this image contains text
apocalyptic visions 97
hokey, heres this packs crappy colly from myself. Im no ansi artist, as
these thingies show, but if people are schtoopid enough to ask, then Ill
draw. Be warned. Blah. I also do VGA. Go and have a look, since my VGA is
better. Hah. etc.
These ansis give me a chance to ramble on about whateverthefuckiwant, so
let me assure you, I aint gonna waste that chance! Art and education is
what were all about. So here we go, with my crappo colly for april 97.
numONE i dont like this one, sorry subvert. I cant draw.
subvert is cool, he ups lots of PPEs to my BBS. Can someone draw him a
decent logo? Go on!
Time for a whinge. You know what pisses me off? People who WRiTe KeWL.
These are generally the very same people who change an s to a z at
the end of words. WoRDz. Theres NO Z YOU FUCKING MORONS! Ahem. Sorry.
They also say yer a lot in chat. Fuckers. Im sounding hostile today,
if I was in Blade then Id have angst written after my name i guess.
numTWO menus are not my speciality. But they seemed to like this.
J - joinconf Y - yourmail T - protocol T S - textscan
F - filelist K - killamsg X - expeeert BBS - bbslists
E - entermsg O - pagesysp H - helpmenu LRD - playlord
R - readmsgs P - pagesize I - welcome! ONE - oneliner
Q - quikscan G - goodbye! B - bulletin NIB - nibbles!
U - *upload* W - yourinfo C - comment! ULB - yourulby
D - download V - usrstats Z - zipyscan BRE - playbre!
That menu was for the guys at psychotic revolution bbs, which is not yet
open, but Im assured it will be soon. Oooh, these are the same guys who
help out with Polyester PPEs. Good to see some .au people doing cool
coding aside from xpress, toxic krystal, and flax - god of melbourne ppe
scene. Keep on coding, yall.
Hey, while Im here, Id like to thank Deathstroke and Inferno for getting
this pack off the ground. Well done lads! av was and still is a good group,
despite the contents of this colly. Keep on arting, all you people.
numTHREE one of my better logos, i think.
simple, yet largely effective. Ive forgotten who this was for, or even
who the fuck apocalypse are, but the logo is kinda nice, so who cares.
What does w00p mean? Whenever I go on IRC anothernet, of course, since
it has trax on it. trax rocks., channelserv always goes ... w00p...
Maybe it likes me?
Whinge number two. People who page for chats on BBSs. Now, Im famous on
my BBS for not answering pages, usually because Im not there, sometimes
I just couldnt be fucked. Most of my users are really cool, and I dont
mind chatting to them. But some are idiots. People, like, dont even type
in reasons anymore... they just go chat. I never chat people who say
chat. Fluff has the right idea, he has a warning before pages... I should
do that!
numFOUR another psychotic header. i quite like this one.
hmmm, that one kinda speaks for itself really.
well, thats it... thanks for reading this crap. Go and look at my VGAs,
theyre far better. Its time for the greets:
Stote: who didnt come to the party, bah.
Vejita: australias coolest photoshop guy.
Grump: hey! long time no talky talky!
Apache: hello.
Wolver: I still have your tapes... pick them up!
Krinkle: do some art NOW!
aV: keep artin!
Also - Fluff, Deathstroke, Blade, Kraze, h0l, Rorshack, traxers, Flax,
Trippah, everyone and anyone who calls my board!
thanks for watching... if youre schtoopid enough to
want anything from me VGA, ansi, whatever, then either call my board,
Refraction, on 0359714723 thats +61-359-714723 for you overseas people,
mail me on madnet, or even at nutbuttr@peninsula.starway.net.au
Rip these if ya want, but youre going to look like a pillock, since theyve
all got bbs names on them...
Group greets: Force, Maiden Brazil, Blend, AWE Lettering, Blade, Noise, mOnO,
DiSC, Synthetic, Polyester, Explizit, CBR, and all the rest of you.
apocalyptic visions 97
hokey, heres this packs crappy colly from myself. Im no ansi artist, as
these thingies show, but if people are schtoopid enough to ask, then Ill
draw. Be warned. Blah. I also do VGA. Go and have a look, since my VGA is
better. Hah. etc.
These ansis give me a chance to ramble on about whateverthefuckiwant, so
let me assure you, I aint gonna waste that chance! Art and education is
what were all about. So here we go, with my crappo colly for april 97.
numONE i dont like this one, sorry subvert. I cant draw.
subvert is cool, he ups lots of PPEs to my BBS. Can someone draw him a
decent logo? Go on!
Time for a whinge. You know what pisses me off? People who WRiTe KeWL.
These are generally the very same people who change an s to a z at
the end of words. WoRDz. Theres NO Z YOU FUCKING MORONS! Ahem. Sorry.
They also say yer a lot in chat. Fuckers. Im sounding hostile today,
if I was in Blade then Id have angst written after my name i guess.
numTWO menus are not my speciality. But they seemed to like this.
J - joinconf Y - yourmail T - protocol T S - textscan
F - filelist K - killamsg X - expeeert BBS - bbslists
E - entermsg O - pagesysp H - helpmenu LRD - playlord
R - readmsgs P - pagesize I - welcome! ONE - oneliner
Q - quikscan G - goodbye! B - bulletin NIB - nibbles!
U - *upload* W - yourinfo C - comment! ULB - yourulby
D - download V - usrstats Z - zipyscan BRE - playbre!
That menu was for the guys at psychotic revolution bbs, which is not yet
open, but Im assured it will be soon. Oooh, these are the same guys who
help out with Polyester PPEs. Good to see some .au people doing cool
coding aside from xpress, toxic krystal, and flax - god of melbourne ppe
scene. Keep on coding, yall.
Hey, while Im here, Id like to thank Deathstroke and Inferno for getting
this pack off the ground. Well done lads! av was and still is a good group,
despite the contents of this colly. Keep on arting, all you people.
numTHREE one of my better logos, i think.
simple, yet largely effective. Ive forgotten who this was for, or even
who the fuck apocalypse are, but the logo is kinda nice, so who cares.
What does w00p mean? Whenever I go on IRC anothernet, of course, since
it has trax on it. trax rocks., channelserv always goes ... w00p...
Maybe it likes me?
Whinge number two. People who page for chats on BBSs. Now, Im famous on
my BBS for not answering pages, usually because Im not there, sometimes
I just couldnt be fucked. Most of my users are really cool, and I dont
mind chatting to them. But some are idiots. People, like, dont even type
in reasons anymore... they just go chat. I never chat people who say
chat. Fluff has the right idea, he has a warning before pages... I should
do that!
numFOUR another psychotic header. i quite like this one.
hmmm, that one kinda speaks for itself really.
well, thats it... thanks for reading this crap. Go and look at my VGAs,
theyre far better. Its time for the greets:
Stote: who didnt come to the party, bah.
Vejita: australias coolest photoshop guy.
Grump: hey! long time no talky talky!
Apache: hello.
Wolver: I still have your tapes... pick them up!
Krinkle: do some art NOW!
aV: keep artin!
Also - Fluff, Deathstroke, Blade, Kraze, h0l, Rorshack, traxers, Flax,
Trippah, everyone and anyone who calls my board!
thanks for watching... if youre schtoopid enough to
want anything from me VGA, ansi, whatever, then either call my board,
Refraction, on 0359714723 thats +61-359-714723 for you overseas people,
mail me on madnet, or even at nutbuttr@peninsula.starway.net.au
Rip these if ya want, but youre going to look like a pillock, since theyve
all got bbs names on them...
Group greets: Force, Maiden Brazil, Blend, AWE Lettering, Blade, Noise, mOnO,
DiSC, Synthetic, Polyester, Explizit, CBR, and all the rest of you.
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