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h h h h h h h h h hh h h h h h h h h h hh hh hh h .h h h h hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hhh This is the second last AXss pack... snif... people leaving, need to go to the army, well, anywayz, Type Zero is still here with his last Ansi contribution and Maverick has a few NICE Ansis too !?! And that is it for this week, no new members for that effect... well hmm... President: Shinigami ..... ........@............... Vice-President: Maverick ..... vdbilt@dial.eunet.ch Head of Ansi Division: Shinigami ..... ........@............... Head of Ascii Division: Shinigami ..... ........@............... Head of Music Division: Shinigami ..... ........@............... Head of VGA Division: Shinigami ..... ........@............... Ansi Division Members: Shinigami ..... ........@............... Maverick ..... vdbilt@dial.eunet.ch Type Zero ..... ........@............... ........ ..... ........@............... Ascii Division Members: Shinigami ..... ........@............... ........ ..... ........@............... ........ ..... ........@............... ........ ..... ........@............... VGA Division Members: Shinigami ..... ........@............... ........ ..... ........@............... ........ ..... ........@............... ........ ..... ........@............... Music Division Members: Shinigami ..... ........@............... Maverick ..... vdbilt@dial.eunet.ch ........ ..... ........@............... ........ ..... ........@............... World Head Quarters: CatGirls Paradise ... not open yet future Swiss Head Quarters: RaveBase +41022-348-5521 The rest of the world: well, mebbe in the future... light blue: means that the artist is active and has made this type of art in this art pack. dark blue: means that the artist has not made art in this form in this art pack. black: means that there is no artist present yet obvious really... Yes yes, Nocturnal Trip IS down unfortunately, so dont send me any e-mail... an yes, I AM too lazy to remove that board from below !! BBS: RAVEbASE e-mail adress... BBS: NOCtURNAl TRiP Sysop: Maverick Sysop: Shinigami Sysop: Chemosh Co-Sysop: Shinigami Thanks to Chemosh Co-Sysop: Shinigami Tel: +41022-348-5521 Shinigami@Deathsdoor.com Tel: +4101-840-2162
I command the Devil...
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h h h h h h h h h hh h h h h h h h h h hh hh hh h .h h h h hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hhh This is the second last AXss pack... snif... people leaving, need to go to the army, well, anywayz, Type Zero is still here with his last Ansi contribution and Maverick has a few NICE Ansis too !?! And that is it for this week, no new members for that effect... well hmm... President: Shinigami ..... ........@............... Vice-President: Maverick ..... vdbilt@dial.eunet.ch Head of Ansi Division: Shinigami ..... ........@............... Head of Ascii Division: Shinigami ..... ........@............... Head of Music Division: Shinigami ..... ........@............... Head of VGA Division: Shinigami ..... ........@............... Ansi Division Members: Shinigami ..... ........@............... Maverick ..... vdbilt@dial.eunet.ch Type Zero ..... ........@............... ........ ..... ........@............... Ascii Division Members: Shinigami ..... ........@............... ........ ..... ........@............... ........ ..... ........@............... ........ ..... ........@............... VGA Division Members: Shinigami ..... ........@............... ........ ..... ........@............... ........ ..... ........@............... ........ ..... ........@............... Music Division Members: Shinigami ..... ........@............... Maverick ..... vdbilt@dial.eunet.ch ........ ..... ........@............... ........ ..... ........@............... World Head Quarters: CatGirls Paradise ... not open yet future Swiss Head Quarters: RaveBase +41022-348-5521 The rest of the world: well, mebbe in the future... light blue: means that the artist is active and has made this type of art in this art pack. dark blue: means that the artist has not made art in this form in this art pack. black: means that there is no artist present yet obvious really... Yes yes, Nocturnal Trip IS down unfortunately, so dont send me any e-mail... an yes, I AM too lazy to remove that board from below !! BBS: RAVEbASE e-mail adress... BBS: NOCtURNAl TRiP Sysop: Maverick Sysop: Shinigami Sysop: Chemosh Co-Sysop: Shinigami Thanks to Chemosh Co-Sysop: Shinigami Tel: +41022-348-5521 Shinigami@Deathsdoor.com Tel: +4101-840-2162
I command the Devil...
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