this image contains text
This file is in the original
format, so some of the info
may not apply anymore ... ! -Shinigami-
. this stuff here
:. . of eXpose , is ofcoz
. bull-
. and Devotion, h shit
: cause i
h Presents, left : : em ,: :: Buenzli 4 both .:: .:::: : eXpose: Ansi art entry! :::::: , ,. Devotion: ::::::: ... .. . : Lez go : ! ::::::: .. :, .. :::::::: : : .::::::::: .. ,: ,:::::::::: .,: .:::::: ..,:::: ,::
:::::::::::: ANIME PICTURES ::: .
:::::::::::::, PX .. :::: ,
FOR THE... x4
All art in this pack r made by Shinigami, and r 100 original.
nice day : !
Took me about I Listened to Drank sum Beer And had no a week of hard about 30 hours and Coke and ate time to go work to do all. of Music... 100 cookies.. out at all!
Who is
it ?!?
Had no time when there My back hurts bad to sit to watch TV came Columbo, and my eyes feel on front of except once that roelz : like shit, its PC all day!
Wow, its Shinigami with another new picture !?! Yeahhh.
Did you know because thats chicks to have the reason why that I made the colour for their eyes. the Bikini is the eyes blue Maverick likes And thats also blue, it Roelz!
Mmmmmmm, I think I look rather sexy now !
Now boys, calm down,
but I actually used my lil sister as a model for dis chick!
And if u dont like this art, it means u dont like chicks !?!
XS to eXpose h
And go to hell if u r gonna ask my lil sisters phone number !?!
--------------------------------------- Name: Bunzli Participation... By: Shinigami//AXss 1997
This ansi is the seventh of my new collection of Ansi chicks, and this one is
made for the Black Hole BBS and it is part of the fourth AXss art pack !
This ansi is made for a BBS, and it may ONLY be used on the BBS that I made
it for, so I forbid ALL ripping or using these ansis on another BBS or in any
other form of distribution, UNLESS you ask me. I spent many hours doing all
this, so please dont rip it, that would be very lame indeed...
Greets to everyone, l8a !
h / m
For questions, contact...
BBS: RAVEbASE e-mail adress... BBS: NOCtURNAl TRiP
Sysop: Maverick Sysop: Shinigami Sysop: Chemosh
Co-Sysop: Shinigami Thanks to Chemosh Co-Sysop: Shinigami
Tel: +41022-348-5521 Shinigami@Deathsdoor.com Tel: +4101-840-2162
I command the Devil...
This file is in the original
format, so some of the info
may not apply anymore ... ! -Shinigami-
. this stuff here
:. . of eXpose , is ofcoz
. bull-
. and Devotion, h shit
: cause i
h Presents, left : : em ,: :: Buenzli 4 both .:: .:::: : eXpose: Ansi art entry! :::::: , ,. Devotion: ::::::: ... .. . : Lez go : ! ::::::: .. :, .. :::::::: : : .::::::::: .. ,: ,:::::::::: .,: .:::::: ..,:::: ,::
:::::::::::: ANIME PICTURES ::: .
:::::::::::::, PX .. :::: ,
FOR THE... x4
All art in this pack r made by Shinigami, and r 100 original.
nice day : !
Took me about I Listened to Drank sum Beer And had no a week of hard about 30 hours and Coke and ate time to go work to do all. of Music... 100 cookies.. out at all!
Who is
it ?!?
Had no time when there My back hurts bad to sit to watch TV came Columbo, and my eyes feel on front of except once that roelz : like shit, its PC all day!
Wow, its Shinigami with another new picture !?! Yeahhh.
Did you know because thats chicks to have the reason why that I made the colour for their eyes. the Bikini is the eyes blue Maverick likes And thats also blue, it Roelz!
Mmmmmmm, I think I look rather sexy now !
Now boys, calm down,
but I actually used my lil sister as a model for dis chick!
And if u dont like this art, it means u dont like chicks !?!
XS to eXpose h
And go to hell if u r gonna ask my lil sisters phone number !?!
--------------------------------------- Name: Bunzli Participation... By: Shinigami//AXss 1997
This ansi is the seventh of my new collection of Ansi chicks, and this one is
made for the Black Hole BBS and it is part of the fourth AXss art pack !
This ansi is made for a BBS, and it may ONLY be used on the BBS that I made
it for, so I forbid ALL ripping or using these ansis on another BBS or in any
other form of distribution, UNLESS you ask me. I spent many hours doing all
this, so please dont rip it, that would be very lame indeed...
Greets to everyone, l8a !
h / m
For questions, contact...
BBS: RAVEbASE e-mail adress... BBS: NOCtURNAl TRiP
Sysop: Maverick Sysop: Shinigami Sysop: Chemosh
Co-Sysop: Shinigami Thanks to Chemosh Co-Sysop: Shinigami
Tel: +41022-348-5521 Shinigami@Deathsdoor.com Tel: +4101-840-2162
I command the Devil...
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