this image contains text
*** Yo ****
**** .0X0o **
**** .0dboo0b **
**** .db doo. .ood*
*** db0 odbo .odbo**
**** db d0b db *
*** d. d0b .db *
** d0 .o o. *
.0** o0 .db db. *
.00 *** o0 .db db.*
d0Y ** 0o0b qd*
Y tb **. 0V **
dft/asia**. **0.peace.wit.com /pub/ibmpc/ansi the ansi archive
o **. ** ........ ........ ..
do0o. *** ** / / / /
Yo0b *** *** / / / /
odo ******* / / / / . / . /
the peace.wit.com archive ascii for modal. hope you like it man. ill
make anyone ascii, just dont bug tha shit outta me for it. find me on
**** .0X0o **
**** .0dboo0b **
**** .db doo. .ood*
*** db0 odbo .odbo**
**** db d0b db *
*** d. d0b .db *
** d0 .o o. *
.0** o0 .db db. *
.00 *** o0 .db db.*
d0Y ** 0o0b qd*
Y tb **. 0V **
dft/asia**. **0.peace.wit.com /pub/ibmpc/ansi the ansi archive
o **. ** ........ ........ ..
do0o. *** ** / / / /
Yo0b *** *** / / / /
odo ******* / / / / . / . /
the peace.wit.com archive ascii for modal. hope you like it man. ill
make anyone ascii, just dont bug tha shit outta me for it. find me on
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