this image contains text
welp what can i say, another active month, although i did decline over 20 requests
cos had too many requests as it was. :/ you guys always keep me busy.
hope this lot of my ascii is impressive as all my others.
my february ascii consist of...
mr-187.asc - site ascii of 187, which is a police code for murder, hence the outline
of that body there P
mr-anb.asc - grp ascii for the divx grp. whipped up that header in 2mins.
not bad ey. P
mr-c4exp-logo.asc - site logo, never finished it. might do if needed.
mr-daftfaction.asc - DFN DAFT FACTiON commin to a place near you P DFN rock...
what else can i say.
mr-dln.asc - this ascii i quite like... did a combo of normal/reverse block...
seems to have turned out quite well, pitty the logo wasnt used : *sigh*
mr-fsf.asc - graff style, easy enuf to do. took me 15mins to whip up.
mr-gbit.asc - simple logo, took 5mins to do. look half decent too. P
mr-pitchblack.asc - simple logo + layout. no need to splain.
mr-tmm.asc - here is a revamp from the old tmm ascii. looks better me fink.
my fav mushy back in all its glory. signed by me.
and i used to get called magik mushroom too. heh. damn nick names.!!
mr-tom.asc - did somethin different once again tryin styles. turned out better than
i thought...
mr-zanbar.asc - some oldskoolah ascii i did for a mate. i dont do oldskool really.
but now n again i attempt somethin. turned out ok i guess.
welp it seems we have come to an end of FEB 2K2 ascii from tha miSta.
fug, 2:30am in the mornin when i shoulda been in town clubbin n schemin chics whilst drinkin
lotsa alcohol. what can i say, cant trust women. hehe. but bring em on anyway.
and as for the retire of octodur the dur part really fits after the hissy fit he had at me
over ascii. i do ascii for rewards mainly. and ascii for close friends cos im generous.
but seems that octodur had a problem with my requests of my rewards. welp all i can say is...
*sticks middle finger up* if you dont like my standards, then fug orf. no skin off my back.
most people LIKE and RESPECT my art and effort that i put into my ascii. and as such i should
get rewarded in 1 way or another. fact is, if there was no rewards i would not be an ascii
artist. and i KNOW alot of sceners and fans of my work would be dissapointed if i did retire.
so..... if you like my art, and would like me to take a request, pm me, as most know im a
friendly bloke. rewards are greatly appreciated. ask about me in the scene of me and my work,
i dont think anyone will ever say anythin bad about me. and if they do, make sure you let me
know P hehe only so i can hunt them down n collect a few of their teeth for memorabilia hehe
anyways, i think thats enuf dribble from me as its now 2:45am. :/ *sigh* and for the fuck of me
i dunno what the hell im dribblin atm. o welp...
respect to all
a BIG fuck you to a few peeps. they know who they are
a BIG hi to all the BAFH crew, spesh doc/c19/n0thing/bart/alienpdx n who ever i missed. sorry
a MUNGA hi to DFN DAFT FACTiON, you guys own. keep up the good work.
and a big peace n respect to all my close inet m8s and r/l m8s
oh, and never forget... BAFH roxx ya world. BAFH 1 and will always be 1. kickazz.
EOF - mRmiSta..
cos had too many requests as it was. :/ you guys always keep me busy.
hope this lot of my ascii is impressive as all my others.
my february ascii consist of...
mr-187.asc - site ascii of 187, which is a police code for murder, hence the outline
of that body there P
mr-anb.asc - grp ascii for the divx grp. whipped up that header in 2mins.
not bad ey. P
mr-c4exp-logo.asc - site logo, never finished it. might do if needed.
mr-daftfaction.asc - DFN DAFT FACTiON commin to a place near you P DFN rock...
what else can i say.
mr-dln.asc - this ascii i quite like... did a combo of normal/reverse block...
seems to have turned out quite well, pitty the logo wasnt used : *sigh*
mr-fsf.asc - graff style, easy enuf to do. took me 15mins to whip up.
mr-gbit.asc - simple logo, took 5mins to do. look half decent too. P
mr-pitchblack.asc - simple logo + layout. no need to splain.
mr-tmm.asc - here is a revamp from the old tmm ascii. looks better me fink.
my fav mushy back in all its glory. signed by me.
and i used to get called magik mushroom too. heh. damn nick names.!!
mr-tom.asc - did somethin different once again tryin styles. turned out better than
i thought...
mr-zanbar.asc - some oldskoolah ascii i did for a mate. i dont do oldskool really.
but now n again i attempt somethin. turned out ok i guess.
welp it seems we have come to an end of FEB 2K2 ascii from tha miSta.
fug, 2:30am in the mornin when i shoulda been in town clubbin n schemin chics whilst drinkin
lotsa alcohol. what can i say, cant trust women. hehe. but bring em on anyway.
and as for the retire of octodur the dur part really fits after the hissy fit he had at me
over ascii. i do ascii for rewards mainly. and ascii for close friends cos im generous.
but seems that octodur had a problem with my requests of my rewards. welp all i can say is...
*sticks middle finger up* if you dont like my standards, then fug orf. no skin off my back.
most people LIKE and RESPECT my art and effort that i put into my ascii. and as such i should
get rewarded in 1 way or another. fact is, if there was no rewards i would not be an ascii
artist. and i KNOW alot of sceners and fans of my work would be dissapointed if i did retire.
so..... if you like my art, and would like me to take a request, pm me, as most know im a
friendly bloke. rewards are greatly appreciated. ask about me in the scene of me and my work,
i dont think anyone will ever say anythin bad about me. and if they do, make sure you let me
know P hehe only so i can hunt them down n collect a few of their teeth for memorabilia hehe
anyways, i think thats enuf dribble from me as its now 2:45am. :/ *sigh* and for the fuck of me
i dunno what the hell im dribblin atm. o welp...
respect to all
a BIG fuck you to a few peeps. they know who they are
a BIG hi to all the BAFH crew, spesh doc/c19/n0thing/bart/alienpdx n who ever i missed. sorry
a MUNGA hi to DFN DAFT FACTiON, you guys own. keep up the good work.
and a big peace n respect to all my close inet m8s and r/l m8s
oh, and never forget... BAFH roxx ya world. BAFH 1 and will always be 1. kickazz.
EOF - mRmiSta..
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