this image contains text
/ / / / / / / // /dlt
/ / / / alpha force 97 /
alpha force 97 proudly presents the december artcollection
info about the files
Nothing to say...just a zip full of ansi:s
its hard to figure out what text im going to write in this square, spec-
ially when nothing happends here .. ill just have to tell you some old
news...well, we changed our e-mail and kicked krystal klear and acid crash
both inactive..area 51 switched to pcboard from ra call and see for yo-
urself..the application generator will be out on our hq:s and distros ve-
ry soon..and a lastcaller for pcb is getting coded in xzip:s computer..now
is only one thing left to say before I get out of here...a merry christmas
and a happy new year!
alpha force membership
handle: proffesions:
Zippy leader, coder
Speedsta coder, cracker
Dalton ansi/ascii artist
cid urn ansi/ascii artist
boards affiliated to alpha force
name: power: sysop: status: Numbers: Hours:
Area 51 336OO Zippy World HQ +46o31 918O96 24h
Hell BBS 288OO cid urn Member Board +46o42 158337 22.oo-3.oo
V.o.D 288OO Inphamilair Distro Site +46o42 16O7OO 18.oo-3.oo
The Puppet M. 336OO Reversed Distro Site +46o18 302849 24h
alpha force on internet
Web page is incomming ...
Email: alphaarc97@hotmail.com
greetings goes to
Xzip, Rayar, Speedsta, Acid burn, Inphamilair, Reversed, Mauddib, all the
members of arc, rte, usw, acid, opx, plf, txa, khrome and all the others..
how to reach alpha force
just call area 51 and mail sysop or mail us on the internet. note: we are
allways interested in new members with talents like coding, painting,
composing, cracking and hacking. we are also interested in dist sites so
if you want your board to become a dist site for alpha force contact us.
copyright c alpha force 1997
/ / / / alpha force 97 /
alpha force 97 proudly presents the december artcollection
info about the files
Nothing to say...just a zip full of ansi:s
its hard to figure out what text im going to write in this square, spec-
ially when nothing happends here .. ill just have to tell you some old
news...well, we changed our e-mail and kicked krystal klear and acid crash
both inactive..area 51 switched to pcboard from ra call and see for yo-
urself..the application generator will be out on our hq:s and distros ve-
ry soon..and a lastcaller for pcb is getting coded in xzip:s computer..now
is only one thing left to say before I get out of here...a merry christmas
and a happy new year!
alpha force membership
handle: proffesions:
Zippy leader, coder
Speedsta coder, cracker
Dalton ansi/ascii artist
cid urn ansi/ascii artist
boards affiliated to alpha force
name: power: sysop: status: Numbers: Hours:
Area 51 336OO Zippy World HQ +46o31 918O96 24h
Hell BBS 288OO cid urn Member Board +46o42 158337 22.oo-3.oo
V.o.D 288OO Inphamilair Distro Site +46o42 16O7OO 18.oo-3.oo
The Puppet M. 336OO Reversed Distro Site +46o18 302849 24h
alpha force on internet
Web page is incomming ...
Email: alphaarc97@hotmail.com
greetings goes to
Xzip, Rayar, Speedsta, Acid burn, Inphamilair, Reversed, Mauddib, all the
members of arc, rte, usw, acid, opx, plf, txa, khrome and all the others..
how to reach alpha force
just call area 51 and mail sysop or mail us on the internet. note: we are
allways interested in new members with talents like coding, painting,
composing, cracking and hacking. we are also interested in dist sites so
if you want your board to become a dist site for alpha force contact us.
copyright c alpha force 1997
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