this image contains text
Well, its another low production 2 months for me. Lots of
uni work, a web company, and a tripple operating system
change hasnt helped. In future you will probably be
seeing less of my ansi, since it takes too long as compared
with VGA on a graphics tablet.
Just a few offers to people
out there, if you want an ansi for a bulletin board, then
ask!! Well do the ansi anyway, it just helps if we have a
name or two to do a font for. Please note,
dont ask anyone in AV for a menu set
unless you are going to pay for it. Nobody
likes doing them. Secondly, if you are
relesing anything and want
a fileid.diz for it,
allow us, well do any amount of
Team Coders - Dont be discouraged, it bears a good
similarity to a demo.
TUI - A shining example of a group, with 40+ members... pity only 2 of them are active.
Dark Fibre - Hows that donut-killing-anti-torus virus comming?
Force - Where ever you are.
Catch 22 - Youd have won coven if it wasnt canceled.
The three other people who use the handle
Harlequin on IRC - Get an script with flood
sys pass: Peloquin protection guys!
BBS ad for Midian
95275873*.*Here in Melbourne, weve
been thinking about Oz97. Well, it may be
called something else if the people in queensland
do a demoparty. Itd probably be sheduled sometime
around january - febuary, and well be
scheduling in more than a few festivi ties
so bring id. Any comments and/or sugestions would
be appreciated. Im on the interwet at
harlquin@yoyo.cc.monash.edu. au. or as Harlequin at Midian, on the Maddness network. Theoretically i can be contacted in much the same way over Bloodnet but at last word, Ozone couldnt plug the damn thing in. aint gonna waste my hate on you, covered in sinners and dripping with
aint gonna give no more, aint guilt, making youre money from slimegot time to help you score and from filth. Parading youre bellies in youre ivory towers,
Waste my hate - Metalica investing our lives in youre schemes and youre powers. Youve got to watch them - be quick or be dead.
Be quick or be dead - Iron Maiden
uni work, a web company, and a tripple operating system
change hasnt helped. In future you will probably be
seeing less of my ansi, since it takes too long as compared
with VGA on a graphics tablet.
Just a few offers to people
out there, if you want an ansi for a bulletin board, then
ask!! Well do the ansi anyway, it just helps if we have a
name or two to do a font for. Please note,
dont ask anyone in AV for a menu set
unless you are going to pay for it. Nobody
likes doing them. Secondly, if you are
relesing anything and want
a fileid.diz for it,
allow us, well do any amount of
Team Coders - Dont be discouraged, it bears a good
similarity to a demo.
TUI - A shining example of a group, with 40+ members... pity only 2 of them are active.
Dark Fibre - Hows that donut-killing-anti-torus virus comming?
Force - Where ever you are.
Catch 22 - Youd have won coven if it wasnt canceled.
The three other people who use the handle
Harlequin on IRC - Get an script with flood
sys pass: Peloquin protection guys!
BBS ad for Midian
95275873*.*Here in Melbourne, weve
been thinking about Oz97. Well, it may be
called something else if the people in queensland
do a demoparty. Itd probably be sheduled sometime
around january - febuary, and well be
scheduling in more than a few festivi ties
so bring id. Any comments and/or sugestions would
be appreciated. Im on the interwet at
harlquin@yoyo.cc.monash.edu. au. or as Harlequin at Midian, on the Maddness network. Theoretically i can be contacted in much the same way over Bloodnet but at last word, Ozone couldnt plug the damn thing in. aint gonna waste my hate on you, covered in sinners and dripping with
aint gonna give no more, aint guilt, making youre money from slimegot time to help you score and from filth. Parading youre bellies in youre ivory towers,
Waste my hate - Metalica investing our lives in youre schemes and youre powers. Youve got to watch them - be quick or be dead.
Be quick or be dead - Iron Maiden
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