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- + -------------------------- + - T H E D A M N A T I O N !
----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------sg----
- + ---------------- / ------ + - + 3 5 8 . 1 6 . P R I V A T E
N U P : x x x x x x x x x
-+* o-666 Day Ibm Wares : Well v.Fast Class : PCBoard *+-
-+* BullShitNet Host 99:200/0 : Schizo Member Board *+-
-+* Schizo-Net 24:100/2 : Sysops Mage Antichrist *+-
-+* Fuck The Computer Nerds Inc. World HeadQuarters!! *+-
Now Belongs to PC-TOP and SF.PIRATES 23:666/12!
----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------sg----
- + ---------------- / ------ + - + 3 5 8 . 1 6 . P R I V A T E
N U P : x x x x x x x x x
-+* o-666 Day Ibm Wares : Well v.Fast Class : PCBoard *+-
-+* BullShitNet Host 99:200/0 : Schizo Member Board *+-
-+* Schizo-Net 24:100/2 : Sysops Mage Antichrist *+-
-+* Fuck The Computer Nerds Inc. World HeadQuarters!! *+-
Now Belongs to PC-TOP and SF.PIRATES 23:666/12!
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