this image contains text
to all the folks at home ....
Australias GroOoviest art viewer just got groovier..
AVViEW 96 4.???
Pack 18 Version.
We not at fault if AVViEW kills your computer. so there
AVViEW 96 Oz96 version is the most up-to-date ANSi viewer this sid
e of the
equator. For this special occasion, most of the viewer has been rewrit
ten, as
well as the frontend and MCGA palette manipulation techniques.
If you discover any bugs please email me Digital Vampire on one of A
Vs dist
sites in Victoria only! : Bug reports such as It crashes sometim
es are
totally useless! If you find a bug, please tell me how it can be recre
ated and any suggestions for fixing it, if any!
AVViEW now uses XMS me
mory to handle all files. It will not run without it. To
load it, load HiMEM.SYS in your CONFiG.SYS, and it should work. The re
ason for
using this is so you can load ANSi files as long as your arm, or longer
! For example, with 8Mb memory, no EMM386 installed, and
HiMEM.SYS installed, an ANSi up to !45600!
lines long can be loaded! by comparison, ACiDViEW can lo
ANSis up to 3,200 lines maximum...
The frontend for AVViEW96 now uses pre-emptive multit
asking for searching for
ACiDSAUCE information. This means that in a very big directory, you ca
n scroll
around and load a file, while the CPU is still searching for SAUCE. T
he back-
ground of the AVViEW logo at the top of the screen will light when the
is being looked for.
New in version 4.??
* Bugfixes
* New frontend interface
* Mysterious other stuff which DV hasnt told us about
I would think that AVViEW is pretty self explanatory, but for all the
heads out there...
Inside the filefinder
F1 Help screen. Currently missing. Be afraid.
F2 Change viewing mode also +,-
F3 Change viewing text res. also .
F4 Toggle iCE colour mode.
F5 Change mask.
F6 Toggle greyscaling/text/ANSi
F7 File information eg SAUCE, size, date etc
F8 Toggle smooth/block/manual/auto file reading
F9 Toggle alphabetical directory searching
F10 Settings Screen.
Up Go up!
Down Go down.
Esc Exit.
Enter Load file currently selected.
Inside the fileviewer
F2 Change viewing mode
F3 Change 25/50 line mode
F6 Toggle greyscaling/text/ANSi
/ Toggle ANSi/ASCii Mode
* Toggle ANSi/Greyscale Mode
+ or - Change up/down a viewmode
. Toggle Text res. EGA25/VGA25/EGA43/VGA50
0 Toggle Scroll Mode Smooth/Block/Auto/MODEMulate
Up Go up.
Down Go Down.
Esc/Ret Quit to file finder
Code Digital Vampire Apocalyptic Visions
Graphics Digital Vampire Apocalyptic Visions
Thanks to Amon-RaiNS for ANSiMation/
graphic file support.
----------------Apocalyptic Visions View 4 is a co iNSTABiLiTY/A
pocalyptic Visions production 95--------------------------------
Australias GroOoviest art viewer just got groovier..
AVViEW 96 4.???
Pack 18 Version.
We not at fault if AVViEW kills your computer. so there
AVViEW 96 Oz96 version is the most up-to-date ANSi viewer this sid
e of the
equator. For this special occasion, most of the viewer has been rewrit
ten, as
well as the frontend and MCGA palette manipulation techniques.
If you discover any bugs please email me Digital Vampire on one of A
Vs dist
sites in Victoria only! : Bug reports such as It crashes sometim
es are
totally useless! If you find a bug, please tell me how it can be recre
ated and any suggestions for fixing it, if any!
AVViEW now uses XMS me
mory to handle all files. It will not run without it. To
load it, load HiMEM.SYS in your CONFiG.SYS, and it should work. The re
ason for
using this is so you can load ANSi files as long as your arm, or longer
! For example, with 8Mb memory, no EMM386 installed, and
HiMEM.SYS installed, an ANSi up to !45600!
lines long can be loaded! by comparison, ACiDViEW can lo
ANSis up to 3,200 lines maximum...
The frontend for AVViEW96 now uses pre-emptive multit
asking for searching for
ACiDSAUCE information. This means that in a very big directory, you ca
n scroll
around and load a file, while the CPU is still searching for SAUCE. T
he back-
ground of the AVViEW logo at the top of the screen will light when the
is being looked for.
New in version 4.??
* Bugfixes
* New frontend interface
* Mysterious other stuff which DV hasnt told us about
I would think that AVViEW is pretty self explanatory, but for all the
heads out there...
Inside the filefinder
F1 Help screen. Currently missing. Be afraid.
F2 Change viewing mode also +,-
F3 Change viewing text res. also .
F4 Toggle iCE colour mode.
F5 Change mask.
F6 Toggle greyscaling/text/ANSi
F7 File information eg SAUCE, size, date etc
F8 Toggle smooth/block/manual/auto file reading
F9 Toggle alphabetical directory searching
F10 Settings Screen.
Up Go up!
Down Go down.
Esc Exit.
Enter Load file currently selected.
Inside the fileviewer
F2 Change viewing mode
F3 Change 25/50 line mode
F6 Toggle greyscaling/text/ANSi
/ Toggle ANSi/ASCii Mode
* Toggle ANSi/Greyscale Mode
+ or - Change up/down a viewmode
. Toggle Text res. EGA25/VGA25/EGA43/VGA50
0 Toggle Scroll Mode Smooth/Block/Auto/MODEMulate
Up Go up.
Down Go Down.
Esc/Ret Quit to file finder
Code Digital Vampire Apocalyptic Visions
Graphics Digital Vampire Apocalyptic Visions
Thanks to Amon-RaiNS for ANSiMation/
graphic file support.
----------------Apocalyptic Visions View 4 is a co iNSTABiLiTY/A
pocalyptic Visions production 95--------------------------------
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