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aspire/2 news...
hey hey everyone! thanks for downloading aspire 02. well,
i got some news for yall, so listen up.
first off...
aspires first release got a lot of attention, locally, and
nationally. we were even reviewed in gutter e-mag. the review
wasnt too hot, but atleast we got some recognition for our work.
i just wanted to point out to whoever reviewed us that i am a
female! i dont care to be refered to as that guy . it is
great to know that the first pack was good enough to get national
attention, but everyone should remember that aspire is all for
fun, and a place for newbie artists to release their work. i
personally thought that our first pack was outstanding for a
local group, and especailly for a first release.
still wet behind the ears...
we got some new members all up in here this month. revolution
has joined the aspire crew this month. he has released with
remorse, so you might have already seen some of his art. we
also have phluid joining us for this pack. im sure a lot of
you all know phluid. he used to be big into the demo / music
scene a while back. he also used to run some phatty boards:
why, and tremor. phluid and i are currently setting tremor back
up as a matter of fact. he has drawn ascii and ansi, but he has
mainly been drawing new school ascii for us, his new medium.
the last person joining us this month is fourtwenty, formely
know to us all as trend hippie. he has started drawing ascii
for the first time in over a year for aspire. id aso like to
thanks psion for coding us an app gen. we all appreciate it
very much.
see ya 1ater...
we had to let mad hatter go, even before he got to release any-
thing with us. he has started up his own group called r.w.p.
good luck with your group mad.
410 news...
frank, sysop of digital illusions has given up on the diginet.
the diginet is the largest local wwiv net around, and surely
the most well known. he said that since he has been neglecting
it lately, he has decided to give it to brad, sysop of 40hex.
but dont worry, digital illusions, the rock of the 410 isnt
going down.
psion, sysop of the severed head has started up code red, his new
net. take my word on it, its great. i even like it better than his
old net, the infidel. good luck with it psion
after aspires first release, father damien was asked by tung lo
to write an artical about aspire and the local 410 artists for
blend e-mag. cool, eh?
mad hatters new group r.w.p. has merged with another group
called infest. once again mad, good luck
a good majority of the 410, not including flewid, has decided
that penance is not an asshole.
leitch still whacks it twice a day, but whats new?
we out...
well, thats about it for this month. i hope that you all enjoy
the pack. just remember, aspire is always happy to get new members.
so if you are intrested in joining, if you need a request, or if
you just want some info about aspire, call our hq, deep. later.
- puff ansigirl
aspire distro sites...
name number sysop
the severed head ....... 410-544-7685 ......... psion
aspire member boards...
name number sysop
deep hq ....... 410-863-5863 ......... father damien
eldorado ....... 410-not-open ......... infect
gin ....... 410-not-open ......... revolution
otaku underground ....... 410-761-1460 ......... johnny 5
tremor ....... 410-not-open ......... puff flewid
aspire/2 news...
hey hey everyone! thanks for downloading aspire 02. well,
i got some news for yall, so listen up.
first off...
aspires first release got a lot of attention, locally, and
nationally. we were even reviewed in gutter e-mag. the review
wasnt too hot, but atleast we got some recognition for our work.
i just wanted to point out to whoever reviewed us that i am a
female! i dont care to be refered to as that guy . it is
great to know that the first pack was good enough to get national
attention, but everyone should remember that aspire is all for
fun, and a place for newbie artists to release their work. i
personally thought that our first pack was outstanding for a
local group, and especailly for a first release.
still wet behind the ears...
we got some new members all up in here this month. revolution
has joined the aspire crew this month. he has released with
remorse, so you might have already seen some of his art. we
also have phluid joining us for this pack. im sure a lot of
you all know phluid. he used to be big into the demo / music
scene a while back. he also used to run some phatty boards:
why, and tremor. phluid and i are currently setting tremor back
up as a matter of fact. he has drawn ascii and ansi, but he has
mainly been drawing new school ascii for us, his new medium.
the last person joining us this month is fourtwenty, formely
know to us all as trend hippie. he has started drawing ascii
for the first time in over a year for aspire. id aso like to
thanks psion for coding us an app gen. we all appreciate it
very much.
see ya 1ater...
we had to let mad hatter go, even before he got to release any-
thing with us. he has started up his own group called r.w.p.
good luck with your group mad.
410 news...
frank, sysop of digital illusions has given up on the diginet.
the diginet is the largest local wwiv net around, and surely
the most well known. he said that since he has been neglecting
it lately, he has decided to give it to brad, sysop of 40hex.
but dont worry, digital illusions, the rock of the 410 isnt
going down.
psion, sysop of the severed head has started up code red, his new
net. take my word on it, its great. i even like it better than his
old net, the infidel. good luck with it psion
after aspires first release, father damien was asked by tung lo
to write an artical about aspire and the local 410 artists for
blend e-mag. cool, eh?
mad hatters new group r.w.p. has merged with another group
called infest. once again mad, good luck
a good majority of the 410, not including flewid, has decided
that penance is not an asshole.
leitch still whacks it twice a day, but whats new?
we out...
well, thats about it for this month. i hope that you all enjoy
the pack. just remember, aspire is always happy to get new members.
so if you are intrested in joining, if you need a request, or if
you just want some info about aspire, call our hq, deep. later.
- puff ansigirl
aspire distro sites...
name number sysop
the severed head ....... 410-544-7685 ......... psion
aspire member boards...
name number sysop
deep hq ....... 410-863-5863 ......... father damien
eldorado ....... 410-not-open ......... infect
gin ....... 410-not-open ......... revolution
otaku underground ....... 410-761-1460 ......... johnny 5
tremor ....... 410-not-open ......... puff flewid
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