this image contains text
Ummm, here are sum stuff for RaveBase BBS !
h Load
An Upload Logo ONLY for RaveBase !
Another Logo ONLY for RaveBase well, I can do what the fuck I want with it, but unless your name is MavbMp, you can just bugger off...
h Board
And a Group support Logo for RaveBase !
h Support
Art Section Logo ONLY for RaveBase !
h Section
Music Section Logo ONLY for RaveBase !
h Section
PCBoard Logo for RaveBase, and thats it !
h Tools
And a BLACKTRON conference logo !
h Tron
A DEMO section logo...
h Section
And finally an UNDERGROUND conference logo !
h Ground
Umm, sum more examples of my ART ufff, really ? but these are only for the
RaveBase BBS, so dont go ripping them please, and so on... l8erz then.
h / m
For questions, contact...
BBS: RAVEbASE e-mail adress... BBS: NOCtURNAl TRiP
Sysop: Maverick Sysop: Shinigami Sysop: Coroner
Co-Sysop: Shinigami Thanks to Coroner Co-Sysop: Shinigami
Tel: +41022-348-5521 Shinigami@Deathsdoor.com Tel: +4101-840-2162
I command the Devil...
Ummm, here are sum stuff for RaveBase BBS !
h Load
An Upload Logo ONLY for RaveBase !
Another Logo ONLY for RaveBase well, I can do what the fuck I want with it, but unless your name is MavbMp, you can just bugger off...
h Board
And a Group support Logo for RaveBase !
h Support
Art Section Logo ONLY for RaveBase !
h Section
Music Section Logo ONLY for RaveBase !
h Section
PCBoard Logo for RaveBase, and thats it !
h Tools
And a BLACKTRON conference logo !
h Tron
A DEMO section logo...
h Section
And finally an UNDERGROUND conference logo !
h Ground
Umm, sum more examples of my ART ufff, really ? but these are only for the
RaveBase BBS, so dont go ripping them please, and so on... l8erz then.
h / m
For questions, contact...
BBS: RAVEbASE e-mail adress... BBS: NOCtURNAl TRiP
Sysop: Maverick Sysop: Shinigami Sysop: Coroner
Co-Sysop: Shinigami Thanks to Coroner Co-Sysop: Shinigami
Tel: +41022-348-5521 Shinigami@Deathsdoor.com Tel: +4101-840-2162
I command the Devil...
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