this image contains text
Greets:ATOMiC -
Uh.. Do somethin!
- Brilliant.. :
:SLiVER - You should join up...
:Chaos Breed - Good luck...
illard - Can you reach doorknobs yet
YTE :Dark S
hadow - Whatta think?
:Cetis - I need to
get in touch
Graphical Exp
Worshippers of a f
allen cult
huddle aimless
ly in a room
Praying to a g
od of deceit
Temple of
Doom lie
s, and dark
Wails of
laughter rin
g out SysO
p-The Dark Shadow th
e ceiling shak
es The Dark Shadow
walls bu
ckle under s
Parishioners wh
o held so
1303DREAMON ti
ghtly to the
ir faith mo
ments ago cu
rse their
god they h
ave met the
ir demise
amassed in Th
e Temple of D
Greets:ATOMiC -
Uh.. Do somethin!
- Brilliant.. :
:SLiVER - You should join up...
:Chaos Breed - Good luck...
illard - Can you reach doorknobs yet
YTE :Dark S
hadow - Whatta think?
:Cetis - I need to
get in touch
Graphical Exp
Worshippers of a f
allen cult
huddle aimless
ly in a room
Praying to a g
od of deceit
Temple of
Doom lie
s, and dark
Wails of
laughter rin
g out SysO
p-The Dark Shadow th
e ceiling shak
es The Dark Shadow
walls bu
ckle under s
Parishioners wh
o held so
1303DREAMON ti
ghtly to the
ir faith mo
ments ago cu
rse their
god they h
ave met the
ir demise
amassed in Th
e Temple of D
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