this image contains text
Once more my mind wonders into the darkest pits of my body, and unravels the
thoughts that no other human has ever seen before... May you understand the
meaning that I am trying to convey to my audience... Take a hot cup of tea,
relax, put on sum quiet music, and read these to yarself.
.:::::::: The Executioned ::::::::.
::: What goes through the mind of a man, :::
:: Who is on his way to be executed. ::
:: What can he say in defense of his soul, ::
: When he is charged of cold blooded murder. :
How can he escape from this prison hes in,
When they drag him into the room.
What can he do if it aint his fault,
That thirteen good men have died.
How will he react to the sight of a priest,
Who will ask him to forgive his actions.
What will he say will he cry out,
When the lethal injection seeps into him.
: How much longer will he continue to live, :
:: When the green fluid coldens his limbs. ::
:: And will he finally draw his last breath, ::
:::. When his soul is stolen by these men... .:::
::::::::... h / m ...::::::::
. Youletitfall,
: Andnowyouwillpay.
. . Fornoonewillbetrayme,
. .,,,. . Andlivetotellthetale.
. sSSs Itookthegun,
. :: . Hewouldlaughnomore.
.:y. Andmadehimfeelsore.
SS. Thosevoicesinmyhead,
. . Screamingandtearing. . .
. :. Ahhhh,Icanttakethis, . .,,,. .
Imustenditall. . sSSs
: Placetheguntothetemple, . :: .
Andbreakthebeat. :
ThevoicesImustobey, .:y.
ThethingsImustdo. SS.
Myfingersgrowingtense, . .
Mysweatfilledforehead. . :.
Mylipstwitchingwithexitement. :
: Theadrenalinrush,
. . Theyresonatealloverme.
. .,,,. . Ibegintolaugh,
. sSSs Theevilnoisegrowsinsideme.
. :: . Hewilldiediedie, :
.:y. Myfingeriscontracting,
SS. Thetriggerismoving.
. . Hiseyesclosetight,
. :. Histeethbitehislips. . .
Thenoisedeafensmyears, . .,,,. .
: Butthevoicesarestillthere . sSSs
Nowplaceittoyourmouth, . :: .
Mytearsengulfmythoughts. .:y.
. WhyamIdoingthis. : SS.
: ImustImust, . .
IcantIcant. . :.
Isnotthedirtyexception. :
Flying away to heaven,
An angel mourns the loss of winter.
But the happiness of Summer,
Will drive him happy once more.
May we all live like people again,
And bring along eternal PEACE !!!
h / m
I dedicate this sad poem to Synoptic who lost someone very special...
And now you have it all,
A million miles from me.
High up in the sky,
Never again shall you fall.
And now I can see,
The way you can fly.
Forever Ill miss you,
The way you disappeared.
Those times together,
Those times were too few.
And the way I feared,
One day I would lose her.
But now you are gone,
Gone into the night.
You were perfect,
You made me feel sore.
I shall miss your light,
And now I will say adieu.
h / m
The Dragon
I have slept in my cave for aeons and ages,
But now my spirit shall lift the pages.
Slowly my muscles tense and heave,
As I lift my great body down to its feet.
My breath is hot and ready for a fight.
And my scales glisten in the rays of light.
This light that shone through these cracks,
It is them that woke me up in cranks.
Next I stretch my heavy wings and my face,
And I move my body with eternal grace.
I feel satisfied for I have slept well,
And now I must go out from where I dwell.
I look out from the cave at the landscape,
With trees and fields and nothing looks fake.
I stretch my wings and jump off the cliff,
And I fall as the world below looks so stiff.
Then the wind catches my wings and I fly,
Oh how the world looks so small I sigh.
And while I inspect the land below,
I am carried by that eternal flow.
At last I stopped back at my dear home,
And with delight my large head shone.
My hot breath marking the cold night,
And up there I look from that dizzying height.
This world is like it has always been,
I look at my treasure that nobody has seen.
And I slowly lie on my pile of gold,
The gold that so many souls have sold.
Now I will go back to my long long slumber,
And hopefully wake up even humbler.
h / m
--------------------------------------- Name: Poetry collection 2. By: Shinigami//AXss 1997
Everybody has been surprised by my sudden craze for poetry, even my little
sister, she really liked these ??? Welll , Now please dont rip these poems
here, I did not rip these anywhere, they are all 100 almost original, but
if you want to include these in a song etc, just remember give me sum kredz,
and please feel free to include them in yar board or even to get a better
grade in english class , ok l8a then !
h / m
I command the Devil...
Once more my mind wonders into the darkest pits of my body, and unravels the
thoughts that no other human has ever seen before... May you understand the
meaning that I am trying to convey to my audience... Take a hot cup of tea,
relax, put on sum quiet music, and read these to yarself.
.:::::::: The Executioned ::::::::.
::: What goes through the mind of a man, :::
:: Who is on his way to be executed. ::
:: What can he say in defense of his soul, ::
: When he is charged of cold blooded murder. :
How can he escape from this prison hes in,
When they drag him into the room.
What can he do if it aint his fault,
That thirteen good men have died.
How will he react to the sight of a priest,
Who will ask him to forgive his actions.
What will he say will he cry out,
When the lethal injection seeps into him.
: How much longer will he continue to live, :
:: When the green fluid coldens his limbs. ::
:: And will he finally draw his last breath, ::
:::. When his soul is stolen by these men... .:::
::::::::... h / m ...::::::::
. Youletitfall,
: Andnowyouwillpay.
. . Fornoonewillbetrayme,
. .,,,. . Andlivetotellthetale.
. sSSs Itookthegun,
. :: . Hewouldlaughnomore.
.:y. Andmadehimfeelsore.
SS. Thosevoicesinmyhead,
. . Screamingandtearing. . .
. :. Ahhhh,Icanttakethis, . .,,,. .
Imustenditall. . sSSs
: Placetheguntothetemple, . :: .
Andbreakthebeat. :
ThevoicesImustobey, .:y.
ThethingsImustdo. SS.
Myfingersgrowingtense, . .
Mysweatfilledforehead. . :.
Mylipstwitchingwithexitement. :
: Theadrenalinrush,
. . Theyresonatealloverme.
. .,,,. . Ibegintolaugh,
. sSSs Theevilnoisegrowsinsideme.
. :: . Hewilldiediedie, :
.:y. Myfingeriscontracting,
SS. Thetriggerismoving.
. . Hiseyesclosetight,
. :. Histeethbitehislips. . .
Thenoisedeafensmyears, . .,,,. .
: Butthevoicesarestillthere . sSSs
Nowplaceittoyourmouth, . :: .
Mytearsengulfmythoughts. .:y.
. WhyamIdoingthis. : SS.
: ImustImust, . .
IcantIcant. . :.
Isnotthedirtyexception. :
Flying away to heaven,
An angel mourns the loss of winter.
But the happiness of Summer,
Will drive him happy once more.
May we all live like people again,
And bring along eternal PEACE !!!
h / m
I dedicate this sad poem to Synoptic who lost someone very special...
And now you have it all,
A million miles from me.
High up in the sky,
Never again shall you fall.
And now I can see,
The way you can fly.
Forever Ill miss you,
The way you disappeared.
Those times together,
Those times were too few.
And the way I feared,
One day I would lose her.
But now you are gone,
Gone into the night.
You were perfect,
You made me feel sore.
I shall miss your light,
And now I will say adieu.
h / m
The Dragon
I have slept in my cave for aeons and ages,
But now my spirit shall lift the pages.
Slowly my muscles tense and heave,
As I lift my great body down to its feet.
My breath is hot and ready for a fight.
And my scales glisten in the rays of light.
This light that shone through these cracks,
It is them that woke me up in cranks.
Next I stretch my heavy wings and my face,
And I move my body with eternal grace.
I feel satisfied for I have slept well,
And now I must go out from where I dwell.
I look out from the cave at the landscape,
With trees and fields and nothing looks fake.
I stretch my wings and jump off the cliff,
And I fall as the world below looks so stiff.
Then the wind catches my wings and I fly,
Oh how the world looks so small I sigh.
And while I inspect the land below,
I am carried by that eternal flow.
At last I stopped back at my dear home,
And with delight my large head shone.
My hot breath marking the cold night,
And up there I look from that dizzying height.
This world is like it has always been,
I look at my treasure that nobody has seen.
And I slowly lie on my pile of gold,
The gold that so many souls have sold.
Now I will go back to my long long slumber,
And hopefully wake up even humbler.
h / m
--------------------------------------- Name: Poetry collection 2. By: Shinigami//AXss 1997
Everybody has been surprised by my sudden craze for poetry, even my little
sister, she really liked these ??? Welll , Now please dont rip these poems
here, I did not rip these anywhere, they are all 100 almost original, but
if you want to include these in a song etc, just remember give me sum kredz,
and please feel free to include them in yar board or even to get a better
grade in english class , ok l8a then !
h / m
I command the Devil...
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