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avenge newsletter November 1998!
ZeusII spreads the word....
Avenge.. our 10th artpack.
And heres Zeus II with some rumorkilling:
Hmm. I was away for a few days on vacation.. and when i come back I
hear some people have been spreading rumors about me. that i quit ansi
and left avenge or something. Totally ridiculous. Ill never quit. Ever.
Then there was the discussion about whether konami should be allowed to
dual with bm.. which proved itself unnecessary when he quit by himself.
It seems he never intended to draw for us..
And Zerov left.. I heard a rumor about that aswell, that he supposedly left
after having an argument with creator and spot. Not true. Spot and him did
have an argument, but only after he decided to leave us.
Then theres this whole lore thing.. ellisdee and taintedx and all that..
Supposedly they talked zerov into leaving us. This however is between the
two senior staffs.. and not for you.
Well, heres the pack anyways, it may be small, but its what we got.
Big thanks to everyone who contributed, and especially to all of our web team
and our superb coder Skaboy. these are the guys who work the most for the least amount of credit. Keep it up guys!
-- ZeusII
And Now:
The Development Team Leader in the mix...
Ahhh halloween sucks dick huh? All those little kiddies coming to your
door ASSUMING that your only purpose in life is to give them sugar coated
shit that you spent your hard earned dollars buying.
Well, arent we glad thats over.
Welcome to November, first off. Half the DT staff will be at COMDEX in
Las Vegas www.comdex.com. If you are gonna be there drop us a line at
dt@razorshift.com we might be interested in meeting up with you.
Next, The Knave, who happens to be the head of hirez in DT is looking for
applicants. If you are interested you can contact him on Efnet in avenge.
We just got the Empathy avenges premiere kick the ass of all the others
ANSI creation package website completed. Watch the site for new news and
information. That is located at avenge.razorshift.com/empathy
Again, I would like to mention we are still working on the XXi project and
have it slated for our one year anniversary. Be prepared for the most unique
and excellerating creation known in the history of the scene.
As far as members, we gained and lost Dr. Suess from glue. He came on board
then found life itself to take too much of a toll on him. So as far as I
know he has retired to only hirez. We thank him for the work he did do with
So as always, we are always interested in taking applications. Email them
to dt@razorshift.com
Oh yes, work is in progress to retrieve avenge.org ... soon my fellow
companions.. soon!
by the way.... who was that.... ummmmmmmm.....oh the webmaster from lore
was in the channel the other day. And although i personally dont agree
with lores politics he did make a point. He said the avenge site does
not stay updated. And I would like to acknowledge that and say we do
apoligize... That will not happen again. We have been so excited with
XXi that we forget the part that everyone sees..
you all have a great month..
and make sure you get the new alanis album tuesday...
Digital Terrorists
werd from creator...
its the first again... a little update about lack of activity for all of you
followers. sir lancelot is busy with school, and the same story with all of
the other artists inactive. they will be submitting more often, so watch
future avenge releases. we have a few special things in the next couple packs
so keep your eyes pealed for more shit from us. sorry about the lack of nfo
writings from me this month. not much to say, i spent most my time this month
drawing so i am tired.. we are taking apps! so feel free to email me at
creator@razorshift.com. we need ansi artists, font artists and pic doods aswell
as people to help us finish our web site xxi. nuff for now...
avenge newsletter November 1998!
ZeusII spreads the word....
Avenge.. our 10th artpack.
And heres Zeus II with some rumorkilling:
Hmm. I was away for a few days on vacation.. and when i come back I
hear some people have been spreading rumors about me. that i quit ansi
and left avenge or something. Totally ridiculous. Ill never quit. Ever.
Then there was the discussion about whether konami should be allowed to
dual with bm.. which proved itself unnecessary when he quit by himself.
It seems he never intended to draw for us..
And Zerov left.. I heard a rumor about that aswell, that he supposedly left
after having an argument with creator and spot. Not true. Spot and him did
have an argument, but only after he decided to leave us.
Then theres this whole lore thing.. ellisdee and taintedx and all that..
Supposedly they talked zerov into leaving us. This however is between the
two senior staffs.. and not for you.
Well, heres the pack anyways, it may be small, but its what we got.
Big thanks to everyone who contributed, and especially to all of our web team
and our superb coder Skaboy. these are the guys who work the most for the least amount of credit. Keep it up guys!
-- ZeusII
And Now:
The Development Team Leader in the mix...
Ahhh halloween sucks dick huh? All those little kiddies coming to your
door ASSUMING that your only purpose in life is to give them sugar coated
shit that you spent your hard earned dollars buying.
Well, arent we glad thats over.
Welcome to November, first off. Half the DT staff will be at COMDEX in
Las Vegas www.comdex.com. If you are gonna be there drop us a line at
dt@razorshift.com we might be interested in meeting up with you.
Next, The Knave, who happens to be the head of hirez in DT is looking for
applicants. If you are interested you can contact him on Efnet in avenge.
We just got the Empathy avenges premiere kick the ass of all the others
ANSI creation package website completed. Watch the site for new news and
information. That is located at avenge.razorshift.com/empathy
Again, I would like to mention we are still working on the XXi project and
have it slated for our one year anniversary. Be prepared for the most unique
and excellerating creation known in the history of the scene.
As far as members, we gained and lost Dr. Suess from glue. He came on board
then found life itself to take too much of a toll on him. So as far as I
know he has retired to only hirez. We thank him for the work he did do with
So as always, we are always interested in taking applications. Email them
to dt@razorshift.com
Oh yes, work is in progress to retrieve avenge.org ... soon my fellow
companions.. soon!
by the way.... who was that.... ummmmmmmm.....oh the webmaster from lore
was in the channel the other day. And although i personally dont agree
with lores politics he did make a point. He said the avenge site does
not stay updated. And I would like to acknowledge that and say we do
apoligize... That will not happen again. We have been so excited with
XXi that we forget the part that everyone sees..
you all have a great month..
and make sure you get the new alanis album tuesday...
Digital Terrorists
werd from creator...
its the first again... a little update about lack of activity for all of you
followers. sir lancelot is busy with school, and the same story with all of
the other artists inactive. they will be submitting more often, so watch
future avenge releases. we have a few special things in the next couple packs
so keep your eyes pealed for more shit from us. sorry about the lack of nfo
writings from me this month. not much to say, i spent most my time this month
drawing so i am tired.. we are taking apps! so feel free to email me at
creator@razorshift.com. we need ansi artists, font artists and pic doods aswell
as people to help us finish our web site xxi. nuff for now...
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