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avenge newsletter...
A few things have happened this month that may concern you doodle kids.
1. www.avengeproductions.com is put on hold and wont be re-opened till
I find a way to pay for this domain. money is tight
2. XXIour upcoming website is back under construction and will be
expected to launch in early may.
3. New members to the crew! Mydknight opens up with a dope toony large-
scale pic! Remnant joins us and provides the scene with some ansi with
an oldschool twist. Luminous joins us and ends his hunger for a affil.
Also this month you will not see any art from creator for a couple of
reasons which make me feel so inadiquate but i know next month will
prevail since i have 3 outlines started and not shaded. Even one over 150
lines which is strange for me. I apoligize to every avenge member and hope
you can forgive my lazy ass. but! I have a good excuse *cough* yeah right.
1. I am unemployed and seeking a job! 24/7
2. I hosted a large ass rave! and was dealing with alot of booking agentz,
promoters, djs, sound guys, printing fagz, etc.
3. My nagging wife wanted to ride my dick on my free time.
nuff said : the point is IM SORRY DAMNIT!
Zeusii takes a break from drawing this month. He has had some personal
problems in school and begged me to allow him a break : I gave him 2 days,
he took a month.. bastard. teeeheeee
SalvationX aka whitetrash/mixlplik leaves avenge to draw for a super elite
secret group. NEATO! good luck keith.
Anyways. Enjoy the pack, write me hate mail cause im a prick. And suck my
dick please....
---- + Argons Section in the NFO file
Argon hell yeah :
Argon hey what ever happened to zero vision? he was good
Argon btw, if you want to fill some space ill write a section in the
info file too
Argon hehe
The AvengeCult 1999 - creator@razorshift.com to apply or bitch
A few things have happened this month that may concern you doodle kids.
1. www.avengeproductions.com is put on hold and wont be re-opened till
I find a way to pay for this domain. money is tight
2. XXIour upcoming website is back under construction and will be
expected to launch in early may.
3. New members to the crew! Mydknight opens up with a dope toony large-
scale pic! Remnant joins us and provides the scene with some ansi with
an oldschool twist. Luminous joins us and ends his hunger for a affil.
Also this month you will not see any art from creator for a couple of
reasons which make me feel so inadiquate but i know next month will
prevail since i have 3 outlines started and not shaded. Even one over 150
lines which is strange for me. I apoligize to every avenge member and hope
you can forgive my lazy ass. but! I have a good excuse *cough* yeah right.
1. I am unemployed and seeking a job! 24/7
2. I hosted a large ass rave! and was dealing with alot of booking agentz,
promoters, djs, sound guys, printing fagz, etc.
3. My nagging wife wanted to ride my dick on my free time.
nuff said : the point is IM SORRY DAMNIT!
Zeusii takes a break from drawing this month. He has had some personal
problems in school and begged me to allow him a break : I gave him 2 days,
he took a month.. bastard. teeeheeee
SalvationX aka whitetrash/mixlplik leaves avenge to draw for a super elite
secret group. NEATO! good luck keith.
Anyways. Enjoy the pack, write me hate mail cause im a prick. And suck my
dick please....
---- + Argons Section in the NFO file
Argon hell yeah :
Argon hey what ever happened to zero vision? he was good
Argon btw, if you want to fill some space ill write a section in the
info file too
Argon hehe
The AvengeCult 1999 - creator@razorshift.com to apply or bitch
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