this image contains text
avenge newsletter september 1998
Zeus II rambles..
Ahh! Welcome to the latest Avenge release.
Several things has happened this month, so
lets start with members leaving our ranks.
Ansi artist Crimson Skye left us to help out
in RCA, which had some problems with quantity
if im not mistaken.
Cskye joined us just before avenge06, and
I would like to extend my gratitude for all
the superb art hes done for Avenge.
Whitetrash left us aswell, to join the
Legion. You will however find him in the
memberlist listed as founder, which is the
way it should have been from pack 1.
I apologize for not having fixed that sooner.
Now lets go on with the people who joined
this month.
Inclusive is back with us again, after excerzising
his ansi skillz until he felt he was good enough :
Welcome back!
Templar and Bay are our new additions to the
Digital Terrorists. Theyre both very talented
web developers. Enjoy your stay!
Seire is our new WHQ, opped by taintedx, spot,
Creator and Comatose.
Other than that, Creator and me have been
enforcing and improving our cooperation/teamwork.
We have long discussions about avenge something
like once a week, and besides that meeting every
day well, almost every day: on irc and talking
news, apps, etc. The best of it all is that we
agree on everything. Thats a big reason to why
Avenge has come so far.
Wed like you members to take part of this
teamwork. We want you to mention any ideas you
have for Avenge, and problems you have, basically
anything. Avenge is about teamwork, and a whole
buncha other stuff Ive mentioned before :, and
I believe its important we keep it that way.
Dont you?
Another thing weve changed is that from now on
Creator and me are taking turns releasing the packs.
I am releasing this one, and creator avenge9, etc.
Both of us lead the group, so you may come to
both creator and me with problems/apps/whatever.
And, in order to keep you members more up to date
Creator and I are releasing a text file imbetween
packs, with various happenings/news to the group.
This idea originally came from a member.. I hope
itll work out.
Last I would like to greet those artists who
worked extra hard and broke new barriers this month:
Creator, Zerovision, Rzicus and lancelot. Also
big thanks to our guest artists, count0 and exocet.
Okay, thats it, Ill let this pack speak for
itself, enjoy yer viewing!
Zeus II beyotch@hotmail.com
Welcome to september everyone. spot waves
Well, this month we grew by two.
We got templar, he has been involved with the web scene
for quite a while and is currently CEO of Borderline
Themes, a interesting little desktop theme design group.
We also got Bay, I honestly must say that I have not had
the pleasure of meeting him. But I do look foreword to
the occasion. I have though, got a chance to graze over
his work and it is very nice. I see a good balance of
layout, color selection and graphic ability there.
We are happy to have both of them to say the least.
Our current projects include XXi, the site for the Infusion
project, the RAiSE project more later, the Digital Terrorist
site, the AvengePack site and last but not least the Empathy
development site.
Currently we are working on XXi.
This is the new Avenge site slated for release early November.
This site is like nothing anyone has seen before. In fact,
we will be producing several diffrent versions of this site to
adapt to high/low speed connection/processor people. It will
include some high end Flash3 development and Microsoft
SurroundVideo support to make it dazzle the eye. Things will
be easy to find and get to, it will load fast for your specific
connection speed. It *IS* the largest web undertaking in
scene to date.
This project is scraping iCEs new site off
the table. Yes I have seen v2, dont get your hopes up.
Ok, on to other DT matters. We are in the process of producing
t-shirts and hats for Digital Terrorists, they will be avalible
for purchase on the new site in November.
If anyone would like
to join our ranks, please contact me in avenge or email me at
spot@razorshift.com, Im always happy to look at your work.
Thats it.. peace!
Spot spot@razorshift.com / spot.razorshift.com
Creators text here...
I have just a couple things to say. First off, Avenge
is now taking apps for pic artists only! : And second
off I would like to thank all of avenge for doign an
awesome job this month. This has to be the best month
up to date. Not just the art but the group is filling
out and becoming the group it has potential to be.
Avenge is proud to announce that on the 1 year
anniversary we are releasing to the public access
to purchase official AvengeCult merchandise! This
means you will be able to order and receive Avenge
mouse pads, tshirts, mugs, golf balls, puzzles, etc.
Merchandise may be removed or added from/to the list
without notice. Contact Creator for information.
Creator creator@razorshift.com
avenge newsletter september 1998
Zeus II rambles..
Ahh! Welcome to the latest Avenge release.
Several things has happened this month, so
lets start with members leaving our ranks.
Ansi artist Crimson Skye left us to help out
in RCA, which had some problems with quantity
if im not mistaken.
Cskye joined us just before avenge06, and
I would like to extend my gratitude for all
the superb art hes done for Avenge.
Whitetrash left us aswell, to join the
Legion. You will however find him in the
memberlist listed as founder, which is the
way it should have been from pack 1.
I apologize for not having fixed that sooner.
Now lets go on with the people who joined
this month.
Inclusive is back with us again, after excerzising
his ansi skillz until he felt he was good enough :
Welcome back!
Templar and Bay are our new additions to the
Digital Terrorists. Theyre both very talented
web developers. Enjoy your stay!
Seire is our new WHQ, opped by taintedx, spot,
Creator and Comatose.
Other than that, Creator and me have been
enforcing and improving our cooperation/teamwork.
We have long discussions about avenge something
like once a week, and besides that meeting every
day well, almost every day: on irc and talking
news, apps, etc. The best of it all is that we
agree on everything. Thats a big reason to why
Avenge has come so far.
Wed like you members to take part of this
teamwork. We want you to mention any ideas you
have for Avenge, and problems you have, basically
anything. Avenge is about teamwork, and a whole
buncha other stuff Ive mentioned before :, and
I believe its important we keep it that way.
Dont you?
Another thing weve changed is that from now on
Creator and me are taking turns releasing the packs.
I am releasing this one, and creator avenge9, etc.
Both of us lead the group, so you may come to
both creator and me with problems/apps/whatever.
And, in order to keep you members more up to date
Creator and I are releasing a text file imbetween
packs, with various happenings/news to the group.
This idea originally came from a member.. I hope
itll work out.
Last I would like to greet those artists who
worked extra hard and broke new barriers this month:
Creator, Zerovision, Rzicus and lancelot. Also
big thanks to our guest artists, count0 and exocet.
Okay, thats it, Ill let this pack speak for
itself, enjoy yer viewing!
Zeus II beyotch@hotmail.com
Welcome to september everyone. spot waves
Well, this month we grew by two.
We got templar, he has been involved with the web scene
for quite a while and is currently CEO of Borderline
Themes, a interesting little desktop theme design group.
We also got Bay, I honestly must say that I have not had
the pleasure of meeting him. But I do look foreword to
the occasion. I have though, got a chance to graze over
his work and it is very nice. I see a good balance of
layout, color selection and graphic ability there.
We are happy to have both of them to say the least.
Our current projects include XXi, the site for the Infusion
project, the RAiSE project more later, the Digital Terrorist
site, the AvengePack site and last but not least the Empathy
development site.
Currently we are working on XXi.
This is the new Avenge site slated for release early November.
This site is like nothing anyone has seen before. In fact,
we will be producing several diffrent versions of this site to
adapt to high/low speed connection/processor people. It will
include some high end Flash3 development and Microsoft
SurroundVideo support to make it dazzle the eye. Things will
be easy to find and get to, it will load fast for your specific
connection speed. It *IS* the largest web undertaking in
scene to date.
This project is scraping iCEs new site off
the table. Yes I have seen v2, dont get your hopes up.
Ok, on to other DT matters. We are in the process of producing
t-shirts and hats for Digital Terrorists, they will be avalible
for purchase on the new site in November.
If anyone would like
to join our ranks, please contact me in avenge or email me at
spot@razorshift.com, Im always happy to look at your work.
Thats it.. peace!
Spot spot@razorshift.com / spot.razorshift.com
Creators text here...
I have just a couple things to say. First off, Avenge
is now taking apps for pic artists only! : And second
off I would like to thank all of avenge for doign an
awesome job this month. This has to be the best month
up to date. Not just the art but the group is filling
out and becoming the group it has potential to be.
Avenge is proud to announce that on the 1 year
anniversary we are releasing to the public access
to purchase official AvengeCult merchandise! This
means you will be able to order and receive Avenge
mouse pads, tshirts, mugs, golf balls, puzzles, etc.
Merchandise may be removed or added from/to the list
without notice. Contact Creator for information.
Creator creator@razorshift.com
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