this image contains text
avenge newsletter January 1999!
Heh.. now i gotta scrape up a newsletter in five
minutes. but ok, here we go:
New members
chronicc joins avenge! his phearsome skillz will stun your
eyes for some time in the future, we can assure you.
prime, an oldschooler with a somms-like style joins our ranks!
you can expect tons of oldschool stuff from this daddy.
vampire of tehran! you might recognize this guys style from before..
say no more :
Avenge has decided to include a new medium! RIP is a dying medium,
just like ansi, and its also one of the cooler mediums out there.
This has been discussed with our members, and they all agree with
this.. The plan is that only avenge ansi members are allowed to draw.
This means you cant apply to Avenge with .RIP only. Well also be
keeping the amount of RIP pictures relatively low compared to ansi,
since ansi is still Avenges no.1 medium. Long live avengeRIPANSI!
Avenge Wear
ZeusII so whats going on with Avenge wear?
creator hehe avenge gear is ready to print, im finding
a new place to print at as we speak
there you have it.. Avenge wear is on its way. Check
our website for updates.
Speaking of our website...
our new URL is Avengeproductions.com, and the great lord scarlet
has fixed packdownloads from it, so go there to find our packs in the
New relase any day now!
Memberlist cleanup
Seems a few guys disappeared in january/december. We cleared them
out of the memberlist. If any of them should read this know that
youre welcome back when youre active.. ya gots ta be tuff when
ya runnin main dope group...
Spot leaves Avenge / DT!
Spot had to leave Avenge this month. he had to choose between this
and a career opportunity, and we dont blame him.. Avenge is fun
but not as fun as money :. Good luck spot!
Whitetrash salvationX
whitetrash changes his handle to salvationX.. he wont tell us why
but we believe aliens possessed his brain, making him able to draw
ansi at an improved speed rate of 300.
it also seems that the same aliens took over my brain and decreased
my doodle rate to 30
Avenge Future
in case you missed it, its 1999.. avenges 13th pack. We keep doing
our thing, promoting and supporting the worlds greatest medium..
and now weve included another.. a support medium.. It is truly avenge
spirit, to help the dying, and promote the upcoming.. This is what
we want to do.. This is why were around.. We love art.
Avenge forever!
Enjoy 13!
/Zeus II.. your humble leader type person..
contact me at beyotch@hotmail.com
Sing the Song of Salvation:
Id like to congratulate Creator, who moved into a new place this
month! Good luck with everything. Id like to point out to ever-
yone that CR should be considered one of the most improved artists
of 1998. He has inspired me so much by reminding me that I am not
done. He could have stopped where he was and remained at that
level. Instead, hes playing monopoly with real cash.
As for me, Im dedicating a lot more time to my ansis. Trying
really hard to get as much QUALITY stuff done as possible. No more
WhiteTrash, its SalvationX now. I have a lot of art in this pack
simply because I couldnt get all my stuff in last month. The iCE
promo and Salt matrix were drawn last month. I dont mass produce
THAT much. :
Until next month...
Group Greets: ACiD, iCE, Glue, CiA, Souls and Dark.
Salvation X - Avenge/Fiction
danmitall to fucking hell!!!
sorry my stuff in the pack sucked kids. I had 4 pics done, ready
and my hdd crashed. Lost all of em. DAMNIT! but. i didfind a old
version of one of my pics so i will finish it for next month!
Alot has happened this month, our web page has been delayed due
to inactivity in the web division, however lordscarlet has helped
us a load with some quick fixes towards we shit. : he rules
look for some new advancements on our site..
thismonth i saw alot of effort from everyone! some phat art and
even a release from azrael?!?! what is this?! welp, i wanna
send out my props to everyone.. you rule and kids! apply for
avenge today! or you will miss out on some very addicting habits,
drugs, sex, beer, more sex. and more sex.. sicne we get laid lots.
your gayless leader creator of the avengecult galaxy
avenge newsletter January 1999!
Heh.. now i gotta scrape up a newsletter in five
minutes. but ok, here we go:
New members
chronicc joins avenge! his phearsome skillz will stun your
eyes for some time in the future, we can assure you.
prime, an oldschooler with a somms-like style joins our ranks!
you can expect tons of oldschool stuff from this daddy.
vampire of tehran! you might recognize this guys style from before..
say no more :
Avenge has decided to include a new medium! RIP is a dying medium,
just like ansi, and its also one of the cooler mediums out there.
This has been discussed with our members, and they all agree with
this.. The plan is that only avenge ansi members are allowed to draw.
This means you cant apply to Avenge with .RIP only. Well also be
keeping the amount of RIP pictures relatively low compared to ansi,
since ansi is still Avenges no.1 medium. Long live avengeRIPANSI!
Avenge Wear
ZeusII so whats going on with Avenge wear?
creator hehe avenge gear is ready to print, im finding
a new place to print at as we speak
there you have it.. Avenge wear is on its way. Check
our website for updates.
Speaking of our website...
our new URL is Avengeproductions.com, and the great lord scarlet
has fixed packdownloads from it, so go there to find our packs in the
New relase any day now!
Memberlist cleanup
Seems a few guys disappeared in january/december. We cleared them
out of the memberlist. If any of them should read this know that
youre welcome back when youre active.. ya gots ta be tuff when
ya runnin main dope group...
Spot leaves Avenge / DT!
Spot had to leave Avenge this month. he had to choose between this
and a career opportunity, and we dont blame him.. Avenge is fun
but not as fun as money :. Good luck spot!
Whitetrash salvationX
whitetrash changes his handle to salvationX.. he wont tell us why
but we believe aliens possessed his brain, making him able to draw
ansi at an improved speed rate of 300.
it also seems that the same aliens took over my brain and decreased
my doodle rate to 30
Avenge Future
in case you missed it, its 1999.. avenges 13th pack. We keep doing
our thing, promoting and supporting the worlds greatest medium..
and now weve included another.. a support medium.. It is truly avenge
spirit, to help the dying, and promote the upcoming.. This is what
we want to do.. This is why were around.. We love art.
Avenge forever!
Enjoy 13!
/Zeus II.. your humble leader type person..
contact me at beyotch@hotmail.com
Sing the Song of Salvation:
Id like to congratulate Creator, who moved into a new place this
month! Good luck with everything. Id like to point out to ever-
yone that CR should be considered one of the most improved artists
of 1998. He has inspired me so much by reminding me that I am not
done. He could have stopped where he was and remained at that
level. Instead, hes playing monopoly with real cash.
As for me, Im dedicating a lot more time to my ansis. Trying
really hard to get as much QUALITY stuff done as possible. No more
WhiteTrash, its SalvationX now. I have a lot of art in this pack
simply because I couldnt get all my stuff in last month. The iCE
promo and Salt matrix were drawn last month. I dont mass produce
THAT much. :
Until next month...
Group Greets: ACiD, iCE, Glue, CiA, Souls and Dark.
Salvation X - Avenge/Fiction
danmitall to fucking hell!!!
sorry my stuff in the pack sucked kids. I had 4 pics done, ready
and my hdd crashed. Lost all of em. DAMNIT! but. i didfind a old
version of one of my pics so i will finish it for next month!
Alot has happened this month, our web page has been delayed due
to inactivity in the web division, however lordscarlet has helped
us a load with some quick fixes towards we shit. : he rules
look for some new advancements on our site..
thismonth i saw alot of effort from everyone! some phat art and
even a release from azrael?!?! what is this?! welp, i wanna
send out my props to everyone.. you rule and kids! apply for
avenge today! or you will miss out on some very addicting habits,
drugs, sex, beer, more sex. and more sex.. sicne we get laid lots.
your gayless leader creator of the avengecult galaxy
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