this image contains text
Good evening ladies and gentlemen
This is your host speaking, also known as 4o
I would like to tell the whole ansi world an ansi story of an
ansi drawer that discovered some interesting things about the
ansi community please notice the intense usage of the word ansi .
This text is not supposed to be the truth, please keep that in mind.
Its not supposed to be my 2 cents on the matter, read it or not.
Its not supposed to be what Im convinced of, it IS actually.
Im sure some people out there thought I have been away for
a long time ..
I have not.
I have been around, changing my nickname all the time, in order to
see how people would treat a noname, a person that cant do anything
for them, someone who doesnt draw them ansis or asciis for their
boards and doesnt join their groups and besides noone ever heard
of that person.
And guess what, some of them treat you like worthless crap.
I realized that it is not the person itself that counts but the fame
you earned, some people dont even react when you ask them for help
or anything. What could make them do so, actually ? Fame, maybe.
Im not mad at anyone, Im just surprised. A scene that claims to
be strong and asskicking, the cewlest on planet or whatever
should know about faults in its structure, shouldnt it ?
Nowadays I can guess why the whole scene and no, I dont like that
word at all is crumbling.
Life in general is like that:
- People get born
- People become older, fade away
- People die
In the meantime, new people were born. But what if noone was born in
the meantime ? They all die out.
With that ansi scene its slightly different. Imagine people were
not interested in having sex and having babies. Imagine ansi people
were not interested in having newbies . Imagine that was the truth.
Sure, the internet might seem attractive to you. Is it attractive,
actually ? Now whats attractive about it then ? Lots of people
being united in irc channels ? Is that attractive ? Some of them
you have never met, never seen and some of them sometimes force you
to shut up because obviously you dont have a past that is as
legendary ?
You could go outside, there are lots of people being united in
cafes, parks or malls and most of them dont have a legendary
past, something which most of you dont have either in real life,
who cares about some clown that claims to be a legend because of
some ugly ansis he has drawn on a computer ?
Yea I know, the thrill is to get in contact with people from
other countries or area codes.
In own a German passport.
Ok, people say Im German. I cant choose if I want to and I
dont even feel like it but still Im German. And now that Im on
IRC people use that whenever they run out of arguments for
comments like Shut up, damn nazi, Heil Hitler you bitch, go to
Hitler, etc..
And I cant prevent you from doing that, Im even too tired to try it.
Just dont believe Germans dont know that people might
handle them like that.
I have met Germans that had been on student exchange and they were
asked if Hitler still owns the control in Germany. I have met Germans
that had been on a student exchange and they were welcomed with right
arms being lifted.
And I have also met people that were beaten up by racists.
And I have also met people that were beaten up by non-racists.
But as Horvath said, Im just nothing.
Keep that in mind, Im just nothing.
Im not even a patriot, I dont even care if 99 percent of
the German inhabitants are foreign people, I just dont care if
Germany is running out of money, I just dont care if I cant get
a job because of foreign people, I dont care about people being
proud of their nationality.
I fucking dont care because Im just nothing. I think globally so
Im nothing.
Its quite easy to insult Germans with a past that they only heard
of but never truly got in contact with. But what is not as easy is
trying not to do so.
And if you think that Germany is a racists paradise , I cant deny it.
But be sure to keep in mind that there are open-minded people over here.
And they fight. Both sides fight against each other. And they even
die for it. So if you want to deny that over here open-minded people
even die for what they are convinced of, think about what you are
about to deny.
Im not guilty . The school sometimes tries to make you believe that
and they actually convince some pupils that they ARE guilty. They
watch all those documentations about the concentration camps and
they truly feel guilty. But I dont and Im never gonna do so.
Im not responsible for all the people dying in the second world war,
Im not responsible for electing the NSDAP.
Maybe my grandfather was, hes dead now. Maybe my grandmother is,
shes still alive. But I am NOT guilty for being born in Germany.
Lets get back to the topic what topic anyway .
IRC surely IS a good thing for people chilling while chatting
with some internet-friends in channels like bible or teenchat
etc. but somehow I have a feeling that IRC is abused by the ansi
community at channels like ansi .
So heres the awesome thrill of chatting on ansi :
- about 15 people in the channel
- about 10 of them away
- and whenever someome enters the channel it goes like :
dewdlboy1 hi dewdleboy2,hi dewdleboy3, hi dewdleboy4 etc.
dewdlboy2 dewdlboy1 !!!
dewdlboy3 DEWDLBOY1!*! havent seen you for ages !
dewdlboy4 dewdlboy1
what follows is ..... yea right, silence
- ask something or at least try it .. maybe you will get an
answer after some minutes
Its a waste of time and money if you have to pay for your internet
access something I have to do, my phone bill IS my internet access,
I dont own a cable modem or a t1 and I cant afford being on IRC
all day .
I remember iodine coming back and everyone being excited about that.
After 10 or 15 minutes on ansi he quit with words like its as
boring as it used to be.
BBSs are different. Its personal contact, its caring about the
person itself and not about its success in the scene.
So whatever, I have lost interest.
I will still try to release anything in the future but dont
expect me to.
And if you feel like I wouldnt support anything like your group
or your emag or blah just think about how much you would care for
me if I couldnt offer you anything. I dont owe you nothing.
Yours sincerely
- Andreas o4
This is your host speaking, also known as 4o
I would like to tell the whole ansi world an ansi story of an
ansi drawer that discovered some interesting things about the
ansi community please notice the intense usage of the word ansi .
This text is not supposed to be the truth, please keep that in mind.
Its not supposed to be my 2 cents on the matter, read it or not.
Its not supposed to be what Im convinced of, it IS actually.
Im sure some people out there thought I have been away for
a long time ..
I have not.
I have been around, changing my nickname all the time, in order to
see how people would treat a noname, a person that cant do anything
for them, someone who doesnt draw them ansis or asciis for their
boards and doesnt join their groups and besides noone ever heard
of that person.
And guess what, some of them treat you like worthless crap.
I realized that it is not the person itself that counts but the fame
you earned, some people dont even react when you ask them for help
or anything. What could make them do so, actually ? Fame, maybe.
Im not mad at anyone, Im just surprised. A scene that claims to
be strong and asskicking, the cewlest on planet or whatever
should know about faults in its structure, shouldnt it ?
Nowadays I can guess why the whole scene and no, I dont like that
word at all is crumbling.
Life in general is like that:
- People get born
- People become older, fade away
- People die
In the meantime, new people were born. But what if noone was born in
the meantime ? They all die out.
With that ansi scene its slightly different. Imagine people were
not interested in having sex and having babies. Imagine ansi people
were not interested in having newbies . Imagine that was the truth.
Sure, the internet might seem attractive to you. Is it attractive,
actually ? Now whats attractive about it then ? Lots of people
being united in irc channels ? Is that attractive ? Some of them
you have never met, never seen and some of them sometimes force you
to shut up because obviously you dont have a past that is as
legendary ?
You could go outside, there are lots of people being united in
cafes, parks or malls and most of them dont have a legendary
past, something which most of you dont have either in real life,
who cares about some clown that claims to be a legend because of
some ugly ansis he has drawn on a computer ?
Yea I know, the thrill is to get in contact with people from
other countries or area codes.
In own a German passport.
Ok, people say Im German. I cant choose if I want to and I
dont even feel like it but still Im German. And now that Im on
IRC people use that whenever they run out of arguments for
comments like Shut up, damn nazi, Heil Hitler you bitch, go to
Hitler, etc..
And I cant prevent you from doing that, Im even too tired to try it.
Just dont believe Germans dont know that people might
handle them like that.
I have met Germans that had been on student exchange and they were
asked if Hitler still owns the control in Germany. I have met Germans
that had been on a student exchange and they were welcomed with right
arms being lifted.
And I have also met people that were beaten up by racists.
And I have also met people that were beaten up by non-racists.
But as Horvath said, Im just nothing.
Keep that in mind, Im just nothing.
Im not even a patriot, I dont even care if 99 percent of
the German inhabitants are foreign people, I just dont care if
Germany is running out of money, I just dont care if I cant get
a job because of foreign people, I dont care about people being
proud of their nationality.
I fucking dont care because Im just nothing. I think globally so
Im nothing.
Its quite easy to insult Germans with a past that they only heard
of but never truly got in contact with. But what is not as easy is
trying not to do so.
And if you think that Germany is a racists paradise , I cant deny it.
But be sure to keep in mind that there are open-minded people over here.
And they fight. Both sides fight against each other. And they even
die for it. So if you want to deny that over here open-minded people
even die for what they are convinced of, think about what you are
about to deny.
Im not guilty . The school sometimes tries to make you believe that
and they actually convince some pupils that they ARE guilty. They
watch all those documentations about the concentration camps and
they truly feel guilty. But I dont and Im never gonna do so.
Im not responsible for all the people dying in the second world war,
Im not responsible for electing the NSDAP.
Maybe my grandfather was, hes dead now. Maybe my grandmother is,
shes still alive. But I am NOT guilty for being born in Germany.
Lets get back to the topic what topic anyway .
IRC surely IS a good thing for people chilling while chatting
with some internet-friends in channels like bible or teenchat
etc. but somehow I have a feeling that IRC is abused by the ansi
community at channels like ansi .
So heres the awesome thrill of chatting on ansi :
- about 15 people in the channel
- about 10 of them away
- and whenever someome enters the channel it goes like :
dewdlboy1 hi dewdleboy2,hi dewdleboy3, hi dewdleboy4 etc.
dewdlboy2 dewdlboy1 !!!
dewdlboy3 DEWDLBOY1!*! havent seen you for ages !
dewdlboy4 dewdlboy1
what follows is ..... yea right, silence
- ask something or at least try it .. maybe you will get an
answer after some minutes
Its a waste of time and money if you have to pay for your internet
access something I have to do, my phone bill IS my internet access,
I dont own a cable modem or a t1 and I cant afford being on IRC
all day .
I remember iodine coming back and everyone being excited about that.
After 10 or 15 minutes on ansi he quit with words like its as
boring as it used to be.
BBSs are different. Its personal contact, its caring about the
person itself and not about its success in the scene.
So whatever, I have lost interest.
I will still try to release anything in the future but dont
expect me to.
And if you feel like I wouldnt support anything like your group
or your emag or blah just think about how much you would care for
me if I couldnt offer you anything. I dont owe you nothing.
Yours sincerely
- Andreas o4
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