this image contains text
here are some for yar people! this is the last piece for av from me.
ummmmm and no, i am not getting out of the ansis cos i like drawing but it
seems that my instincts are going towards the more hi-res stuff.. ummm but
anyhow, the ansis on here are just some stuff i wipped out from my hdd, they
can be very old.. ummmm if you like my stuff, mail me on
trippah.midian.apana.org.au hoping wolverine will not take my email function
off, now that i am not considered as being in av :
and start looking at the other side of melbourne in the synthetic packs!
-- mainmenu ------------------------------------------------------------
j join conference! j join conference! j join conference!
f file areas f file areas f file areas
t transfer protocol t transfer protocolt transfer protocol
n new file scan n new file scan n new file scan
l locate filename l locate filename l locate filename
z zippy search! z zippy search! z zippy search!
d download files d download files d download files
-- whos on -----------------------------------------------------------------
TripWho - V1.0 by trippah ikc
name / alias nodenumb. minsonline activity!
-- mur.musics ---------------------------------------------------------------
mur.music.session. trip.mur
see, i told you dope
title author and ansis mix well!
1 - how bizzar! Genocide
2 - jungle style. Genocide
3 - push cat. dedicated to his cat Genocide
4 - detail MindPlot
5 - format in mind MindPlot
6 - hypnautic MindPlot
7 - echo in tune MindPlot
8 - xtc house MindPlot
ummmmm and no, i am not getting out of the ansis cos i like drawing but it
seems that my instincts are going towards the more hi-res stuff.. ummm but
anyhow, the ansis on here are just some stuff i wipped out from my hdd, they
can be very old.. ummmm if you like my stuff, mail me on
trippah.midian.apana.org.au hoping wolverine will not take my email function
off, now that i am not considered as being in av :
and start looking at the other side of melbourne in the synthetic packs!
-- mainmenu ------------------------------------------------------------
j join conference! j join conference! j join conference!
f file areas f file areas f file areas
t transfer protocol t transfer protocolt transfer protocol
n new file scan n new file scan n new file scan
l locate filename l locate filename l locate filename
z zippy search! z zippy search! z zippy search!
d download files d download files d download files
-- whos on -----------------------------------------------------------------
TripWho - V1.0 by trippah ikc
name / alias nodenumb. minsonline activity!
-- mur.musics ---------------------------------------------------------------
mur.music.session. trip.mur
see, i told you dope
title author and ansis mix well!
1 - how bizzar! Genocide
2 - jungle style. Genocide
3 - push cat. dedicated to his cat Genocide
4 - detail MindPlot
5 - format in mind MindPlot
6 - hypnautic MindPlot
7 - echo in tune MindPlot
8 - xtc house MindPlot
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