this image contains text
apocalyptic visions news file pack 18, a
pril 1998 i am the p
Christo that was a hangover.
What can you say? You get to 18, and you need to hea
d over to the local
pub for a little drink. We hit pack 18, and weve on
ly just got over hangover. For those who a
sked if were dead, unfortunately not... :
So wassup lately.. oooh major reshuffley stuff. Were
late as ever with the pack. Maybe it took Jes
us 3 days to resurrect, but we set our
alarms wrong, so it took us 4 days.. and a few failed attempts.
didnt say it was easy... but what has happened you
could the real av step forwar
well, impersonations the sincerest form of complimen
t, so i spose
someone loves us, cos they released avpack17 for us.
thanks peoples :
the fake pack 17 has now become the official pack 17,
even if it
wasnt released by us - best laugh id had in a month
or two : So this
this pack is now number 18, even if its only the 17t
h that the real
apocalyptic visions crew has put out...
oh, and on another note, as much as i apache lust
after krinkles
ass, our girlfriends would kill us :
member swappsies
Major cabinet reshuffling has been reported. Totally
new members to
AV are Maeve Wolf and Cyntax. Maeve g
ot inspired to doodle again,
and Cyntax had nothing to do after forces apparent d
eath, so theyve
both mosied on over into the av paddock. Salut to em
both. Salut also
goes out to Mr Skitzo, now known as Blup, f
or his guest appearance in
this pack.. although hes normally busy enough releas
ing with acid, if
youre lucky you might see him doing a few guest rele
ased bits and
pieces with av...
The memberlist in this pack is *ALL* current av memb
ers, with the
exception of new members to the music div ask wolve
r. If you think
you should be on the list and youre not, mail blue a
pache. As a side
note, were being anal about dual grouping, and as we
re an art group,
were not planning on releasing graphic design style
Anyone wanting to join av, mail blue apache with a s
ample of whatever
artystuff you do, and make sure you live in the gener
al australiasian
sorta area. Were a patriotic group now, yhear?
no more distros
OK, so in the past Ive looked at Were getting rid
of our distros
messages and thought what a wank, but now thats ex
actly what were
As of this pack, the only distro sites well have wi
ll be memberboards,
boards on madness net and occasional outposts for a
reas where there are av members. This mean
s no non-internet international sites, and
buggerall australasian sites.
Reason is, my mailbox started to look like I was sub
scribed to the
alt.av.memberlist.apps newsgroup, and i couldnt be s
tuffed reading
all of them, let alone replying. Sorry, but if you wa
nt to answer
10 identical bits of mail every day, you do it... :
internet crap
thanks to the generosity of the Goo over at au.demos
cene.net, and kinda
indirectly the generosity of the demoscene.net peopl
e, av is in the
process of getting a new website. Itll be at av
.au.demoscene.net, and
should fingers crossed be up by the end of the wee
k. Should include,
an infofile, memberlist, filepage and as ever what
ll hopefully be
the most comprehensive list of art, demo, tracked mu
sic affiliated
websites on the internet. So shove your browsers in
that direction and
see if its up...
on a sidenote, were also currently looking to setup
both an av
mailing list, and an australian artscene mailing list
. Anyone who can
run a listserver with room for 2 mailing lists, drop
me mail please!
toto, were not in kansas anymore
Nup, were at a bbq in parkville, melbourne, and we
re getting ready
to head for an internet cafe in adelaide.
Apocalyptic Visions organised the 3rd vaguely annuali
sh Victorian Art
Demoscene BBQ for a sunny saturday in february. Ev
eryone got together
and burnt sausages Victoria - the only state where w
e burn sausages at
the stake.. was fairly groovy. About 20-25 people de
cided to show up and crisp stuff. Sat round.
Talked. Hell, how much can you say about a
bbq anyway? It was spooey :
Expect the next AV contingent to show up at the Coven
98 demoparty in Adelaide 8th july - 11th j
uly, 1998. Anyone else wanting to go from
victoria can check out info at coven.au.demoscene
.net, and mail me for
info if you want to go over on the av traintrip...
Sigh... well, kinda an absence of ansi in this pack.
Things should be
swinging back into gear next pack, should hopefully b
e seeing more pics
for a start. Australias been able to compete with th
e finest in the past, and were intending t
o do it again and with our own special av s
tyle too... awww.. how cute... Anyway, here she is. Oh, and a qu
ick note - were still releasing every two m
onths, so expect to see pack
numero 19 in june.. if youre bored in the mean time,
you might keep an
eye out for the organic packs always interesting an
d Ooze Issue 3,
coming soon to a site/bbs near you... anyway, adios t
ill july!
-- Blue Apache
av news file, april 1997
design from memberlist: insurge av
content written by: blue apache av
pril 1998 i am the p
Christo that was a hangover.
What can you say? You get to 18, and you need to hea
d over to the local
pub for a little drink. We hit pack 18, and weve on
ly just got over hangover. For those who a
sked if were dead, unfortunately not... :
So wassup lately.. oooh major reshuffley stuff. Were
late as ever with the pack. Maybe it took Jes
us 3 days to resurrect, but we set our
alarms wrong, so it took us 4 days.. and a few failed attempts.
didnt say it was easy... but what has happened you
could the real av step forwar
well, impersonations the sincerest form of complimen
t, so i spose
someone loves us, cos they released avpack17 for us.
thanks peoples :
the fake pack 17 has now become the official pack 17,
even if it
wasnt released by us - best laugh id had in a month
or two : So this
this pack is now number 18, even if its only the 17t
h that the real
apocalyptic visions crew has put out...
oh, and on another note, as much as i apache lust
after krinkles
ass, our girlfriends would kill us :
member swappsies
Major cabinet reshuffling has been reported. Totally
new members to
AV are Maeve Wolf and Cyntax. Maeve g
ot inspired to doodle again,
and Cyntax had nothing to do after forces apparent d
eath, so theyve
both mosied on over into the av paddock. Salut to em
both. Salut also
goes out to Mr Skitzo, now known as Blup, f
or his guest appearance in
this pack.. although hes normally busy enough releas
ing with acid, if
youre lucky you might see him doing a few guest rele
ased bits and
pieces with av...
The memberlist in this pack is *ALL* current av memb
ers, with the
exception of new members to the music div ask wolve
r. If you think
you should be on the list and youre not, mail blue a
pache. As a side
note, were being anal about dual grouping, and as we
re an art group,
were not planning on releasing graphic design style
Anyone wanting to join av, mail blue apache with a s
ample of whatever
artystuff you do, and make sure you live in the gener
al australiasian
sorta area. Were a patriotic group now, yhear?
no more distros
OK, so in the past Ive looked at Were getting rid
of our distros
messages and thought what a wank, but now thats ex
actly what were
As of this pack, the only distro sites well have wi
ll be memberboards,
boards on madness net and occasional outposts for a
reas where there are av members. This mean
s no non-internet international sites, and
buggerall australasian sites.
Reason is, my mailbox started to look like I was sub
scribed to the
alt.av.memberlist.apps newsgroup, and i couldnt be s
tuffed reading
all of them, let alone replying. Sorry, but if you wa
nt to answer
10 identical bits of mail every day, you do it... :
internet crap
thanks to the generosity of the Goo over at au.demos
cene.net, and kinda
indirectly the generosity of the demoscene.net peopl
e, av is in the
process of getting a new website. Itll be at av
.au.demoscene.net, and
should fingers crossed be up by the end of the wee
k. Should include,
an infofile, memberlist, filepage and as ever what
ll hopefully be
the most comprehensive list of art, demo, tracked mu
sic affiliated
websites on the internet. So shove your browsers in
that direction and
see if its up...
on a sidenote, were also currently looking to setup
both an av
mailing list, and an australian artscene mailing list
. Anyone who can
run a listserver with room for 2 mailing lists, drop
me mail please!
toto, were not in kansas anymore
Nup, were at a bbq in parkville, melbourne, and we
re getting ready
to head for an internet cafe in adelaide.
Apocalyptic Visions organised the 3rd vaguely annuali
sh Victorian Art
Demoscene BBQ for a sunny saturday in february. Ev
eryone got together
and burnt sausages Victoria - the only state where w
e burn sausages at
the stake.. was fairly groovy. About 20-25 people de
cided to show up and crisp stuff. Sat round.
Talked. Hell, how much can you say about a
bbq anyway? It was spooey :
Expect the next AV contingent to show up at the Coven
98 demoparty in Adelaide 8th july - 11th j
uly, 1998. Anyone else wanting to go from
victoria can check out info at coven.au.demoscene
.net, and mail me for
info if you want to go over on the av traintrip...
Sigh... well, kinda an absence of ansi in this pack.
Things should be
swinging back into gear next pack, should hopefully b
e seeing more pics
for a start. Australias been able to compete with th
e finest in the past, and were intending t
o do it again and with our own special av s
tyle too... awww.. how cute... Anyway, here she is. Oh, and a qu
ick note - were still releasing every two m
onths, so expect to see pack
numero 19 in june.. if youre bored in the mean time,
you might keep an
eye out for the organic packs always interesting an
d Ooze Issue 3,
coming soon to a site/bbs near you... anyway, adios t
ill july!
-- Blue Apache
av news file, april 1997
design from memberlist: insurge av
content written by: blue apache av
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