this image contains text
awe lettering
AWE Lettering
Newsletter 15
We are back this month and... definatl
y kicking. After last months
failure, having two more weeks to draw was the bes
t thing that could happen
to us. But, this wasnt the purpose of releasing two weeks
later than weve
been releasing for the last few months. The real
purpose of that was to be
able to release on the 3rd, because weve been rel
easing pretty much on the
15th, for the past 3 months if i recall.
So by now, expect our packs to be
out on the 3rd of every months.
Additional note: When I released the pa
ck yesterday, I fucked up the
zip. When I got back from school today, I had an email
with about 8 new
ansis in it, so I decided to put them in the pack, and re-
release it. :
new members
This month three artists joined and two of them
are rip artists, which
really is a good thing, considering weve been ha
ving a rip division for a
while now. This means by now, we shouldnt be releasing pa
cks with only one
rip in them.
As for the other guy, he is one of the only really good
fontists left
in the scene right now.
Brane: I havent seen
much of this guy, but from what Ive seen, hes
an amazing rip artist. And b
eleive it or not, Im pretty sure
this is his first time in the scene.
Riddler: I invited this
guy almost four months ago if I recall and n
got any reply. So I decided to invited him ag
ain this month and
a few days later, I got an email from him s
aying Fire wasnt
really in the scene anymore, so he decided t
o quit and join us
instead. You wouldnt even beleive how happy
we are about this.
Zalt: First time I ta
lked to this guy was because he knew Looney Toon
and I had to get in touch with him cauz he had
been inactive for
a while. A few months later, I mailed him ag
ain cauz we still
had no clue where Looney Toon was. Then, a few
days later, I got
a mail from him saying he had started drawing ri
ps. And now,
guess what. :
This month, we lost two artists who ha
dnt been very active in the
last few months and two who had been kicked out of
the group. :
Gunthars leaving us this month for Fire
, because he doesnt see awe
going anywhere in the future. Thats pr
etty funny considering Fire just
released a pack, after six months of uh... dea
th? So anyways, we hope hes
hes gonna have as much fun in Fire as he had in
Awe... I mean, more fun.
Right Brian? :P
We also lost Magnetic Rage, who decided once
again to leave the
scene. He had been with us for almost a year now. We
wish him luck in
whatever he undertakes and hope hes gonna be drawing agai
n soon. :
First guy who got kicked out this month is Loon
ey Toon, for his
incredible inactivity. We welcome him to email a
nyone in the group if he
plans on drawing again.
And finally, Menace who had been kicked out of t
he group. He had been
saying shit like he was gonna leave and that we were goin
g nowhere for the
last month and a half or something. But we finally decide
d to kick him out
of the group last sunday, since he started say
ing shit because we were
releasing two days later than what we planned
so we can have the new
member listing done.
Not much happened this month and a half. Weve had a
few birthdays
that I will mention later. Besides that, we have Sh
rimp, who changed his nick to Mumble
last month, that is changing back to Shrimp
. Also, we have Fat Pacifist changing his
abbreviation to FAT, instead of FPT.
Theres a new way to get infos about us every month, bef
ore we release
our pack. These informations can be obtained on Achero
n in the groups folder
of the news section. Visit Acheron at www.ache
ron.org. Informations on other
groups can also be obtained there. This should be availa
ble on the 20th of
every month.
As for the birthdays we have Grindstone
who turned 19 on January 20th
Discyple who turned 18 on January
23rd, Riddler who turned
16 on January 30th, Knoctu
rnal who turned 18 on February
2nd and finally, Mass Murderer
who turned 17 on February 19th. I know mo
st of you probably just dont care
about that, but I felt I had to wish them a happy birthday
Also, check out the new member listing Ive designed wi
th Grindstoned
and take the time to see what happened with the posit
ions: I changed a few
things. One of these things is Grindstoned joi
ning the Senior Staff and
Fluor and Mass Murderer being removed.
Grindstoned has worked as much as I
did on this pack and I felt like he deserved that position
Thats pretty much all that happened this month. Ot
her things did
happen, but they just dont really worth being mentioned.
designed by
the night angel
and phony eye
AWE Lettering
Newsletter 15
We are back this month and... definatl
y kicking. After last months
failure, having two more weeks to draw was the bes
t thing that could happen
to us. But, this wasnt the purpose of releasing two weeks
later than weve
been releasing for the last few months. The real
purpose of that was to be
able to release on the 3rd, because weve been rel
easing pretty much on the
15th, for the past 3 months if i recall.
So by now, expect our packs to be
out on the 3rd of every months.
Additional note: When I released the pa
ck yesterday, I fucked up the
zip. When I got back from school today, I had an email
with about 8 new
ansis in it, so I decided to put them in the pack, and re-
release it. :
new members
This month three artists joined and two of them
are rip artists, which
really is a good thing, considering weve been ha
ving a rip division for a
while now. This means by now, we shouldnt be releasing pa
cks with only one
rip in them.
As for the other guy, he is one of the only really good
fontists left
in the scene right now.
Brane: I havent seen
much of this guy, but from what Ive seen, hes
an amazing rip artist. And b
eleive it or not, Im pretty sure
this is his first time in the scene.
Riddler: I invited this
guy almost four months ago if I recall and n
got any reply. So I decided to invited him ag
ain this month and
a few days later, I got an email from him s
aying Fire wasnt
really in the scene anymore, so he decided t
o quit and join us
instead. You wouldnt even beleive how happy
we are about this.
Zalt: First time I ta
lked to this guy was because he knew Looney Toon
and I had to get in touch with him cauz he had
been inactive for
a while. A few months later, I mailed him ag
ain cauz we still
had no clue where Looney Toon was. Then, a few
days later, I got
a mail from him saying he had started drawing ri
ps. And now,
guess what. :
This month, we lost two artists who ha
dnt been very active in the
last few months and two who had been kicked out of
the group. :
Gunthars leaving us this month for Fire
, because he doesnt see awe
going anywhere in the future. Thats pr
etty funny considering Fire just
released a pack, after six months of uh... dea
th? So anyways, we hope hes
hes gonna have as much fun in Fire as he had in
Awe... I mean, more fun.
Right Brian? :P
We also lost Magnetic Rage, who decided once
again to leave the
scene. He had been with us for almost a year now. We
wish him luck in
whatever he undertakes and hope hes gonna be drawing agai
n soon. :
First guy who got kicked out this month is Loon
ey Toon, for his
incredible inactivity. We welcome him to email a
nyone in the group if he
plans on drawing again.
And finally, Menace who had been kicked out of t
he group. He had been
saying shit like he was gonna leave and that we were goin
g nowhere for the
last month and a half or something. But we finally decide
d to kick him out
of the group last sunday, since he started say
ing shit because we were
releasing two days later than what we planned
so we can have the new
member listing done.
Not much happened this month and a half. Weve had a
few birthdays
that I will mention later. Besides that, we have Sh
rimp, who changed his nick to Mumble
last month, that is changing back to Shrimp
. Also, we have Fat Pacifist changing his
abbreviation to FAT, instead of FPT.
Theres a new way to get infos about us every month, bef
ore we release
our pack. These informations can be obtained on Achero
n in the groups folder
of the news section. Visit Acheron at www.ache
ron.org. Informations on other
groups can also be obtained there. This should be availa
ble on the 20th of
every month.
As for the birthdays we have Grindstone
who turned 19 on January 20th
Discyple who turned 18 on January
23rd, Riddler who turned
16 on January 30th, Knoctu
rnal who turned 18 on February
2nd and finally, Mass Murderer
who turned 17 on February 19th. I know mo
st of you probably just dont care
about that, but I felt I had to wish them a happy birthday
Also, check out the new member listing Ive designed wi
th Grindstoned
and take the time to see what happened with the posit
ions: I changed a few
things. One of these things is Grindstoned joi
ning the Senior Staff and
Fluor and Mass Murderer being removed.
Grindstoned has worked as much as I
did on this pack and I felt like he deserved that position
Thats pretty much all that happened this month. Ot
her things did
happen, but they just dont really worth being mentioned.
designed by
the night angel
and phony eye
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