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..R.Noble MiRAGE
... Pirates With Attitudes
MG/-B/S BBS SyStM is Official PWA Dist. Site with a New Attitude!
NOW! We are running ViSioN-X with a USR Dual Standard 16.8
and a GiG Hard Drive that we are having lots of fun with
0-60 warez online....
SySop: Regiment, The Main Guy!
Masterblaster, He gets /round!
Race, Tech oNe!
Co-Sysop: Silver Surfer, PWA Courier!
PWA Couriers: Smog, Backup PWA Courier for US!
BiteMan, Backup PWA Courier for US!
Chowdery, PWA for Division 1!
Call Today!
NUP: Infotrend
Just Released! AoC Unstoppable....New Courier Group that has
attitude to get stuff around...WQ is Mega-Base BBS SyStem!
Look for our nfo file in warez that we carry around the USA!
----- Until NexT Time -------
Greeting to ALL!
PWA, Thanks for everything!
All 216 Boards, Lets get this AC Rockin
Reminder, If ya like the warez that ya d/l, PLEASE
go out and BUY IT...Lets Support the authors and companies
that brings the stuff out....THANKS!
... Pirates With Attitudes
MG/-B/S BBS SyStM is Official PWA Dist. Site with a New Attitude!
NOW! We are running ViSioN-X with a USR Dual Standard 16.8
and a GiG Hard Drive that we are having lots of fun with
0-60 warez online....
SySop: Regiment, The Main Guy!
Masterblaster, He gets /round!
Race, Tech oNe!
Co-Sysop: Silver Surfer, PWA Courier!
PWA Couriers: Smog, Backup PWA Courier for US!
BiteMan, Backup PWA Courier for US!
Chowdery, PWA for Division 1!
Call Today!
NUP: Infotrend
Just Released! AoC Unstoppable....New Courier Group that has
attitude to get stuff around...WQ is Mega-Base BBS SyStem!
Look for our nfo file in warez that we carry around the USA!
----- Until NexT Time -------
Greeting to ALL!
PWA, Thanks for everything!
All 216 Boards, Lets get this AC Rockin
Reminder, If ya like the warez that ya d/l, PLEASE
go out and BUY IT...Lets Support the authors and companies
that brings the stuff out....THANKS!
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