this image contains text
............ welcome to my new colly entitled : ............ : : : : : : / + - -- - - / / / ------ / / --- - / / / - brol / . : nsatb : : ...... nightstalker made it ! ................: : :...................... and you must phear it ! ....... : : : . . what? for who? the chillout zone turbo-d / / / / / / / / / / / / / ....... / / / + -- + / . / / / // / : : : // .............................: / / / nsatb +o turbo-d +v fatty ATB WHQ what? for who? dsi oldscool dsi / / / / / // ----------- / / / / / / nsatb dark side of the force use it dammit, im not spending hours drawing this stuff when noone uses it what? for who? dsi newscool dsi / / / / / s,. s,. .,ss,. s,. d dd dd nsatb d a r k s i d e o f t h e f o r c e what? for who? penis anybody / / / / / : : oo nsatb what? for who? speed freak speed freak / / / / / , .. . / , .. . / , .. . // / / // , .. . / , .. . / // nsatb , .. . / / / / // use this as a header or something ! what? for who? atb fileid.diz atb ofcoz ! / / / / / ------ // -------- // / / -------- / / / nsatb atb !! we rock,you ruckz0r ! damn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to wide, mmm maybe ill try another one later ... i like this one though, so ill find some other way to use it... what? for who? necrophidius logo necrophidius / / / / / .,sS .,sS .,sS .,sS .,sS .,sSMMMMM .,sSMMMMM .,sSMMMMM .,sSMMMMM .,sSMMMMM SSSSS AAAAA SSSSS AAAAA SSSSS AAAAA SSSSS AAAAA SSSSS AAAAA AAAAA SSSSS AAAAA SSSSS AAAAA SSSSS AAAAA SSSSS AAAAA SSSSS DDDDD OOOOO DDDDDOOOOO DDDDD OOOOO DDDDD OOOOO DDDDD OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO sssss OOOOO sssss OOOOO OOOOO s s s + phidius nsatb this logo rules !! i made it for one of the best pixelers belgium has ever seen : necrophidius from axial force ! i dont know if you can find any use for it, but hey, you are free to use it !! when you release a solo pack or so and want to add a description for your cool vgas. what? for who? penisman !! anybody / / / / / o0 / : / : its penisman ! / the guy with the gigantic penis. he saves poor women from the evil master of / oo nsatb darkness : virginity. / / / / / / / / what? for who? one-eyed man !! guess...... / / / / / 0 / its one-eyed man !! / the guy with the pathetic penis. / / oo nsatb / / / / / / : / : / : . what? for who? nrx fileid.diz den desperado / / / / /
.,sS ns .,sS atb .,sS here ya go desperado, .,sS .,sS .,sS you are free to use this as your fileid.diz for yar magazine. . ssssssssss consider it my contribution to the mag, maybe ill write something for it in the future !! if you accept the 03-scene magazine ------ guests from outside the 03-zone ofcourse: issue n .. i hope it will last longer released ../../.. than 1 issue...
what? for who? sexy doc doctor k- / / / / /
: / / // nsatb :
: : sexy doc ! : :
what? for who? vtm logo mike verdrengh / / / / / / / - - / / / vtm nsatb
what? for who? deep waterzzz doctor k-ass / / / / /
what? for who? sex conf logo anyone / / / / /
you have joined the xxx - conf !!!
both hands on keyboard please !!
: :.............................. : : its the end of my colly as we know it ..........................: : : : : :................ and youll feel sad ............ : : : : : GREETS TIME !! ...............................: : the following are greeted in no specific order : : den desperado, weedsmurf, vipermania, necrophidius, the megaton man, neurotic, rambo, tsrai, lassy, all in mib, all in dark side of the force, all people who work or will work on nrx, all in prozac, all of atb ofcourse, all in acid vga and all i forgot .... : : : : : BYE
have you noticed the large amount of sex filled logos ? its time for me to
get a babe... if you are female,leave mail to nightstalker at the chillout zone
+32-016/LOOK-IN-THE-MEMBERLIST !! ugly women: please do NOT mail me !!
.,sS ns .,sS atb .,sS here ya go desperado, .,sS .,sS .,sS you are free to use this as your fileid.diz for yar magazine. . ssssssssss consider it my contribution to the mag, maybe ill write something for it in the future !! if you accept the 03-scene magazine ------ guests from outside the 03-zone ofcourse: issue n .. i hope it will last longer released ../../.. than 1 issue...
what? for who? sexy doc doctor k- / / / / /
: / / // nsatb :
: : sexy doc ! : :
what? for who? vtm logo mike verdrengh / / / / / / / - - / / / vtm nsatb
what? for who? deep waterzzz doctor k-ass / / / / /
what? for who? sex conf logo anyone / / / / /
you have joined the xxx - conf !!!
both hands on keyboard please !!
: :.............................. : : its the end of my colly as we know it ..........................: : : : : :................ and youll feel sad ............ : : : : : GREETS TIME !! ...............................: : the following are greeted in no specific order : : den desperado, weedsmurf, vipermania, necrophidius, the megaton man, neurotic, rambo, tsrai, lassy, all in mib, all in dark side of the force, all people who work or will work on nrx, all in prozac, all of atb ofcourse, all in acid vga and all i forgot .... : : : : : BYE
have you noticed the large amount of sex filled logos ? its time for me to
get a babe... if you are female,leave mail to nightstalker at the chillout zone
+32-016/LOOK-IN-THE-MEMBERLIST !! ugly women: please do NOT mail me !!
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