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* sPONZERDbYaPOCKVISIONS!..then.the.blah.then..trip.cant.do.pics.96
One Hundred p.p.percent Original Ansi!
..But trip cant do pics.. give me time..
stats here please..
and this is an ansi! dont view it in VGA..gunja..
ansi was by trippah
of ApocVisions.96
Need an ansi..?
no smooth curves..
if you havent
called, you
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* sPONZERDbYaPOCKVISIONS!..then.the.blah.then..trip.cant.do.pics.96
One Hundred p.p.percent Original Ansi!
..But trip cant do pics.. give me time..
stats here please..
and this is an ansi! dont view it in VGA..gunja..
ansi was by trippah
of ApocVisions.96
Need an ansi..?
no smooth curves..
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