this image contains text
. . .,di ,m@ .
7s1: 4b, .
.j b,I ,ib,.:, ,7 .d
,d7 14 :i1i ..,j.,4b.
4b, :!1 , ,1: ,47 ,di
.,d,i:, : :ii i , i , - this is an old ascii from about b,.i . ::i. i1i i.b,. 2 months ago that never got re- . 4 1 : :! 4i jS7 leased so i touched it up a bit , .ii1. .,1,1i: , and now its done.. and looks a 4 .,di,. 1 1 b. hell of alot better.. actually
. .,nO cARRiEr,. .4 : , no it doesnt
. . .,di ,m@ .
7s1: 4b, .
.j b,I ,ib,.:, ,7 .d
,d7 14 :i1i ..,j.,4b.
4b, :!1 , ,1: ,47 ,di
.,d,i:, : :ii i , i , - this is an old ascii from about b,.i . ::i. i1i i.b,. 2 months ago that never got re- . 4 1 : :! 4i jS7 leased so i touched it up a bit , .ii1. .,1,1i: , and now its done.. and looks a 4 .,di,. 1 1 b. hell of alot better.. actually
. .,nO cARRiEr,. .4 : , no it doesnt
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