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+-- Aura Imagery Info File for September 1995 --+
Aura Imagery... Putting Art in a Whole New Light!
Okay, so maybe that quote is a LITTLE pre-mature, but its catchy,
you gotta admit. Here we are, after a month of planning, drawing,
recruiting, vegetating, and motivating, were here to present our premiere
art package, for your viewing enjoyment.
After a duration of one month, we managed to aquire 10 members, and
gather together enough work for a decent sized pack. Kilthrash, an ansi artist
from 416, is an artist who likes to draw and is always enthusiastic about
making his pics look as good as he possibly can. Shadow Dweller, a 519 logo
artist, draws impressive stuff and is sure to be someone to look out for in
the future. Preying Menace, a logo artist who is currently in both Dark
and Aura, will be drawing for us and helping out with other aspects of the
group. Opium, the Aura Canadian Co-ordinator, helps with recruiting and
runs a kick ass board . Our sole VGA guy so far, Deadpool, who used to
be in Union, and draws great comic-type pics. Xian, a newer addition to our
band of merry aura-type-people, is an up and coming ansi guy. Rephlex,
the head of our music division, hails from Acid and his music rocks.
If youd like to apply to Aura Imagery, call the World Headquarters,
Fate, at 905-666-2469. Or email austin@io.org and youll receive a reply
within 3 days. Our IRC channel is aura, so if youd like to talk to anyone
in Aura, join and you should be able to find someone.
Miscellaneous Shit... Twilight Serenity is now known as Orpheus, The
Stone Circle is no longer affiliated with Aura, and Fate has taken over as the
World Headquarters.
If you are an Aura Member, and your board isnt hooked up to AuraNet,
email the inet address above or call Fate and you will automatically receive
a node number. AuraNet is only available to Aura affiliated boards.
+-- Aura Imagery Info File for September 1995 --+
Aura Imagery... Putting Art in a Whole New Light!
Okay, so maybe that quote is a LITTLE pre-mature, but its catchy,
you gotta admit. Here we are, after a month of planning, drawing,
recruiting, vegetating, and motivating, were here to present our premiere
art package, for your viewing enjoyment.
After a duration of one month, we managed to aquire 10 members, and
gather together enough work for a decent sized pack. Kilthrash, an ansi artist
from 416, is an artist who likes to draw and is always enthusiastic about
making his pics look as good as he possibly can. Shadow Dweller, a 519 logo
artist, draws impressive stuff and is sure to be someone to look out for in
the future. Preying Menace, a logo artist who is currently in both Dark
and Aura, will be drawing for us and helping out with other aspects of the
group. Opium, the Aura Canadian Co-ordinator, helps with recruiting and
runs a kick ass board . Our sole VGA guy so far, Deadpool, who used to
be in Union, and draws great comic-type pics. Xian, a newer addition to our
band of merry aura-type-people, is an up and coming ansi guy. Rephlex,
the head of our music division, hails from Acid and his music rocks.
If youd like to apply to Aura Imagery, call the World Headquarters,
Fate, at 905-666-2469. Or email austin@io.org and youll receive a reply
within 3 days. Our IRC channel is aura, so if youd like to talk to anyone
in Aura, join and you should be able to find someone.
Miscellaneous Shit... Twilight Serenity is now known as Orpheus, The
Stone Circle is no longer affiliated with Aura, and Fate has taken over as the
World Headquarters.
If you are an Aura Member, and your board isnt hooked up to AuraNet,
email the inet address above or call Fate and you will automatically receive
a node number. AuraNet is only available to Aura affiliated boards.
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