this image contains text
avenge newsletter December 1998!
Welcome to Avenges 11th release!
Hmm, i think my fish is sick. its all blown up like a blowfish
or something.. I think it needs treatment.,
And this computer is fucked up.. hell, who has a computer without
Norton Commander?? shit...
Allow me to quote my ramblings in last months newsletter.
Then theres this whole lore thing.. ellisdee and taintedx and all that..
Supposedly they talked zerov into leaving us. This however is between the
two senior staffs.. and not for you.
Id like to apologize to ellisdee and taintedx for writing this. It
wasnt even supposed to be in the newsletter but got there somehow
anyways. Im sorry about this. And if you wonder about zerov, i recommend
you read the interview in gutter 5 or was it 6? by the Almighty
Im not gonna get technical with you this month, since creator does
such a swell job with that in his own ramblings. All Id like to say
is its awesome to see how this group forming into the stabile high-
quality ansi group we set it out to be. Avenge had 2 smaller packs
but this is both bigger and better. Were on top again, and it feels
wonderful. If you want to take part of all this just apply with your
stuff to me, beyotch@hotmail.com or creator creator@razorshift.com.
It takes both our votes for a member to join, so any of us will do.
And thanks to everyone whos contributed to this pack, I hope you
all realise how much I appreciate all the work you guys are putting
in to this group.. A big welcome to the new members, and good luck
to leaving ones. Now have a merry god damn christmas okay? btw dont
miss out on what creator writes about christmas presents.
Enjoy this art compilation, as we prepare to take ansi into 1999.
Creator Talks the Talk...
this month has been neato... a few new members and a few not so new
members. the kenneth star report hearing was this month but we dont
give a shit do we? and also, many people fed themselves with a damn
bird while celebrating americans taking over indians land.
also this month i flewout to Las Vegas and experienced the largest
rats race in the history of computer....comdex... it was big, it
was huge, and you couldnt walk five feet without bumping into
someone from Taiwan. I also met the infamous spot! we hung out and
discussed shit about the scene, our company, and how fucking hot my
wife is. : and we pretended to smoke alot of weed. but we never
actually got around to that part.
Avenge took a tragic hit this month. Artists have been coming up
to us and begging to draw for this pack. And also begging for many
other things ie. empathy, XXI, avengeview, sex, drugs, natalie, heh
unfortunatly we werent able to give out most of those since they
wont be entering the scene world tilll January 1st. Which brings up
another line of business. Our 1 year anniversary. January 1st is when
we will be celebrating our 1st whole year on this damned planet, and
we have a couple special things coming up. To start off, we will be
introducing a new product via our NEW webpage, and this product is...
AVENGE GEAR! thats right, you will be able to order Official Avenge
T-SHIRTS, Mouse Pads, and much more on the first! So dont go and blow
all your money on stupid Christmas gifts cause you will want to have
one of these! Also! XXItwentyOne our new webpage will be hitting the
world via NUKE January 1st. It will offer the most incredible virtual
masterbation machine you will ever see! just charge .25 cents to your
mom and pops VISA and you will get the most incredible orgasm you will
ever experience. And whats this?! EMPATHY?! what the hell is empathy
you ask?!? Avenges very own Skaboy has busted his ass for months to
bring you up to the very close year 2000 compliant ansi editor of the
future! You say nothing can replace Aciddraw? hah, simply bullshit
cause empathy WILL replace it. This editor will feature some kick ass
shit that i dont wanna go into cause it would spoil the surprise. So.
watch out doodleboys. Also lotsa shit i dont wanna talk about so on to
Avenge picked up some talent this month. We picked up Ministar who
joined us cause he wanted to release with the best and also Whitetrash
rejoined the active world. Also, we cleverly stole Bizzarro from AWE
cause he is a pimp, and we got some new development doods! check spots
scribbles. We also lost a couple members this month.. we lost.. one
actually.. We lost ministar to the real world. he has found no time for
his ARTISTIC life. so he departs.. hah enter and depart in one month..
welp,i hope you have enjoyed my ramblings, cause i talk too much right?!
nows the time i send out some shout outs..
werd to everyone... ellisdee, zeusii, whtetrash, all of avenge!, lauri!
The Knave, Skaboyee, prst, shrimp, zenith/loreteehee, taintedx, gstoner,
tna, fluor, inazone, FOS, and all of you damnit.. werd...
Creatorthe one and only?!
creator@razorshift.com - huh huh huhuh huh, he said COM... huhhuh
Words from the White One:
Word up yall, WhiteTrash here, a pretty impressive pack this month.
were really proud of this one. Big ups to rz. Shouts to Creator and ZeusII
for everything they did for the group month after month to bring us to this
point. Next month is AvengeCults 1 YEAR ANNIVERSERY. Thats right, 1 whole
yeah with the Avenge clan. In the beginning it didnt seem that Avenge would
turn out to be that good of a group, but thanks to the endless and selfless
work of ZII and CR, here we are at pack 11, the pinnacle of our scene lives.
Everyone has worked very hard to get where they are. Weve seen all
of our artists evolve and even lost some guys we really miss. We only hope
that anyone who left Avenge for any other group will soon wake up and see
that this is it baby, this is the top.
Props go out to Trip, Inazone and the iCE crew. Maestro, Filth and
all the Legion guys. Peace out to Lore, and anyone else we shut down.
Look out for everything we got coming next month, fiction, empathy,
and most of all XXi. This is Avenge Cult and you belong here.
WhiteTrash Avenge Cult Founder - Dec. 1998.
WARNING: The following news flash was written under the influience of way too much weed!
Sup people?!?!
Ahh yeah!, december... snow falls not in texas tho, people laugh, children
sing, and avenge kicks your shiny little ass at ansi. Annnd web
development. And that my fellllow scene type people is what I am here to
share with you. The glorious, wonderful, and dont forget joyfull, news for
december from all our friends at digital terrorists.
Let me tell you what wonderful kiddies joined us on the playground this
month. We got mr FrancesSeven F7 to all you bullies out there!. We
goooooooooooooottttttttttttttttttt Epoch, from iCCCCE be afraid young
ones. And behind door number 3 we got the one and only whirr from Revolt!
Okokok, heres the deal ladies. the avenge site will be up at the XXi site
by the 12th pack... our one year aniversery. But, it will not be close to
the complete site. We will be putting up kind of a groovy teaser for you
Uhhhh.... that be bout it.
Oh, btw.. F7 is not staff, he is administration. It is me and him working
the phones now. uhh yeah! Anyways, all you have fun out there dont eat
too much cake and shit, and smoke more weed...
war...! peace! is overrated!
Digital Terrorists
Administration? IT figures. I get a fucking title instead of cash... ah yeah
well.. what the fuck am I doinghere at DT? Good question... I suppose im
here to make sure we do everything possible to absolutely fucking WASTE
every other scene development team around! It can be done, you all know
that.. there isnt too much out there thats all that impressive on the web
scene-wise.. so lets get to that shit already.. xxi? heh heh heh.. just
wait.. oh.. and to set the record straight.. every other group is dumped
for this.. cept ACiD cause catbones is my ho..
avenge newsletter December 1998!
Welcome to Avenges 11th release!
Hmm, i think my fish is sick. its all blown up like a blowfish
or something.. I think it needs treatment.,
And this computer is fucked up.. hell, who has a computer without
Norton Commander?? shit...
Allow me to quote my ramblings in last months newsletter.
Then theres this whole lore thing.. ellisdee and taintedx and all that..
Supposedly they talked zerov into leaving us. This however is between the
two senior staffs.. and not for you.
Id like to apologize to ellisdee and taintedx for writing this. It
wasnt even supposed to be in the newsletter but got there somehow
anyways. Im sorry about this. And if you wonder about zerov, i recommend
you read the interview in gutter 5 or was it 6? by the Almighty
Im not gonna get technical with you this month, since creator does
such a swell job with that in his own ramblings. All Id like to say
is its awesome to see how this group forming into the stabile high-
quality ansi group we set it out to be. Avenge had 2 smaller packs
but this is both bigger and better. Were on top again, and it feels
wonderful. If you want to take part of all this just apply with your
stuff to me, beyotch@hotmail.com or creator creator@razorshift.com.
It takes both our votes for a member to join, so any of us will do.
And thanks to everyone whos contributed to this pack, I hope you
all realise how much I appreciate all the work you guys are putting
in to this group.. A big welcome to the new members, and good luck
to leaving ones. Now have a merry god damn christmas okay? btw dont
miss out on what creator writes about christmas presents.
Enjoy this art compilation, as we prepare to take ansi into 1999.
Creator Talks the Talk...
this month has been neato... a few new members and a few not so new
members. the kenneth star report hearing was this month but we dont
give a shit do we? and also, many people fed themselves with a damn
bird while celebrating americans taking over indians land.
also this month i flewout to Las Vegas and experienced the largest
rats race in the history of computer....comdex... it was big, it
was huge, and you couldnt walk five feet without bumping into
someone from Taiwan. I also met the infamous spot! we hung out and
discussed shit about the scene, our company, and how fucking hot my
wife is. : and we pretended to smoke alot of weed. but we never
actually got around to that part.
Avenge took a tragic hit this month. Artists have been coming up
to us and begging to draw for this pack. And also begging for many
other things ie. empathy, XXI, avengeview, sex, drugs, natalie, heh
unfortunatly we werent able to give out most of those since they
wont be entering the scene world tilll January 1st. Which brings up
another line of business. Our 1 year anniversary. January 1st is when
we will be celebrating our 1st whole year on this damned planet, and
we have a couple special things coming up. To start off, we will be
introducing a new product via our NEW webpage, and this product is...
AVENGE GEAR! thats right, you will be able to order Official Avenge
T-SHIRTS, Mouse Pads, and much more on the first! So dont go and blow
all your money on stupid Christmas gifts cause you will want to have
one of these! Also! XXItwentyOne our new webpage will be hitting the
world via NUKE January 1st. It will offer the most incredible virtual
masterbation machine you will ever see! just charge .25 cents to your
mom and pops VISA and you will get the most incredible orgasm you will
ever experience. And whats this?! EMPATHY?! what the hell is empathy
you ask?!? Avenges very own Skaboy has busted his ass for months to
bring you up to the very close year 2000 compliant ansi editor of the
future! You say nothing can replace Aciddraw? hah, simply bullshit
cause empathy WILL replace it. This editor will feature some kick ass
shit that i dont wanna go into cause it would spoil the surprise. So.
watch out doodleboys. Also lotsa shit i dont wanna talk about so on to
Avenge picked up some talent this month. We picked up Ministar who
joined us cause he wanted to release with the best and also Whitetrash
rejoined the active world. Also, we cleverly stole Bizzarro from AWE
cause he is a pimp, and we got some new development doods! check spots
scribbles. We also lost a couple members this month.. we lost.. one
actually.. We lost ministar to the real world. he has found no time for
his ARTISTIC life. so he departs.. hah enter and depart in one month..
welp,i hope you have enjoyed my ramblings, cause i talk too much right?!
nows the time i send out some shout outs..
werd to everyone... ellisdee, zeusii, whtetrash, all of avenge!, lauri!
The Knave, Skaboyee, prst, shrimp, zenith/loreteehee, taintedx, gstoner,
tna, fluor, inazone, FOS, and all of you damnit.. werd...
Creatorthe one and only?!
creator@razorshift.com - huh huh huhuh huh, he said COM... huhhuh
Words from the White One:
Word up yall, WhiteTrash here, a pretty impressive pack this month.
were really proud of this one. Big ups to rz. Shouts to Creator and ZeusII
for everything they did for the group month after month to bring us to this
point. Next month is AvengeCults 1 YEAR ANNIVERSERY. Thats right, 1 whole
yeah with the Avenge clan. In the beginning it didnt seem that Avenge would
turn out to be that good of a group, but thanks to the endless and selfless
work of ZII and CR, here we are at pack 11, the pinnacle of our scene lives.
Everyone has worked very hard to get where they are. Weve seen all
of our artists evolve and even lost some guys we really miss. We only hope
that anyone who left Avenge for any other group will soon wake up and see
that this is it baby, this is the top.
Props go out to Trip, Inazone and the iCE crew. Maestro, Filth and
all the Legion guys. Peace out to Lore, and anyone else we shut down.
Look out for everything we got coming next month, fiction, empathy,
and most of all XXi. This is Avenge Cult and you belong here.
WhiteTrash Avenge Cult Founder - Dec. 1998.
WARNING: The following news flash was written under the influience of way too much weed!
Sup people?!?!
Ahh yeah!, december... snow falls not in texas tho, people laugh, children
sing, and avenge kicks your shiny little ass at ansi. Annnd web
development. And that my fellllow scene type people is what I am here to
share with you. The glorious, wonderful, and dont forget joyfull, news for
december from all our friends at digital terrorists.
Let me tell you what wonderful kiddies joined us on the playground this
month. We got mr FrancesSeven F7 to all you bullies out there!. We
goooooooooooooottttttttttttttttttt Epoch, from iCCCCE be afraid young
ones. And behind door number 3 we got the one and only whirr from Revolt!
Okokok, heres the deal ladies. the avenge site will be up at the XXi site
by the 12th pack... our one year aniversery. But, it will not be close to
the complete site. We will be putting up kind of a groovy teaser for you
Uhhhh.... that be bout it.
Oh, btw.. F7 is not staff, he is administration. It is me and him working
the phones now. uhh yeah! Anyways, all you have fun out there dont eat
too much cake and shit, and smoke more weed...
war...! peace! is overrated!
Digital Terrorists
Administration? IT figures. I get a fucking title instead of cash... ah yeah
well.. what the fuck am I doinghere at DT? Good question... I suppose im
here to make sure we do everything possible to absolutely fucking WASTE
every other scene development team around! It can be done, you all know
that.. there isnt too much out there thats all that impressive on the web
scene-wise.. so lets get to that shit already.. xxi? heh heh heh.. just
wait.. oh.. and to set the record straight.. every other group is dumped
for this.. cept ACiD cause catbones is my ho..
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