this image contains text
: EndlesSPaiN NiaPSseldnE :
./ /. / / ./ / : / ./ /. l
l/lll / /
l l/
: RunninG AmiexpresS ON A2ooo/3o/4o/4o 18MB RaM 1.7GiG HD :
: StafF: MoguE! EcS ExoceT GuzzmaN SlimE :
: OnE OF WorldS BesT-FastesT-LargesT IN AsciI-AnsI-AnimatioN :
: AbnormaL MegA HeadquarteR AnD ArclitE GermaN HeadquarteR :
: NodE1: 33.6 - NodE2: 21.6 - NodE3: 28.8 BacK IN A :
: NodE4: IneT - NodE5: IneT - NodE6: IneT FeW! DayS :
: FoR TelnetinG CatcH ME ON ChanneL ArclitE IN IrC :
./ /. / / ./ / : / ./ /. l
l/lll / /
l l/
: RunninG AmiexpresS ON A2ooo/3o/4o/4o 18MB RaM 1.7GiG HD :
: StafF: MoguE! EcS ExoceT GuzzmaN SlimE :
: OnE OF WorldS BesT-FastesT-LargesT IN AsciI-AnsI-AnimatioN :
: AbnormaL MegA HeadquarteR AnD ArclitE GermaN HeadquarteR :
: NodE1: 33.6 - NodE2: 21.6 - NodE3: 28.8 BacK IN A :
: NodE4: IneT - NodE5: IneT - NodE6: IneT FeW! DayS :
: FoR TelnetinG CatcH ME ON ChanneL ArclitE IN IrC :
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