this image contains text
Yo, whazzup : Anywayz, who knows this cewl Sysop Comment PPE ? Cause there
are these cewl little pictures next to the sysop information in that PPE. Well,
Chemosh told me to make him sum of those, and HERE they are.
- hmm, a weird skull.
- sum BIG eyes !
- sum weirdo in the sky :
- this is death ! roels btw
hey, its me, its me :
- sum dewd looking at a pc screen and
his eyes are kinda... staring
- Are you thinking about writing me
a comment said the angry sysop
with a knife !
- may I introduce Mr Spliff a math
teacher in my scewl :, oops, his
name was Mr Smith ...
- Its supposed to be a guy smoking a
blunt... :
Wow, I really am totally crazy, these pics are WEIRD well, anywayz, u may
use these pictures just as long as you do not change their appearance... cu !
h / m
I command the Devil...
Yo, whazzup : Anywayz, who knows this cewl Sysop Comment PPE ? Cause there
are these cewl little pictures next to the sysop information in that PPE. Well,
Chemosh told me to make him sum of those, and HERE they are.
- hmm, a weird skull.
- sum BIG eyes !
- sum weirdo in the sky :
- this is death ! roels btw
hey, its me, its me :
- sum dewd looking at a pc screen and
his eyes are kinda... staring
- Are you thinking about writing me
a comment said the angry sysop
with a knife !
- may I introduce Mr Spliff a math
teacher in my scewl :, oops, his
name was Mr Smith ...
- Its supposed to be a guy smoking a
blunt... :
Wow, I really am totally crazy, these pics are WEIRD well, anywayz, u may
use these pictures just as long as you do not change their appearance... cu !
h / m
I command the Devil...
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