this image contains text
x avg.cia
-- imthacumbackkid! ---------------------------------------
------------------This is the first and more than likely LAST
Spawn pic Ill ever do : At any
rate, mad propz flying out to aquishix, empty, fobeeuh, plazteck, cre
tunglo, dir, blue devil, and anyone else whos talked to me a
t least more than
once this past month. If youre rating this pic, and youre go
ing to give it a
bad rating, at least give me some constructive criticism if
you think youre
all that, k? : Til next time muchachos...
-- l8rz ----------------------------------------------------
-- imthacumbackkid! ---------------------------------------
------------------This is the first and more than likely LAST
Spawn pic Ill ever do : At any
rate, mad propz flying out to aquishix, empty, fobeeuh, plazteck, cre
tunglo, dir, blue devil, and anyone else whos talked to me a
t least more than
once this past month. If youre rating this pic, and youre go
ing to give it a
bad rating, at least give me some constructive criticism if
you think youre
all that, k? : Til next time muchachos...
-- l8rz ----------------------------------------------------
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