this image contains text
eGo - make
you go wiiiild!! .est year 1999
ARTIST: xxxxxxxxxxxx
ALBUM: xxxxxxxxxxxx
RECORD LABEL: xxxxxxxx
STREET DATE: 00/00/2001
RiPPED DATE: 00/00/2001
GENRE: xxxxxxx
YEAR: 2001
SOURCE: Compact Disc
ENCODER: xxxxxx
RATING: 10 / 10
Another GREAT and FINE release
from EGO!
- Release Notes -
- Track Listing -
00 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
01 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
02 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
03 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
04 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
05 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
06 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
07 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
08 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
09 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
10 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
11 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
12 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
13 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
14 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
15 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
16 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
17 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
18 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
19 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
20 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Group History -
Established in 1999, EGO has already proven
to the scene to be a number one releasing
group. Week after week, EGO puts out hottest
releases in music. Out supporters expect
EGO to bring them fresh releases months
before street date and also be the
group to completely dominate the
scene on tuesdays. Our effort has
given us undoubtedly the finest
sites, couriers and rippers in
the scene. Thanks to everyone
for the support! -eGo2001
EGO - Giving you the music you bump to!
We give our respects to the guys below:
GROUPS: BAFH etc xx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
PERSONAL: ri0t etc xx xxx xxx xxx xxx
- Group News -
We are currently looking for
* Cable+ Rippers Early Tuesday
Morning releases.
* T3/50GB+ unix site owners
* Rippers who can release before
street date.
* Any persons who believe they
can benefit EGO.
Contact EGO!
IRC..... EGO Efnet
WWW..... www.nothere.com
E-Mail..... ???@???.com
NFO by r!0t/BAFH
Updated: 00/00/0000
eGo - make
you go wiiiild!! .est year 1999
ARTIST: xxxxxxxxxxxx
ALBUM: xxxxxxxxxxxx
RECORD LABEL: xxxxxxxx
STREET DATE: 00/00/2001
RiPPED DATE: 00/00/2001
GENRE: xxxxxxx
YEAR: 2001
SOURCE: Compact Disc
ENCODER: xxxxxx
RATING: 10 / 10
Another GREAT and FINE release
from EGO!
- Release Notes -
- Track Listing -
00 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
01 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
02 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
03 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
04 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
05 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
06 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
07 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
08 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
09 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
10 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
11 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
12 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
13 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
14 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
15 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
16 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
17 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
18 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
19 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
20 00:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Group History -
Established in 1999, EGO has already proven
to the scene to be a number one releasing
group. Week after week, EGO puts out hottest
releases in music. Out supporters expect
EGO to bring them fresh releases months
before street date and also be the
group to completely dominate the
scene on tuesdays. Our effort has
given us undoubtedly the finest
sites, couriers and rippers in
the scene. Thanks to everyone
for the support! -eGo2001
EGO - Giving you the music you bump to!
We give our respects to the guys below:
GROUPS: BAFH etc xx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
PERSONAL: ri0t etc xx xxx xxx xxx xxx
- Group News -
We are currently looking for
* Cable+ Rippers Early Tuesday
Morning releases.
* T3/50GB+ unix site owners
* Rippers who can release before
street date.
* Any persons who believe they
can benefit EGO.
Contact EGO!
IRC..... EGO Efnet
WWW..... www.nothere.com
E-Mail..... ???@???.com
NFO by r!0t/BAFH
Updated: 00/00/0000
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