this image contains text
Mortis Incarna
File Area
Her lips wer
e red, her HCommand1
looks were free, Her OCommand2
lock were yellow TCommand3
as gold: Her Command4
skin was w KCommand5
hite as ECommand6
leprosy YCommand7
The ni Command8
ghtmar Command9
e Life-
h was s
e, Who tI am the end of all your dreams...
hicks man
s blood with cold.
Rippn stuff this black on H a r/l e q u/i n 95
black ansi isnt it? /
To all the AV guys, for kicking ass way beyond the call of duty!!!
Mortis Incarna
File Area
Her lips wer
e red, her HCommand1
looks were free, Her OCommand2
lock were yellow TCommand3
as gold: Her Command4
skin was w KCommand5
hite as ECommand6
leprosy YCommand7
The ni Command8
ghtmar Command9
e Life-
h was s
e, Who tI am the end of all your dreams...
hicks man
s blood with cold.
Rippn stuff this black on H a r/l e q u/i n 95
black ansi isnt it? /
To all the AV guys, for kicking ass way beyond the call of duty!!!
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