asciis in my section, but
im still learning, untill im the
very best -
ATM i am very busy with my real life,
studying and more of that crap,
so im having a hard time finishing
my requests.
If u really want me to make u an
ascii though, be sure its going
to be used.
im not going to make ascii for
new groups or sites thatll be down
in a few weeks, im sorry, but
i dont like wasting my precious time.
thats it for now, enjoy ur life
while u still can, cuz sad things
happen all the time, just got told
the mother of a friend of mine has
only a few weeks left :-
bART-, Bastard Artists From Hell!
Greetings go out to:
DocJones, MrMista, Octodur, Fwenk
IC666, noth1ng, EvilRaven, Add N2 X,
c19, LordOfLA, sinny, peps,
Badgast, all BAFH members, all
theemuts idlers, my bro and
all good artists out there.
R.I.P. Razor 1911.
Here i am again, and ive been
working alot on my quality this
time. i think there are some prety
nice asciis in my section, but
im still learning, untill im the
very best -
ATM i am very busy with my real life,
studying and more of that crap,
so im having a hard time finishing
my requests.
If u really want me to make u an
ascii though, be sure its going
to be used.
im not going to make ascii for
new groups or sites thatll be down
in a few weeks, im sorry, but
i dont like wasting my precious time.
thats it for now, enjoy ur life
while u still can, cuz sad things
happen all the time, just got told
the mother of a friend of mine has
only a few weeks left :-
bART-, Bastard Artists From Hell!
Greetings go out to:
DocJones, MrMista, Octodur, Fwenk
IC666, noth1ng, EvilRaven, Add N2 X,
c19, LordOfLA, sinny, peps,
Badgast, all BAFH members, all
theemuts idlers, my bro and
all good artists out there.
R.I.P. Razor 1911.
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