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You know youre BadaSS when youre cruising in the
r.Steele 3/94
The BadLands +1-408.T00.D Newest V-X w/ FelonyNET
28.8k Dual - 1.50 GigaBytes iBM 0-2 Day Elite Wares
ACiD Affiliate - CHAOS Dist BGR Dist - JHV WestHQ
Lancelot-2 Dist - NADA Dist UiD Senior MB - NiG WHQ
GLORY Dist - UnReal Distro. FURY Dist - SHIVER Dist
SysOp: Soultaker UiD PREZ Co-Sys: Sharp ACiD SS
Co-Sys: Midnight Shadow No NUP - No Locals
GaNjA West HQ - SRi NET Evolution West. HQ
By UnZipping these files you agree to abide by all Copyright laws of the
United States as found in U.S.C.A., and specifically those sections
regarding non-profit library check-out of software. Once your checkout
period is over you must return or destroy these files. If you do not do
so you will be in violation of Federal Law. If you have any questions
regarding your legal liability please consult U.S.C.A. or your local
attorney. Making copies or distribution of these files is expressly
forbidden by Federal Law, EXCEPT, by express permission to do so by the
Authors, such as the case with ShareWare or FreeWare, where
copies are encouraged. Unless otherwise stated by the ShareWare or
FreeWare Authors, your checkout period is 24 hours. If you find this
software to be usefull, and plan to continue using it. You MUST purchase
it from your local retailer, or REGISTER it with the Authors per their
instructions. Failure to do so is a VIOLATION of Federal Copyright Laws
r.Steele 3/94
The BadLands +1-408.T00.D Newest V-X w/ FelonyNET
28.8k Dual - 1.50 GigaBytes iBM 0-2 Day Elite Wares
ACiD Affiliate - CHAOS Dist BGR Dist - JHV WestHQ
Lancelot-2 Dist - NADA Dist UiD Senior MB - NiG WHQ
GLORY Dist - UnReal Distro. FURY Dist - SHIVER Dist
SysOp: Soultaker UiD PREZ Co-Sys: Sharp ACiD SS
Co-Sys: Midnight Shadow No NUP - No Locals
GaNjA West HQ - SRi NET Evolution West. HQ
By UnZipping these files you agree to abide by all Copyright laws of the
United States as found in U.S.C.A., and specifically those sections
regarding non-profit library check-out of software. Once your checkout
period is over you must return or destroy these files. If you do not do
so you will be in violation of Federal Law. If you have any questions
regarding your legal liability please consult U.S.C.A. or your local
attorney. Making copies or distribution of these files is expressly
forbidden by Federal Law, EXCEPT, by express permission to do so by the
Authors, such as the case with ShareWare or FreeWare, where
copies are encouraged. Unless otherwise stated by the ShareWare or
FreeWare Authors, your checkout period is 24 hours. If you find this
software to be usefull, and plan to continue using it. You MUST purchase
it from your local retailer, or REGISTER it with the Authors per their
instructions. Failure to do so is a VIOLATION of Federal Copyright Laws
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