this image contains text
a c i d
p r o d
. ..::t h e g u b m i n t
+ 888 gUB-mINT + 904 262-4090 + sysOp: pushead + home of
oblivion/2 2.40 +
+ top character, background, gubmint font
+ sodiumaCid +
+ acid productions font, bottom character + lo
rdjazzaCid +
+ sodium email: sodium@acid.org + lordjazz ema
il: zombie-@cris.com +
+ this has been an aCid productionsc feature presentati
on +
+ copyright nineteen ninety six +
p r o d
. ..::t h e g u b m i n t
+ 888 gUB-mINT + 904 262-4090 + sysOp: pushead + home of
oblivion/2 2.40 +
+ top character, background, gubmint font
+ sodiumaCid +
+ acid productions font, bottom character + lo
rdjazzaCid +
+ sodium email: sodium@acid.org + lordjazz ema
il: zombie-@cris.com +
+ this has been an aCid productionsc feature presentati
on +
+ copyright nineteen ninety six +
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