this image contains text
, : , , . : : is,.,si
: , :: : , : . : : : .,gg,.
i:.::i,..,yQ i::,:i : ,.... ..
is, ,si +Tis,.,si,
+T,..,T+ is,i ,....,si.........,..
T++T : : the ,
+T i demOnwOmb s
+TsiisT+ .,s
-+- -+Of!--+- ----+ ,s
the demOnwOmb is running iniquity onepointzeroalphatwenty5
pure art and warez board with almost 8 gigabytez of philez s
curently seeking artistz and courierz for better trading
looks of this board,.
staff: sOp - overfiend ,. cOsOp - macrOs and snowblind
+-+-- -+------+---- enter/crpk
: , :: : , : . : : : .,gg,.
i:.::i,..,yQ i::,:i : ,.... ..
is, ,si +Tis,.,si,
+T,..,T+ is,i ,....,si.........,..
T++T : : the ,
+T i demOnwOmb s
+TsiisT+ .,s
-+- -+Of!--+- ----+ ,s
the demOnwOmb is running iniquity onepointzeroalphatwenty5
pure art and warez board with almost 8 gigabytez of philez s
curently seeking artistz and courierz for better trading
looks of this board,.
staff: sOp - overfiend ,. cOsOp - macrOs and snowblind
+-+-- -+------+---- enter/crpk
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