this image contains text
ARSiN Digital Art Productions
Pack Number Three - March 10, 1998
The Amazing NFO File
N.F.O. - Not a Flying Object
.NFO stand for Info. If you want pretty pictures and colors,
look at the other files. Oy.
by Dead Piranha
Hi. This is Maddog Hoek, now using the handle Dead Piranha. Why would I
want to use a new handle? Why ask why? Why dont you just mind your own
business, you *!*-- ahem. Nevermind. What matters here is the faaabulous
artwork we have zipped up for your viewing pleasure.
Until now, ARSiN has just been me. In ARSiN2 I featured some cool scanned
drawings from Funbaby, just because I liked them and he said I could. But this
time, I found a couple of guys who actually like doing art and dont think
theyre Jesus Christ at the same time.
Ive known PANTHRO CHUNG since I worked at the local newspaper in the art
department. No art really goes on there he just finds time to play with
Photoshop on his own once in a while. I tried to help him understand ANSI
with the PC!PCP.ANS file, but thats all he did in that department. The rest
of his stuff is VGA.
KING STING is the sysop of Blood Runs Cold, one of the last remaining local
BBSes. He has contributed a few cool ANSIs. He is one of a dying breed of
BBS enthusiasts, and has done a lot in the 209 to help keep things going. He
even calls my board sometimes, even though its long distance for him.
DEAD PIRANHA will now write in the third person so it doesnt look like hes
full of himself. I--uh, he runs a night board called PyroGenesis, and has
contributed several ANSI and VGA pieces to this pack. He hopes you like them.
Whats In Store For Your Beady Little Eyeballs
ANSI Who Did It What The Hell Is It
DP!BRC.ANS Dead Piranha Blood Runs Cold BBS Advertisement
DP!BRCMM.ANS Dead Piranha Main Menu for Blood Runs Cold
DP!CONXN.ANS Dead Piranha The Connection BBS Advertisement
DP!DP.ANS Dead Piranha An Exercise in Narcissism
DP!PG.ANS Dead Piranha Cheesy Yet Neato PyroGenesis Ad
DP!PGMIN.ANS Dead Piranha PyroGenesis BBS Advertisement
DP!PSATC.ANS Dead Piranha Pimentor Seal of Approval: The Connection BBS
DP!SC.ANS Dead Piranha Serpent Christ Ad for PyroGenesis
DP!WBR.ANS Dead Piranha Welcome Screen for Beyond Reality
KS!BRC.ANS King Sting Blood Runs Cold BBS Advertisement
KS!DARKP.ANS King Sting ANSI tutorial... with Less Talk!
KS!PG.ANS King Sting PyroGenesis BBS Advertisement
PC!PCP.ANS Panthro Chung PCs first ANSI
VGA Who Did It What The Hell Is It
DP!392G.JPG Dead Piranha Early Drawing of Three-Niner with 2 Guns
DP!DP01.JPG Dead Piranha Photoshop Filter-Fest with the DP Fish Logo
DP!GLTCH.JPG Dead Piranha Logo for GLiTCH Enterprises
DP!GRTD.JPG Dead Piranha GLiTCH Refuses to Die
DP!MGIMP.JPG Dead Piranha Offensive but Funny Mortal Kombat Parody
DP!NICEY.JPG Dead Piranha DNicey Acid Trip
DP!SC.JPG Dead Piranha Serpent Christ
PC!AGES.JPG Panthro Chung Wisdom of the Ages
PC!AOC.JPG Panthro Chung Art of Conversation
PC!BIZCA.JPG Panthro Chung Biz Card
PC!FRANK.JPG Panthro Chung Turnerization of the Classic Monster
PC!PC.JPG Panthro Chung Panthro Chung
PC!PCGEN.JPG Panthro Chung PC Generation
PC!REAPR.JPG Panthro Chung Logo for the Reaper comic book
How to Join
Look, if you dont suck terribly, you can have your artwork distributed in the
next pack. Send me e-mail at deadpiranha@usa.net or if youre local to 209,
call one of the boards advertised in the ANSIs and ask around.
Until Next Time
Well keep cranking out artwork if you keep looking at it. And dont expect
this to be clockwork monthly either -- were not getting paid, and since the
whole scene is withering away anyway, you should be happy we do this at all.
Dead Piranha
King Sting
Panthro Chung
Pack Number Three - March 10, 1998
The Amazing NFO File
N.F.O. - Not a Flying Object
.NFO stand for Info. If you want pretty pictures and colors,
look at the other files. Oy.
by Dead Piranha
Hi. This is Maddog Hoek, now using the handle Dead Piranha. Why would I
want to use a new handle? Why ask why? Why dont you just mind your own
business, you *!*-- ahem. Nevermind. What matters here is the faaabulous
artwork we have zipped up for your viewing pleasure.
Until now, ARSiN has just been me. In ARSiN2 I featured some cool scanned
drawings from Funbaby, just because I liked them and he said I could. But this
time, I found a couple of guys who actually like doing art and dont think
theyre Jesus Christ at the same time.
Ive known PANTHRO CHUNG since I worked at the local newspaper in the art
department. No art really goes on there he just finds time to play with
Photoshop on his own once in a while. I tried to help him understand ANSI
with the PC!PCP.ANS file, but thats all he did in that department. The rest
of his stuff is VGA.
KING STING is the sysop of Blood Runs Cold, one of the last remaining local
BBSes. He has contributed a few cool ANSIs. He is one of a dying breed of
BBS enthusiasts, and has done a lot in the 209 to help keep things going. He
even calls my board sometimes, even though its long distance for him.
DEAD PIRANHA will now write in the third person so it doesnt look like hes
full of himself. I--uh, he runs a night board called PyroGenesis, and has
contributed several ANSI and VGA pieces to this pack. He hopes you like them.
Whats In Store For Your Beady Little Eyeballs
ANSI Who Did It What The Hell Is It
DP!BRC.ANS Dead Piranha Blood Runs Cold BBS Advertisement
DP!BRCMM.ANS Dead Piranha Main Menu for Blood Runs Cold
DP!CONXN.ANS Dead Piranha The Connection BBS Advertisement
DP!DP.ANS Dead Piranha An Exercise in Narcissism
DP!PG.ANS Dead Piranha Cheesy Yet Neato PyroGenesis Ad
DP!PGMIN.ANS Dead Piranha PyroGenesis BBS Advertisement
DP!PSATC.ANS Dead Piranha Pimentor Seal of Approval: The Connection BBS
DP!SC.ANS Dead Piranha Serpent Christ Ad for PyroGenesis
DP!WBR.ANS Dead Piranha Welcome Screen for Beyond Reality
KS!BRC.ANS King Sting Blood Runs Cold BBS Advertisement
KS!DARKP.ANS King Sting ANSI tutorial... with Less Talk!
KS!PG.ANS King Sting PyroGenesis BBS Advertisement
PC!PCP.ANS Panthro Chung PCs first ANSI
VGA Who Did It What The Hell Is It
DP!392G.JPG Dead Piranha Early Drawing of Three-Niner with 2 Guns
DP!DP01.JPG Dead Piranha Photoshop Filter-Fest with the DP Fish Logo
DP!GLTCH.JPG Dead Piranha Logo for GLiTCH Enterprises
DP!GRTD.JPG Dead Piranha GLiTCH Refuses to Die
DP!MGIMP.JPG Dead Piranha Offensive but Funny Mortal Kombat Parody
DP!NICEY.JPG Dead Piranha DNicey Acid Trip
DP!SC.JPG Dead Piranha Serpent Christ
PC!AGES.JPG Panthro Chung Wisdom of the Ages
PC!AOC.JPG Panthro Chung Art of Conversation
PC!BIZCA.JPG Panthro Chung Biz Card
PC!FRANK.JPG Panthro Chung Turnerization of the Classic Monster
PC!PC.JPG Panthro Chung Panthro Chung
PC!PCGEN.JPG Panthro Chung PC Generation
PC!REAPR.JPG Panthro Chung Logo for the Reaper comic book
How to Join
Look, if you dont suck terribly, you can have your artwork distributed in the
next pack. Send me e-mail at deadpiranha@usa.net or if youre local to 209,
call one of the boards advertised in the ANSIs and ask around.
Until Next Time
Well keep cranking out artwork if you keep looking at it. And dont expect
this to be clockwork monthly either -- were not getting paid, and since the
whole scene is withering away anyway, you should be happy we do this at all.
Dead Piranha
King Sting
Panthro Chung
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