this image contains text
Ok Ppls this is AVs Very First ART PAK! were hoping youll
enjoy viewing our art as much as we enjoyed making it!
I Guess your wondering just who the hell we are?! : well ill
fill you in on the details, of members in just a little bit, but
first, meybe a little bit of a story about AV is in order, to sort
of bring you upto date as it were.
The Story so far.
AV was formed roughly about 2-3 months ago, just after the failure
of my first art group called flare. Due to some disagreements with
the other founder so that group consisting of 3 members, was broken
up and nothing was done for a short period of time about 4-5 weeks
during that time i decided to get into the SysOp scene, and run a BBS
so thats just what i did, at the same time i was still doing a lot of
vga stuff, etc and was still in contact with one of the other
Ex-flare ppl. After the start of the BBS i decided to go out on my
own in the art scene, i believed i had suficient enough drawing
ability to do some decent work that might be of use to someone out
there, so i decided to get myself a new working name, and start on
doing some real gfx work. At that time i got in touch with one of
the other Ex-flare ppl, and got him on side as senior member of an
as of yet un-organised art group. Anyway to cut an extreemly long and
boring story short, i gathered up a handfull of ppl who had potential
into my group and then we got out art together in this pak that you
you see before you! We all worked extreemly hard for the short time
we had before the release of this pak, and even tho its late, i think
it was well worth waiting for! from now on well be releasing paks
on a monthly basis, which will include: VGAs, ANSis, LITs. were
trying to get into RIP Music, but as yet dont have any musicians.
OK so thats basicly it. we came out of obscurity and made a show on
the international ART scene, and we did it all in the space of 2
months! i dont know if thats any real feat or not but i believe it is
quite an achievement for us, and i think youll see a lot more of AV
Here and there! :
PS. id like to see the OZ art scene take off, and get to an
international level, and with groups like DiE and SKAG were well on
the way to getting there!
Ok Ppls this is AVs Very First ART PAK! were hoping youll
enjoy viewing our art as much as we enjoyed making it!
I Guess your wondering just who the hell we are?! : well ill
fill you in on the details, of members in just a little bit, but
first, meybe a little bit of a story about AV is in order, to sort
of bring you upto date as it were.
The Story so far.
AV was formed roughly about 2-3 months ago, just after the failure
of my first art group called flare. Due to some disagreements with
the other founder so that group consisting of 3 members, was broken
up and nothing was done for a short period of time about 4-5 weeks
during that time i decided to get into the SysOp scene, and run a BBS
so thats just what i did, at the same time i was still doing a lot of
vga stuff, etc and was still in contact with one of the other
Ex-flare ppl. After the start of the BBS i decided to go out on my
own in the art scene, i believed i had suficient enough drawing
ability to do some decent work that might be of use to someone out
there, so i decided to get myself a new working name, and start on
doing some real gfx work. At that time i got in touch with one of
the other Ex-flare ppl, and got him on side as senior member of an
as of yet un-organised art group. Anyway to cut an extreemly long and
boring story short, i gathered up a handfull of ppl who had potential
into my group and then we got out art together in this pak that you
you see before you! We all worked extreemly hard for the short time
we had before the release of this pak, and even tho its late, i think
it was well worth waiting for! from now on well be releasing paks
on a monthly basis, which will include: VGAs, ANSis, LITs. were
trying to get into RIP Music, but as yet dont have any musicians.
OK so thats basicly it. we came out of obscurity and made a show on
the international ART scene, and we did it all in the space of 2
months! i dont know if thats any real feat or not but i believe it is
quite an achievement for us, and i think youll see a lot more of AV
Here and there! :
PS. id like to see the OZ art scene take off, and get to an
international level, and with groups like DiE and SKAG were well on
the way to getting there!
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