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whoopi do... another krinkle logo, i was gona make
it a 25-liner pic thingo but i couldent be fucked
greets-fluff:party at you place tonight, goblin:
your gona have to move out on friday...,Jes: party
on babe, z-force: tnx for the logo, fucking crack up
shit running outa room... rest of greets to carpet,
apache, flick, ratt, inferno, etc
R O O M 1 0 1
it a 25-liner pic thingo but i couldent be fucked
greets-fluff:party at you place tonight, goblin:
your gona have to move out on friday...,Jes: party
on babe, z-force: tnx for the logo, fucking crack up
shit running outa room... rest of greets to carpet,
apache, flick, ratt, inferno, etc
R O O M 1 0 1
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