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avenge newsletter...
ZeusII rambles...
Its been a neat month. Ive returned from travelling a bit in sweden,
and so I started to commit myself a little more to Avenge. I resigned
from poffelipoff to give me more time for avenge, and to set the example:
dualing is no good. Avenge should be a bunch of dedicated guys, and we
To all new members: welcome, and enjoy your stay. If you need any help
with anything im always available at beyotch@hotmail.com or on IRC.
Do enjoy this pack, we all put a lot of work in it, and be sure to
pay a visit to our improved homepage at avenge.razorshift.com.
Thats it folks, see you next month.
/Zeus II
Lord Spot rambles...
Well, its been a hell of a month. Lots and lots of happenings. First we
had to say goodbye to our friend Mardukk, he had his personal life to
attend to pssst! hes getting married. Replacing him is myself, Spot.
First things first. The web division has changed its name to Digital
Terrorists. This because we are going to make a splash in the scene,
well, as far as the web shit goes. We plan to get a group of highly
skilled developers and coders not sure how thats gonna work.. need to
talk to skaboy bout it hehe. And we are going to produce high quality
websites and services for Avenge and avenge productions.
What this means is that we have as of NOW.. 8 large projects on the
drawing board, with more arriving weekly. At current we have myself and
Creator in DT. We welcome The Knave coming to us from iCE for hirez
support. And a new guy vgalord yeah, it scares me too that has a nice
handle on design.
We ARE looking for more members. If you design and develop web related
content, wheth000000000000000er it be graphic, layout, cgi, flash or
knowlege of web servers and software .. contact us.... you can reach me at
spot@razorshift.com and also in avenge. We are very interested in looking
at your work. If you email me.. send some URLs or attachments of samples.
There has never been a web related team of this magitude introduced to the
scene. If anyone can make it happen it is Avenge. We are here to stay, for
a looonng time.
Avenge presents, Digital Terrorists
Creator rambles...
Well, alot has happened this month, Interesting changes and also new
additions to the Avenge team. For starters lemme tell you about members
who left for other projects. TNA and FLUOR left us to revive the well-
known font group AWE and with them they provoked knocturnl to join there
ranks leaving the group. I spoke with all three of the individuals and
after speaking with fluor and tna, i came to the conslusion that they
were better off running there font group. Now, knocturnl felt he could
still fill a place in avenge as a ansi artist but I frowned upon it since
he was most inactive so i sort of pushed him out of the group not really
giving him a chance to stay with us. Also leaving us this month due to
the fact they just are inactive and were kicked out or they left was
kargus who was just inactive, and tum who didnt have enough time to
squeeze both ansi and ascii into his life. Minister of Light also left us
to pursue his quest for fame, and to this day he is trying to get in
The Legion, good luck mol. Joining us this month are some very talented
artists that have been hiding in the shadows of the scene acoiding the
spotlight. We have Sir Lancelot joining us and Zero Vision joining us.
both of these artists have serious talent and plan on releasing with
gotAvenge for some time.
Well, Avenge has a few projects underway, xxi, empathy, avepack, etc.
In this avenge pck you will find a file avepack4.zip. This is a util
writen by Avenge coder Skaboy that takes pack creation and sorting and
automates it making art pack packing simpler taking the 30 minute process
to a simple 2-5 minute process. Empathy is Avenges very own ANSI drawing
program which includes practicly everything you ever needed in a drawing
utilsee skaboy for details. Our 2 project would be XXI, which is our
new digital terrorist divisions projectsee spot for details.
Look for many other things to come next month project wise!
On a more somber and laugh in your face note. I wont say who started
this little rumor, but it spread so far that people believed it to its
fullest. Before Avenges second pack release everyone gloated and laughed
at avenge because they all believe we would not last past our 3rd pack.
Well, Here we are. Pack 7 and going strong. heres a big in your face
from the avenge staff. We plan on releasing avenge packs on time for a
very long time. If it is just myself and ZeusII we will release, but,
I dont see Avenge being a DUO pack anytime soon, Avenge members are
busting there ass to create awesome art. Ansi is a art and will never
disapear. Avenge is not avenge without art. Nuff rambling. Till next month.
ZeusII rambles...
Its been a neat month. Ive returned from travelling a bit in sweden,
and so I started to commit myself a little more to Avenge. I resigned
from poffelipoff to give me more time for avenge, and to set the example:
dualing is no good. Avenge should be a bunch of dedicated guys, and we
To all new members: welcome, and enjoy your stay. If you need any help
with anything im always available at beyotch@hotmail.com or on IRC.
Do enjoy this pack, we all put a lot of work in it, and be sure to
pay a visit to our improved homepage at avenge.razorshift.com.
Thats it folks, see you next month.
/Zeus II
Lord Spot rambles...
Well, its been a hell of a month. Lots and lots of happenings. First we
had to say goodbye to our friend Mardukk, he had his personal life to
attend to pssst! hes getting married. Replacing him is myself, Spot.
First things first. The web division has changed its name to Digital
Terrorists. This because we are going to make a splash in the scene,
well, as far as the web shit goes. We plan to get a group of highly
skilled developers and coders not sure how thats gonna work.. need to
talk to skaboy bout it hehe. And we are going to produce high quality
websites and services for Avenge and avenge productions.
What this means is that we have as of NOW.. 8 large projects on the
drawing board, with more arriving weekly. At current we have myself and
Creator in DT. We welcome The Knave coming to us from iCE for hirez
support. And a new guy vgalord yeah, it scares me too that has a nice
handle on design.
We ARE looking for more members. If you design and develop web related
content, wheth000000000000000er it be graphic, layout, cgi, flash or
knowlege of web servers and software .. contact us.... you can reach me at
spot@razorshift.com and also in avenge. We are very interested in looking
at your work. If you email me.. send some URLs or attachments of samples.
There has never been a web related team of this magitude introduced to the
scene. If anyone can make it happen it is Avenge. We are here to stay, for
a looonng time.
Avenge presents, Digital Terrorists
Creator rambles...
Well, alot has happened this month, Interesting changes and also new
additions to the Avenge team. For starters lemme tell you about members
who left for other projects. TNA and FLUOR left us to revive the well-
known font group AWE and with them they provoked knocturnl to join there
ranks leaving the group. I spoke with all three of the individuals and
after speaking with fluor and tna, i came to the conslusion that they
were better off running there font group. Now, knocturnl felt he could
still fill a place in avenge as a ansi artist but I frowned upon it since
he was most inactive so i sort of pushed him out of the group not really
giving him a chance to stay with us. Also leaving us this month due to
the fact they just are inactive and were kicked out or they left was
kargus who was just inactive, and tum who didnt have enough time to
squeeze both ansi and ascii into his life. Minister of Light also left us
to pursue his quest for fame, and to this day he is trying to get in
The Legion, good luck mol. Joining us this month are some very talented
artists that have been hiding in the shadows of the scene acoiding the
spotlight. We have Sir Lancelot joining us and Zero Vision joining us.
both of these artists have serious talent and plan on releasing with
gotAvenge for some time.
Well, Avenge has a few projects underway, xxi, empathy, avepack, etc.
In this avenge pck you will find a file avepack4.zip. This is a util
writen by Avenge coder Skaboy that takes pack creation and sorting and
automates it making art pack packing simpler taking the 30 minute process
to a simple 2-5 minute process. Empathy is Avenges very own ANSI drawing
program which includes practicly everything you ever needed in a drawing
utilsee skaboy for details. Our 2 project would be XXI, which is our
new digital terrorist divisions projectsee spot for details.
Look for many other things to come next month project wise!
On a more somber and laugh in your face note. I wont say who started
this little rumor, but it spread so far that people believed it to its
fullest. Before Avenges second pack release everyone gloated and laughed
at avenge because they all believe we would not last past our 3rd pack.
Well, Here we are. Pack 7 and going strong. heres a big in your face
from the avenge staff. We plan on releasing avenge packs on time for a
very long time. If it is just myself and ZeusII we will release, but,
I dont see Avenge being a DUO pack anytime soon, Avenge members are
busting there ass to create awesome art. Ansi is a art and will never
disapear. Avenge is not avenge without art. Nuff rambling. Till next month.
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