this image contains text
afs.com 80x50
/ by thorass.
/server vancouver.bc.ca.undernet.org 6667
crEEd: Connected at the Van
couver Undernet Server
crEEd: thorax nickname alr
eady in use, please choose other:
/nick thorass
crEEd: thorax is now knows
as thorass
crEEd: Notify list:
*** SpeedFrk is on IRC
whois list: SpeedFrk
ident/ip: grunt@javacafe.c
name/comment: Ian van Schalkwyk
channels: +GaySelfPix
server: Vancouver.BC.CA.Und
ernet.Org, Canada Internet Direct Inc, - www.
whois list: SpeedFrk
/join gayselfpix
*** Now talking in GaySelfPix
topic: the place where gays
can meet.. no ! commands
DoctorK oh yeah speedfreak, do it to me
* SpeedFrk likes the dick of the Doc in his tight ass... oh baby
DoctorK Hello thorass i like yar name!,
you want to join in?
/part gayselfpix
*** You have left GaySelfPix
/ by thorass.
/server vancouver.bc.ca.undernet.org 6667
crEEd: Connected at the Van
couver Undernet Server
crEEd: thorax nickname alr
eady in use, please choose other:
/nick thorass
crEEd: thorax is now knows
as thorass
crEEd: Notify list:
*** SpeedFrk is on IRC
whois list: SpeedFrk
ident/ip: grunt@javacafe.c
name/comment: Ian van Schalkwyk
channels: +GaySelfPix
server: Vancouver.BC.CA.Und
ernet.Org, Canada Internet Direct Inc, - www.
whois list: SpeedFrk
/join gayselfpix
*** Now talking in GaySelfPix
topic: the place where gays
can meet.. no ! commands
DoctorK oh yeah speedfreak, do it to me
* SpeedFrk likes the dick of the Doc in his tight ass... oh baby
DoctorK Hello thorass i like yar name!,
you want to join in?
/part gayselfpix
*** You have left GaySelfPix
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