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.. tHE pOWER oF iLLUSiON .. .
/tHE rESSY! / / .
-System Express BBS Software World Headquarters IBM PC!-
-Hologram World Headquarters!--Brutal Pro Coders UkHq!-
-Cows Productions UkHq!--Cyber Force Consoles!-
FIRST PC BBS! Perfectly Selectable setup AMI/X! SIGMA/X! at LOGON!
2 x 28.8 nodes Running under SYSTEM EXPRESS v1.5beta +44-01670-714238
3 x 486dx2/66/40/33 Novell Network, 2.2+ Gig storage, DX4/100 soon!
Supporting iBMpC!/cONSOLES!/sYSTEMX!/pCBOARd!/pCEXPRESs! etc..
/tHE rESSY! / / .
-System Express BBS Software World Headquarters IBM PC!-
-Hologram World Headquarters!--Brutal Pro Coders UkHq!-
-Cows Productions UkHq!--Cyber Force Consoles!-
FIRST PC BBS! Perfectly Selectable setup AMI/X! SIGMA/X! at LOGON!
2 x 28.8 nodes Running under SYSTEM EXPRESS v1.5beta +44-01670-714238
3 x 486dx2/66/40/33 Novell Network, 2.2+ Gig storage, DX4/100 soon!
Supporting iBMpC!/cONSOLES!/sYSTEMX!/pCBOARd!/pCEXPRESs! etc..
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